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I'm sorry but you can't say "I am agree " but you've got to say "I agree" (negative form is "I don't agree")

I'm not a teacher yet but I really want to (not an English teacher, even if I'm learning english :cry: ) but can you tell me what test I need to pass if I want to teach english at primary school?

thank you and I hope C U later... :P

I think you should contact the British Council. They have different options and exams, and I think they have special degrees for teaching English as a Foreign Language.

You should also ask in the first section of the forum "Domaines de l'enseignement".

I don't really know how it works. It seems to be pretty different from a school to another : sometimes English courses are given by a "intervenant", and sometimes by the primary teacher himself (if he or she has a "habilitation").

Well good luck...

By the way, guys, sorry, I've been pretty busy lately... I'll try to prepare the text and share some ideas with you soon... But I don't worry too much, I can see that most of you disappeared as well !!!

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I give you some words to link your commentary :

at first : d'abord

above all : surtout

on the contrary : au contraire

for example : par example

for instance : par ex

up to a point : jusqu'à un certain point

in other words : en d'autres termes

as compared with : en comparaison avec

on the whole : dans l'ensemble

in spite of ou despite : en dépit de

to conclude : pour conclure

as a conclusion, i'd say : en conclusion, je dirais

to put it in a nutshell : pour conclure

formerly : autrefois

nowadays : de nos jours

usually : habituellement

unexpectedly : de façon inattendue

as a matter of fact :en fait

in fact : en fait

indeed : en effet


above all :surtout

besides, moreover : de plus

however, nevertheless : cependant

but : mais

so : donc

whereas : alors que

but : sauf

because of, thanks to : à cause de , grâce à...

This text is about..., it deals with...ce texte traite de...

I think my far as I am concerned...à mon avis...

If you hesitate, please avoid "euuuuuuuh", ou "biiin" and try to hesitate in English : "well...err......"

To answer if we want to use since, ago or for:

ago : il y a +prétérit He came here 3 days ago.

for : pendant+prétérit Yesterday, I worked for 1 hour.

for : depuis +parfait progressif It has been snowing for 2 days. He has been in bed for several days.

since : depuis + parfait progressif We have been living here since March. He has been living here since he came.(action terminée)He has been living here since he has been a doctor (action non terminée)

I hope you will understand...see you later!


Navyblue, thanks a lot for all those informations.

Please find here, as attached document, all the linguistic remarks made on this discussion.



Very good idea!! Thank you Xtelle04

Navyblue, thanks a lot for all those informations.

Please find here, as attached document, all the linguistic remarks made on this discussion.

Thanks a lot for this document

Have agood day!


Something for prononciation : :D:wub:

On dit que la langue française est compliquée, que dire de l'anglais ?

"Trois sorcières regardent trois montres Swatch. Quelle sorcière regarde quelle montre Swatch ?"

En anglais :

"Three witches watch three Swatch watches. Which witch watch which Swatch watch ?"

Maintenant pour les spécialistes :

"Trois sorcières suédoises et transsexuelles regardent les boutons de trois montres Swatch suisses. Quelle sorcière suédoise transsexuelle regarde quel bouton de quelle montre Swatch suisse ?"

En anglais :

"Three Swedish switched witches watch three Swiss Swatch watch switches. Which Swedish switched witch watch which Swiss Swatch watch Switch ?"

Posté(e) (modifié)

Hello !

Did you know that English people call this tongue twisters ? :)

I will also create a topic in EDPWiki :;showarticle=99

You can post your favorite tongue twisters there. I'll try to find some too and post them there. :)


To pronounce => pronunciation

Modifié par André Jorge

Oups ! I knew that! To pronounce => pronunciation

Thoses sentences can't be sudy in class! but this one can :

she sells sea-shells on the sea sand. (A coller dans le sujet, s'il n'y a pas de faute :D ).

il y en a une avec PICKER,PIPER... mais je ne m'en souviens pas. Quelqu'un ?


I've edited my article in EDPWiki and added a few tongue twisters. Now I'm going to add links.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers ;

A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked ;

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,

Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked ?


Oups => Oops

Thoses sentences can't be sudy => studied


J'ai trouvé ça :

Peut-on faire un copier-coller en collant la source ?

J'ai tout mis dans un format world. Par contre, je n'ai pas fait le tri!

Cher André Jorge, je vous laisse finir le travail.



et celui là


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