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ben euh oui ! moi ! texte long? questions difficiles ou pas ? Parce que je comprends plutôt bien mais je cherche mes mots pour répondre.....t'as tenu 5 minutes pour l'exposé ?


le texte faisait une quarantaine de lignes(mais très courtes,surtout qu il y avait beaucoup de dialogues).Pas trop dur àa comprendre(enfin....).J ai pas reussi a tenir 5 min,c est trop long!Du coup elles m ont demandé de lire un passage;l ambiance était bonne ,pas de questions pièges,elles me disaient que les erreurs de temps n étaient pas grave,etc;plutot satisfait


merci beaucoup je vais continuer à lire un peu d'anglais !!!! c'était sur quoi ton sujet ?



moi aussi j'aimerai connaitre le theme de ton texte, le genre de question, ton jury: est ce qu'ils étaient sympas? C'etait quelle commission?



c etait un extrait d un livre(note work je crois....)sur les femmes au foyer,les etudes pour avoir un travail,je vais regarder si je le trouve et je te le met


commission 1


je passe mercredi aprèm avec la com3


mon texte(tant pis pou ceux qui trouvent que c est pas juste)

I'd no idea your children were so grown-up she said, as soon as they were clear of the house.

We've been married twenty three years.We started a family straight away. Marjorie was only too

glad to give up work.

What work was that ?

Typing pool .

Ah .

Marje is no intellectual, said Vic, as you probably noticed. She left school without any


Does that bother her ?

No. It bothers me sometimes .

Why don't you encourage her to do a course of some kind, then ?

What O-levels ? Marjorie ? At her time of life ? His laughter rang out in the cold air, harsher than

he had intended.

It doesn't have to be O-level . There are extra-mural courses she could do, or WEA. And the Open

University has courses you can follow without doing the examinations .

Marjorie wouldn't be up to it , said Vic.

Only because you've made her think she isn't, said Robyn.

Rubbish ! Marjorie's perfectly content. She has a nice house, with an en suite bathroom and four

lavatories, and enough money to go shopping whenever she feels like it .

I think that's an unbelievably patronizing thing to say about your own wife , said Robyn Penrose.

They walked on in silence for a while, as Vic considered how to respond to this rebuke. He decided

to let it pass.

He led Robyn by an aimless route through the quieter residential streets. It was a cold, misty

afternoon, with a low red sun glowing through the branches of the leafless trees. They met few other

people : a lone jogger, a couple with a dog, some disconsolate-looking African students waiting at a

bus stop. At every intersection, marking the nocturnal passage of marauding vandals, uprooted trafic

bollards lay on their sides, with all their wiring exposed.

It's my kids who should be worrying about getting qualifications, said Vic. Raymond dropped out

of University last year. Failed his first-year exams and the resists.

What was he doing ?

Electrical Engineering. He's clever enough, but never did any work. And Sandra says she doesn't

want to go to University. Wants to be a hairdresser, or 'hairstylist' as they call it.

Of course, hair is very important in youth culture today, Robyn mused; it's a form of self-

expression. It's almost a new form of art.

It's not a serious job, though, is it ? You wouldn't do it for a living .

There are lots of things I wouldn't do. I wouldn't work in a factory . I wouldn't work in a bank.

I wouldn't be a housewife. When I think of most people's lives, especially women's lives, I don't

Know how they bear it.

Someone has to do those jobs. said Vic

That's what's so depressing.

But Sandra could do something better. I wish you'd talk to her, about going to university.

Nice work, David LODGE


et ton option?


litt de jeunesse passe le 5

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