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Hi everybody,

I'm back too! Sorry, but I had personnal problems and stopped all my work for the exam! Now, I "feel" better and will work regularly again!

I'll continue with the texts HERE. I think I'll do the 5th text.



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I read your precedent message and I am interested in working with you. I find your idea very motivating and I feel oneself less alone. My english is medium but I want to progress. If I understand, we work now on the text n°5 and you propose a summary. I agree but have you given a limit date ? I have another question : Have you a summary model with the indispensable informations ? If I do mistakes, don't hesitate to correct me . Thank you for your help and good day.


hello. I would like to work with you. Could you tell me what is the next text. My english is bad but i want to progress. I need and I want to work my practice.



I suggest a summary of the 5th text. I find this text hard because we have complex sentences. Sorry if I misinterprete on certain paragraph Thank you for your help.

:wink: The summary :

It’s a real story about a little child who suffer behavioural. His name is Ben. The name’s mother is Harriet Lovatt. This text explains the struggle of a mother for recognizing the problem of her son among authorities and school.

In a side, we have the position of Ben’s mother. She has a lot of difficulties to educate Ben. According to her, Ben could not learn anything in spite of her efforts. She is very worried and in the same time, she was very surprised about the attitude of Authorities and School.

In fact, the Authorities don’t consider the Ben’s problem. According to them, Ben knows a lots of things and he has a good part-social being.

In the other side, we have teachers who want to help Ben but they don’t know how doing. We note that Ben’s teacher is encouraging because he explains that Ben tries doing a lot of efforts. He has a positive looking toward Ben. But it’s not sufficient. Nevertheless, the headmistress want to meet the Ben’s mother for questioning her. Harriet recognizes that Ben is hyperactive. According to her, it is not a real handicap because he has an extraordinary energy but it’s necessary to adapt his life. At the end of the text, we note the importance of the communication between parents and personal of education because the headmistress thanks Mrs Lovatt. She considers this exchange like a real help for well understanding Ben.


Hello i haven't read this text but i notice some mistakes in your summary. Some sentence constructions are wrong but i am not able to correct it, because i am not veyr sure.


I suggest a summary of the 5th text. I find this text hard because we have complex sentences. Sorry if I misinterprete on certain paragraph Thank you for your help.

:wink: The summary :

It’s a realtrue (i am not sure) story about a little child who suffers behavioural. His name is Ben. The name’s mother is Harriet Lovatt. This text explains the struggle of a mother for recognizing to reognize (exprime le but) the problem of her son among authorities and school.

In a sideOn one side, we have the position of Ben’s mother. She has a lot of difficulties to educate Ben. According to her, Ben could not learn anything in spite of her his efforts. She is very worried and in the same time, she was is very surprised about the attitude of Authorities and School.

In fact, the Authorities don’t consider the Ben’s problem. According to them, Ben knows a lots of manythings and he has a good part-social being.

In On the other side, we have teachers who want to help Ben but they don’t know how doingto do. We notenotice that Ben’s teacher is encouraging because he explains that Ben tries doing a lot of efforts. He has a positive looking toward Ben. But it’s not sufficient. Nevertheless, the headmistress wants to meet the Ben’s mother for questioning to questionher. Harriet recognizes that Ben is hyperactive. According to her, it is not a real handicap because he has an extraordinary energy but it’s necessary to adapt his life. At the end of the text, we notesee (?) the importance of the communication between parents and personal of education because the headmistress thanks Mrs Lovatt. She considers this exchange like a real help for well understanding Ben.


Thank you Orion144 even if you are not sure, it's a serious help. I have a question : have you a method to write rapidly a summary because I am still two low. My problem is that I stop when I don't understand a sentence or a word.

Thank you Orion144 even if you are not sure, it's a serious help. I have a question : have you a method to write rapidly a summary because I am still two low. My problem is that I stop when I don't understand a sentence or a word.

No i have no method but more you practice and faster you will be. I made lot of progress of understanding when i began to read regularly (everything : press articles (the times, guardian and BBC are free), books...) To begin i used the dictionnary to understand key words in the press articles now, I understand most unknown words without dictionnary, just by understanding the context.

Moreover, at the moment there is a programm on BBC leraning english which gives advice to be more fluent in english . On the programm 2, it is explained that it isn't necessary to know many words but to use those we know to express an idea with these words thouhgh it could have an english word (or expression) for that.


Thank you Orion144. Today, I am watching the programme on BBC learning english.

Hello i haven't read this text but i notice some mistakes in your summary. Some sentence constructions are wrong but i am not able to correct it, because i am not veyr sure.

I suggest a summary of the 5th text. I find this text hard because we have complex sentences. Sorry if I misinterprete on certain paragraph Thank you for your help.

:wink: The summary :

It’s a realtrue (i am not sure) story about a little child who suffers behavioural. His name is Ben. The name’s mother is Harriet Lovatt. This text explains the struggle of a mother for recognizing to reognize (exprime le but) the problem of her son among authorities and school. the struggle of a mother to have her son's problem recognized by the authorities

In a sideOn one side,on the one hand we have the position of Ben’s mother. She has a lot of difficulties to educate Ben. According to her, Ben could not learn anything in spite of her his efforts. She is very worried and in the same time,at the same time she was is very surprised about atthe attitude of Authorities and School.

In fact, the Authorities don’t consider the Ben’s problem. According to them, Ben knows a lots of manythings and he has a good social being.( behaviour )

In On the other side,on the other hand we have teachers who want to help Ben but they don’t know how doingto do. We notenotice that Ben’s teacher is encouraging because he explains that Ben tries doing a lot of efforts Ben makes a lot of efforts. He has a positive looking attitudetoward Ben. But it’s not sufficient. Nevertheless, the headmistress wants to meet the Ben’s mother for questioning to questionher. Harriet recognizes that Ben is hyperactive. According to her, it is not a real handicap because he has an extraordinary energy but it’s necessary to adapt his life. At the end of the text, we notesee (?) the importance of the communication between parents and personal of education because the headmistress thanks Mrs Lovatt. She considers this exchange like a real help for well understanding understand Ben

I added some corrections -in blue-!

Glad to see some of you are back and ready to make some efforts !



I worked on another text. It is entitled : "Well diserved compliments boost morale". i found it ont he site and it is the number 20 for those who want to work on it.

Here is my presentation :

The article I am going to sum up was published on october 2005 by Richard Carlson. This text is divided in two parts. The first one questions how can people feel better about themselves ? And the second one deals with the welcome of people.

In the firs part, the author explains that he studied human relations in a company. He noticed that all the employees felt underappreciated. This feeling is not good for the company whereas when an employee is happy then the company is happy because the employee works hard for the company.

In conclusion it is important to do compliments so as to employees feel better.

In the second part of the article, the author deals with a way to better welcome visitors. Indeed he gives an example about a friend of him who bought an apartment building with a beautiful room with toys for kids. The authors adds that to welcome children there was a huge sign on the wall with the sentence « if you break the toys you pay for them » whereas a more polite sentence should be used and would be less agressive. That's why the sign was changed.

This text points out that a non-agressive attitude has better effects on people. Indeed when people feel underappreciated they are not really enjoy to do a good work, they prefer making a hash of their work. On the contrary, a genuine compliment gives a good result because people want to work hard.

We can transpose this text to the teaching. Indeed if the teacher finds good words for his pupils then pupils would work hard to find a solution to a problem or to make progress whereas others words can tackle the will to make progress.

Moreover this text shows the importance of knowing which comportement is good and which is not and the importance of unerstanding how what we can do and say influences people morale. That is what is teaching for a part in the skill « instruction civique ».

teacher (or someone else ?) if you have the kindness to correct my work, I will be happy. I tried to use some expressions I found on BBC learning english and I am not sure that it suits well.

  • 2 semaines plus tard...

A text on the environment:

Text link :

This text was published on the 15th january of 2007 on a web site by Matt Marshall. It points out problems induced by the atlernative gasoline. Indeed, the United States make lots of ethanol out to corn. In consequence, less lands are available to grow corn. That's why prices of corn are high so in Mexico the poors have difficulties to buy tortillas which are made of corn.

Another idea of the text is that the ethanol produced out to corn is less ecological than cellulosic ethanol which is made with some waste or some parts of plants. But corn ethanol is cheap that's why there is few research in others atlernative gasoline. Perhaps the nearest election will change this point.

This text focus on the USA but in Europe the problem is similar because the prices of the primary materials increase. Few months later, the price of bread was increased by 5 cents because of the high price of the wheat. Moreover the problem of the increasing of prices in the hypermarkets find their origins in the rise of wheat and milk and so on..

Beyond the rise of prices, I wonder what is the use to make an ecological gasoline made of cereals which need oil to be recolted, whereas more ecological solution could be find ? Why wind energy, solar energy aren't used ? Certainly because these energy sources need more researchs to be efficient whereas ethanol can be produced immediatly and can replace oil without expensive modifications.

  • 2 semaines plus tard...


I've got a question to ask you. I give English course to 2 sisters and I've proposed them to translate the story of "Le gentil facteur ou lettres à des gens célèbres" in English it's "the Jolly packet postman" something like that from Janet and Allan Ahlberg. So the text is quite simple but I don't know how to translate "tralala tralalère"

Do you know it?

thanks to answer me

See you soon!

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