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I am really sorry but I am late (I received my forprof exercices on wednesday and I try to send the copies back on time then I didn't take time to work on English) I will be back ASAP. (hopefully on thursday)

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Hi everybody,

I am sorry for being so late on that subjet.


The text, which is proposed, dated from March 2006, and was published in the Guardian.

The main subject is the competition between the airlines, and especially about a new argument of Easy jet: environnement.

Easy jet, a European company, just opens regular lines to Istanbul and Marrakech. The company new Chief Executive, Andy Harrison, argue that his company is a green conscious company, in comparison with Ryan Air, or British Airways. He explains that low costs aircraft, is more “green” than other companies who use old plane, not totally full of customers. His aim is to increase the profit by passenger of Easy Jet, thanks to this ecological argument, as well as to a taxation policy on fuel. His concurrent Ryan Air, states at an opposite point of view.

It is most strange to read airlines director speaking about ecology as we know that airplanes are really polluting, because of the fuel it uses. Is Ecology a real selling argument for the moment?

The fact is that green products are really appreciated from customers. People are sensibilised to planet evolution, thanks to all media. The evolution of the climax is each day on the news, and people begin to change their habits on their daily purchases. For example a green or an ecological logo on a washing powder becomes an argument. But will it be a real argument on the airlines? Does people really car when they purchase a plane ticket? I think that people first chose their airline company on the basis of their flying plane: when will they be able to fly, for which destination. But using this argument is perhaps a clue that people think different and that the ecological arguments begins to make their way in people minds.


I propose to you a new text for this week!


The United Nations has reported that great progress is being made in the fight against malaria in Africa. The UNICEF website says the area that is making the most dramatic improvement is sub-Saharan Africa. This is the region hardest hit by the disease. One of the biggest reasons for these gains against the killer infection is the increased use of special insect nets. This simple solution can reduce child deaths by as much as 20 percent. The report says the number of children using the insecticide-treated nets has tripled since 2000. UNICEF’s Executive Director Ann Veneman said: “Controlling malaria is vital to improving child health and economic development in affected countries…Studies show that malaria [unfairly] affects the poorest people in these countries, and…contributes to their [poorer living conditions].”

UNICEF prepared the report together with the Roll Back Malaria Partnership. This organisation is a collaboration of aid agencies launched in 1998 to help fight malaria. Its vision is that by 2015, malaria “is no longer a major cause of mortality and no longer a barrier to social and economic development”. The report also provides a healthy picture of the use of drugs in reducing the number of malaria cases. Since 2003, national health programmes have invested heavily in buying anti-malarial drugs called ACTs. UNICEF’s health chief Pater Salama is optimistic and says the future looks bright. He reports: “With the strong backing of some of the international donors and the price of ACTs starting to be reduced, I think governments are becoming more confident now that this will be a sustainable strategy for anti-malaria treatment.”

From breaking news English, you can find the text, and questions about it, as well as a lecture of it on that link:

Have a good week!

Hi everybody,

I am sorry for being so late on that subjet.


The text, which is proposed, dated from March 2006, and was published in the Guardian.

The main subject is the competition between the airlines, and especially about a new argument of Easy jet: environnement.

Easy jet, a European company, just opens regular lines to Istanbul and Marrakech. The company new Chief Executive, Andy Harrison, argues that his company is a green conscious company, in comparison with Ryan Air, or British Airways. He explains that low costs aircraft, is more “green” than other companies who use old plane, not totally full of customers. His aim is to increase the profit by passenger of Easy Jet, thanks to this ecological argument, as well as to a taxation policy on fuel. His concurrent Ryan Air, states at an opposite point of view.

It is most strange to read airlines director speaking about ecology as we know that airplanes are really polluting, because of the fuel it uses. Is Ecology a real selling argument for the moment?

The fact is that green products are really appreciated fromby customers. People are sensibilised tothe planet evolution, thanks to all media. The evolution of the climax is each day on the news, and people begin to change their habits on their daily purchases. For example a green or an ecological logo on a washing powder becomes an argument. But will it be a real argument on the airlines? Does people really care when they purchase a plane ticket? I think that people first choose their airline company on the basis of their flying plane: when will they be able to fly, for which destination. But using this argument is perhaps a clue that people think different and that the ecological arguments begins to make their way in people's minds.


I propose to you a new text for this week!


The United Nations has reported that great progress is being made in the fight against malaria in Africa. The UNICEF website says the area that is making the most dramatic improvement is sub-Saharan Africa. This is the region hardest hit by the disease. One of the biggest reasons for these gains against the killer infection is the increased use of special insect nets. This simple solution can reduce child deaths by as much as 20 percent. The report says the number of children using the insecticide-treated nets has tripled since 2000. UNICEF’s Executive Director Ann Veneman said: “Controlling malaria is vital to improving child health and economic development in affected countries…Studies show that malaria [unfairly] affects the poorest people in these countries, and…contributes to their [poorer living conditions].”

UNICEF prepared the report together with the Roll Back Malaria Partnership. This organisation is a collaboration of aid agencies launched in 1998 to help fight malaria. Its vision is that by 2015, malaria “is no longer a major cause of mortality and no longer a barrier to social and economic development”. The report also provides a healthy picture of the use of drugs in reducing the number of malaria cases. Since 2003, national health programmes have invested heavily in buying anti-malarial drugs called ACTs. UNICEF’s health chief Pater Salama is optimistic and says the future looks bright. He reports: “With the strong backing of some of the international donors and the price of ACTs starting to be reduced, I think governments are becoming more confident now that this will be a sustainable strategy for anti-malaria treatment.”

From breaking news English, you can find the text, and questions about it, as well as a lecture of it on that link:

Have a good week!

Hi everybody,



The text, which is proposed, dated from March 2006, and was published in the Guardian.

The main subject is the competition between the airlines, and especially about a new argument of Easy jet: environnement.

Easy jet, a European company, just opens regular lines to Istanbul and Marrakech. The company new Chief Executive, Andy Harrison, argues that his company is a green conscious company, in comparison with Ryan Air, or British Airways. He explains that low costs aircraft, is more “green” than other companies who use old plane, not totally full of customers. His aim is to increase the profit by passenger of Easy Jet, thanks to this ecological argument, as well as to a taxation policy on fuel. His concurrent Ryan Air, states at an opposite point of view.

It is most strange to read airlines director speaking about ecology as we know that airplanes are really polluting, because of the fuel it uses. Is Ecology a real selling argument for the moment?

The fact is that green products are really appreciated fromby customers. People are sensibilised tothe planet evolution, thanks to all media. The evolution of the climax is each day on the news, and people begin to change their habits on their daily purchases. For example a green or an ecological logo on a washing powder becomes an argument. But will it be a real argument on the airlines? Does people really care when they purchase a plane ticket? I think that people first choose their airline company on the basis of their flying plane: when will they be able to fly, for which destination. But using this argument is perhaps a clue that people think different and that the ecological arguments begins to make their way in people's minds.


Have a good week!

environment-friendly is an adjective you could use instead of green

What about finding an article about the Nobel prices : Al Gore (USA), or Doris Lessing ( UK) ...? or at least find some information about them just in case ...

And of course the Rugby World Cup !


You are right, these are interessant subjects. I will find articles on that subjet for the next text! Thanks for your help and correction (both of you regarding the correction)

  • 2 semaines plus tard...

Hello everybody (or do I remain alone on that group??) :cry:

This is my summary for the latest proposed text:

Malaria is still a real danger in Africa, for the whole population, but more precisely for the poorest population. The United states reports today that progresses have been made, specially in Sub-Saharian Africa, where the disease is the mosts important: It is not only thanks to medications, or better medical treatment, but thanks to insecticides, which are most used today, and which help to kill the infectious insects.

Unicef also reports that a strategy concerning anti malaria treatment is more efficient, so that the vision of the futur is brighter than ever : in 2015, malaria will probably no longer be a major cause of mortality.

Whatever all these positiv news, we can notice that malaria as well as aids affects more the poorest population. Malaria kills peaople, and children everyday.

Helping these people is often uneasy because of the distance, the loneliness and the poverty of many villages in Africa. Moreover the drug industry are not interessed in developing cheap product, or product that can be easily injected or giving to the patients.


I am sorry I am not really inspirated. Moreover my whole family is ill at home then I don't have a lot of time to spend on that subject. I hope you will be more inspirated. i would like also to offer to whenever wants to join the group, the more we are, the richest the text and discussions will be..

I propose this new text for next week:



Nobel peace prize citation

Following is the full text of the Norwegian Nobel committee's citation in awarding the 2007 peace prize to former US vice-president Al Gore and the UN climate panel

Guardian Unlimited Friday October 12 2007

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2007 is to be shared, in two equal parts, between the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Albert Arnold (Al) Gore Jr. for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change.

Indications of changes in the earth's future climate must be treated with the utmost seriousness, and with the precautionary principle uppermost in our minds. Extensive climate changes may alter and threaten the living conditions of much of mankind.

They may induce large-scale migration and lead to greater competition for the earth's resources. Such changes will place particularly heavy burdens on the world's most vulnerable countries. There may be increased danger of violent conflicts and wars, within and between states.

Through the scientific reports it has issued over the past two decades, the IPCC has created an ever-broader informed consensus about the connection between human activities and global warming.

Thousands of scientists and officials from over 100 countries have collaborated to achieve greater certainty as to the scale of the warming.

Whereas in the 1980s global warming seemed to be merely an interesting hypothesis, the 1990s produced firmer evidence in its support. In the last few years, the connections have become even clearer and the consequences still more apparent.

Al Gore has for a long time been one of the world's leading environmentalist politicians. He became aware at an early stage of the climatic challenges the world is facing.

His strong commitment, reflected in political activity, lectures, films and books, has strengthened the struggle against climate change. He is probably the single individual who has done most to create greater worldwide understanding of the measures that need to be adopted.

By awarding the Nobel Peace Prize for 2007 to the IPCC and Al Gore, the Norwegian Nobel Committee is seeking to contribute to a sharper focus on the processes and decisions that appear to be necessary to protect the world's future climate, and thereby to reduce the threat to the security of mankind.

Action is necessary now, before climate change moves beyond man's control.



Have a godd week!!!


Hello everyboby!!! Can I rejoin your group??? :)

I propose my summary here, sorry it very short and not vrey famous. But speaking english is so difficult for me. I would like progress but I start softly!!!

Summary :

The text which proposed to me was written by the Norvegian Nobel Committee.

It was published on the Guardian and was written the 12th of October 2007.

On this text, the Norvegian Nobel Committee reports that they have awarded the Nobel Peace Price for 2007 to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the former UC vice president named Al Gore.

These persons were rewarded for their work on climate change caused by humans.

Because of the negative consequences of climate change on the health of our planet, the Norvegian Nobel Committee which has a real green conscious wanted to contribute to preserve the environment.

On one hand, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has worked on relationships between global warming and human activities.

On other hand, Al Gore has made a great political activity to make aware all the people about the danger of change climate.

This recent text raises an important issue which concerned all the people. As a future primary school teacher, I think that one of the missions of school is to form environmentally-aware citizens.

If you have some suggestions, I hear you!!! :D

You are right, these are interessant subjects. I will find articles on that subjet for the next text! Thanks for your help and correction (both of you regarding the correction)

Hi, all of you !

When you write your summaries , try to expand the topic a little more .

You stick to the text - that's fine- and you usually give a good summary .

But you won't last the imparted time if you don't branch out ( make a parallel with France / Speak about one detail mentioned in the article / give your opinion...)

Remember also to practise your reading.


Hello everybody (or do I remain alone on that group??) :cry:

This is my summary for the latest proposed text:

Malaria is still a real danger in Africa, for the whole population, but more precisely for the poorest population. The United states reports today that progresses have been made, specially in Sub-Saharian Africa, where the disease is the mosts important: It is not only thanks to medications, or better medical treatment, but thanks to insecticides, which are most used today, and which help to kill the infectious insects.

Unicef also reports that a strategy concerning anti malaria treatment is more efficient, so that the vision of the futur is brighter than ever : in 2015, malaria will probably no longer be a major cause of mortality.

Whatever all these positiv news, we can notice that malaria as well as aids affects more the poorest population. Malaria kills peaople, and children everyday.

Helping these people is often uneasy because of the distance, the loneliness and the poverty of many villages in Africa. Moreover the drug industry are not interessed in developing cheap product, or product that can be easily injected or giving to the patients.


I am sorry I am not really inspirated. Moreover my whole family is ill at home then I don't have a lot of time to spend on that subject. I hope you will be more inspirated. i would like also to offer to whenever wants to join the group, the more we are, the richest the text and discussions will be..

OK but too short !

Cheer up ! and keep up the good work !

Hello everyboby!!! Can I rejoin your group??? :)

I propose my summary here, sorry it very short and not vrey famous. But speaking english is so difficult for me. I would like progress but I start softly!!!

Summary :

The text which proposed to me was written by the Norvegian Nobel Committee.

It was published on the Guardian and was written the 12th of October 2007.

On this text, the Norvegian Nobel Committee reports that they have awarded the Nobel Peace Price for 2007 to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the former UC vice president named Al Gore.

These persons were rewarded for their work on climate change caused by humans.

Because of the negative consequences of climate change on the health of our planet, the Norvegian Nobel Committee which has a real green conscious wanted to contribute to preserve the environment.

On one hand, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has worked on relationships between global warming and human activities.

On other hand, Al Gore has made a great political activity to make aware all the people about the danger of change climate.

This recent text raises an important issue which concerned all the people. As a future primary school teacher, I think that one of the missions of school is to form environmentally-aware citizens. Ok,but how are you going to do it ?

If you have some suggestions, I hear you!!! :D

text/ text / text / text ...

what type of text is it ?

Hello everyboby!!! Can I rejoin your group??? :)

I propose my summary here, sorry it very short and not vrey famous. But speaking english is so difficult for me. I would like progress but I start softly!!!

Summary :

The text which proposed to me was written by the Norvegian Nobel Committee.

It was published on the Guardian and was written the 12th of October 2007.

On this text, the Norvegian Nobel Committee reports that they have awarded the Nobel Peace Price for 2007 to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the former UC vice president named Al Gore.

These persons were rewarded for their work on climate change caused by humans.

Because of the negative consequences of climate change on the health of our planet, the Norvegian Nobel Committee which has a real green conscious wanted to contribute to preserve the environment.

On one hand, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has worked on relationships between global warming and human activities.

On other hand, Al Gore has made a great political activity to make aware all the people about the danger of change climate.

This recent text raises an important issue which concerned all the people. As a future primary school teacher, I think that one of the missions of school is to form environmentally-aware citizens. Ok,but how are you going to do it ?

If you have some suggestions, I hear you!!! :D

text/ text / text / text ...

what type of text is it ?

Thank you for your reading.

This text is an article extracted from a commission????

This text is an article

So rather than mentioning the word " text" too often , be more precise in the vocabulary that you use .

And always identify your document ! :)

...and do your corrections ! <_<

All the best ...

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