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I think i am intersting to work on english text, but I am not sure to be regular on this group, because I have to work in every subjects and I am on another group to work OP. Nevertheless I want to try to do it.

Perhaps sometimes we could chose an article which deals with current events by searching on BBC-site, or BBC learning-site or the guardian and so-on

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I want to work with you,if it('s possible for ameliorate my english.

How can we do?


I want to work with you,if it('s possible for ameliorate my english.

How can we do?

Hi myboo,

Of course you can come and work with us! I put in red your mistakes in your message and I don't think "ameliorate" does exist in english! ;)

Well, I was there last year, and we worked on texts (summary+feather ideas).Cococacao put on line an interesting link (thank you cococacao!! :wub: ). We can also correct the summaries that are put there if we find mistakes. Teacher is also there to help us in our work.

We'll work on the first text.



Hi girls!

myboo instead of "for ameliorate" you can say "to improve"

ANd you're welcome! felicity!

No pb for the 1st text in English we should give ourselves an appointment to talk about it. As soon as you like!

See you soon!


thank you girls to change my mistakes!!I would improve my english.It's the first time that i study the CRPE that why I don't know how I can do but I will learn

thank you girls to correct my mistakes!!I will improve my english.It's the first time that i study the CRPE that is why I don't know how I can do but I will learn

It's true that it's not easy to begin, I'll try for the 5th time so I begin to know the exam...

If you like I can help you. Tell me your options.

For English test you can: sum up the text, then give the author's point of view and yours. Or after the summary, you talk about how you would do in class.

The jury will ask you to read some lines at load voice so you should practice your English accent (watch VOST movies, listen to the BBC...) then they will ask you questions about the subject and you'll have to converse with them.

So why don't you begin with the subject I've given: "Help your children learn the value of money", I will study it soon and we could send our preparation through mail.

I've got a degree in English so I could correct your grammar?


I have take option like 1500m,LDJ,english,deutsch, Science in major.

I have taken these options like: 1500m,LDJ,english,deutsch, Science in major.

Allright, it's like me, German (thanks lafouyne!lol) excepted, I've chosen Italian.

I have taken these options like: 1500m,LDJ,english,deutsch, Science in major.

Allright, it's like me Dutch excepted, I've chosen Italian.

I think myboo45 meant 'German'.

myboo45, is that right or you actually took Dutch (spoken in the Netherlands)?

I think myboo45 meant 'German'.

myboo45, is that right or you actually took Dutch (spoken in the Netherlands)?

you are right it's German.thank you for your help

Here is my summary.

This text is an article entitled “Military Tattoo to get under way”, extracted from the BBC website and published on the third of August, 2007. First at all, I will start with a brief summary of this article. Then, I will draw the points of interests of the subject.

This report deals with the 58th Edinburgh Military Tattoo which takes place in Edinburgh Castle’s Esplanade at the present time from the third to the 25th of August . This year, the event gives rise to the celebration of two anniversaries that are the Queen and His Royal Highness Prince Philip’s Diamond Wedding and 150 years of military music and also to the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the Falklands War. Hundreds of musicians, dancers and riders take part to the show; some of them belonging to foreigners groups.

It’s interesting to note first at all it was in January the tercentenary of the signing of the Act of Union 1707, which united the parliaments of England and Scotland, creating in this way the kingdom of Great Britain. Moreover in May the Scottish National Party beats Labour in scottish poll and its primary aim is to take Scotland forward to independence. Futhermore the Falklands War was the last of the colonial wars of England and the end of an era.

The journalist gives no commentary on this event. In my opinion it’s obvious that one of the british politics is to indicate in full view of everybody the Great Britain’s sovereignty. Actually it raises questions about the political reality of THE United Kingdom nowadays and an imperial age nevertheless past.

Thanks for correcting it.

Sorry I took so long to answer but I was on holiday !!!

WELL DONE ! Hardly any errors...and it is written in an easy and fluent manner. Good !

Now remember that you have to "speak" your commentary ( as well as read the text ) , so practise your reading aloud ...

I also think your text may be a bit short to last the time imparted ;

-you may have put the Tattoo in the context of Edinburgh International Festival .

-You may have developped on the Faklands War ( very impopular war / one of Maggie Thatcher's last deeds as prime Minister)

-you may have insisted a bit more on the SNP's victory thus taking a revenge on the English ( be sure to know the difference between UK /GB/England /Scotland etc...) and they plan to have an Independent Scotland.

Only ideas...

Keep working , you're doing well ! :)

It's true that it's not easy to begin, I'll try for the 5th time so I begin to know the exam...

If you like I can help you. Tell me your options.

For English test you can: sum up the text, then give the author's point of view and yours. Or after the summary, you talk about how you would do in class.

The jury will ask you to read some lines at load voice so you should practice your English accent (watch VOST movies, listen to the BBC...) then they will ask you questions about the subject and you'll have to converse with them.

So why don't you begin with the subject I've given: "Help your children learn the value of money", I will study it soon and we could send our preparation through mail.

Hi !

Why do you want to e-mail your summary when you have this space to do it and share it ?

...and everybody can take part in correcting , adding information, the summaries presented. This will /should lead to more interaction and interesting discussions in English ( of course) as it did 2 years ago when the group was started by Bigotna.

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