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Hello everybody ! Thanks to you (scor13 and Lafouyne) ! Last year we wrote only in English on this topic... I think it is the best way to learn English ;) I have to say that I didn't be a good English student on this topic and I will do my best to work more regularly the year 2007/2008 !! And to comment the texts !!! :D

I will start to be serious on september !! :lol: And thank you (of course) to teacher who comes to correct us !!

See you soon !!

I can come again this year if you need me ...but once again, may I insist on the REGULARITY of your work if you want to improve ...

Here's an article to start you off if you want :

It is a short article but gives you the opportunity to find out about - Edinburgh Festival

-The Royals

- The Falklands war etc...

You should choose all kinds of articles , but make sure you learn something from them about culture, ways of life , civilization... as well as current events.

The more you do , the better you'll become and the easier it will be on the exam day !

All the best to all of you ..

Hey, Pah what about finding OscarWilde's quote in English ? !

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  • teacher


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  • Oblivion


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Hi !

I would like to improve my english for the exam. Speaking english is difficult for me but I'm very motivated.

Don't hesitate to give me some advices !!

advice : conseils ( a piece of advice : un conseil)

Don't wait for anyone to start the work , YOU /ANYONE suggest an article and you work on it ...make a list of unknown words etc..

You could read over Oblivion's commentaries on the different articles . She always used good words and structures .

By the way , Zolana, I am not THE teacher ...I just come to help :P


As Teacher suggested, we can do one article a week. And we can start working this week on the article Teacher proposed to us.

Here is my summary.

This text is an article entitled “Military Tattoo to get under way”, extracted from the BBC website and published on the third of August, 2007. First at all, I will start with a brief summary of this article. Then, I will draw the points of interests of the subject.

This report deals with the 58th Edinburgh Military Tattoo which takes place in Edinburgh Castle’s Esplanade at the present time from the third to the 25th of August . This year, the event gives rise to the celebration of two anniversaries that are the Queen and His Royal Highness Prince Philip’s Diamond Wedding and 150 years of military music and also to the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the Falklands War. Hundreds of musicians, dancers and riders take part to the show; some of them belonging to foreigners groups.

It’s interesting to note first at all it was in January the tercentenary of the signing of the Act of Union 1707, which united the parliaments of England and Scotland, creating in this way the kingdom of Great Britain. Moreover in May the Scottish National Party beats Labour in scottish poll and its primary aim is to take Scotland forward to independence. Futhermore the Falklands War was the last of the colonial wars of England and the end of an era.

The journalist gives no commentary on this event. In my opinion it’s obvious that one of the british politics is to indicate in full view of everybody the Great Britain’s sovereignty. Actually it raises questions about the political reality of United Kingdom nowadays and an imperial age nevertheless past.

Thanks for correcting it.


it's ok for me

but which day do you want to work together?


could we start a new post called "english practice 2008"?

In this one, there are a lot of pages and at the end of year, it will be bigger

it's just a suggestion..

it's ok for me

but which day do you want to work together?

Well, one day can be chosen. Those who worked on the article can first leave their summaries, then discuss ideas, exchange remarks, ask any questions, talk about their difficulties (vocabulary for instance)...And one of us can suggest the next article.

teacher come after to correct what we have done.

Why don't we start on Tuesday night for the time being? It seems everybody's on holiday. We'll see later how to work when others come.

it's ok for me

but which day do you want to work together?

And i don't know if you have read this message from teacher yet :

"If you want this group to exist next year, you will have to make it work .

It's only with good will and regular work that this group has existed for 2 years now .

Look carefully how your predecessors organized it , then do it ;-)

I can come on occasionally to correct your work if you want .

but the most important is regular work ( !) :

- Find articles on the BBC site , and do one a week ( or a fortnight if one a week is too much ).

- make lists of vocabulary etc...

- compare summaries

- exchange ideas ..

All this has been done here by the English practice group ...and many have been successful !"


yes but I believed that some of us can speak together about the test in real time tchat or msn

ok for tuesday

  • 2 semaines plus tard...

Hi everybody!

I'd like to begin working texts in english, do you want to work with me?

I put a link at the end of my topic, I don't know if some of you have already worked on these texts just tell me.

We could prepare subject 1 for the end of August? What do you think about it?

Teacher: do you still come on this topic?

English subjects and more...

So this first text is named:Help your children learn the value of money

See you soon! (saturday 1st of september or next we? as you like!)

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