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Je veux bien me joindre à vous.

Il serait intéressant de travailler sur les articles les plus récents de The Independent.Pour les trouver il faut aller sur le site internet du journal. Cela permet de s'entraîner tout en étant au point sur ce qu'il se passe en Angleterre.

à bientôt

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Je veux bien me joindre à vous.

Il serait intéressant de travailler sur les articles les plus récents de The Independent.Pour les trouver il faut aller sur le site internet du journal. Cela permet de s'entraîner tout en étant au point sur ce qu'il se passe en Angleterre.

à bientôt

je pars en vacances ce soir, donc je ne vais pas etre tres assidue pour les 2 semaines a venir.

Mais je trouve l'idee tres bonne.

Reprise le 08.01, de meme pour l'anglais.

On se met d'accord pour l'article a ce moment la?


j'aimerai aussi bosser l'anglais avec vous à partir du 8 janvier !!

IL existe déja un tel groupe dans "groupe de travail!" Il ne faut pas hésiter à nous rejoindre d'autant qu'on est 2 seulement à être plus ou moisn acitves en ce moment (moi j'ai pas trop le temps j'essaie de participer comme je peux!)

je suis partante et je propose de me lancer! J'ai pris le sujet 1 de l'académie de lyon donné par Patchouly...( voir deutsch 2008) il y a des sujets pour toutes les épreuves..merci Patchooly!

The article that has been adapted from Hap Lecrone and writes for the Waco Tribune-Herald is telling us about children and money. It has been published in 2005 and more exactly the 17 october. The journalist wants to draw the attention on parents who teach the value of money to their children.

At the beginning of the texte, he implies that as value as honesty, kindness oder respect, the value of money is beneficial for the future adults. In addition, he underlines that this apprenticeship must take place in families and that it's very long. In the third paragraph, he gives solutions to teach value of money. For example he suggest to include children in the family budget. Moreover, he saids parents can give money to their children in order to make themselves responsible. He evokes problem of young adults which are not be able to manage their money when they start a job.

That's why in the journalist's opinion, it's important to educate children about it. They must learn value of money as soon as possible because, on the one hand they must be able to manage a budget, on the other hand because according to the article there is a relation between money, realisation and successlife.

good morning! Comme je suis motivée...voilà le second texte (toujours dispo sur le site de Patchouly....)

The title is: EasyJet makes green claims as it heads to Africa and Turkey

This extract is an article adapted from the Guardian, written the second march in two thousand and six. The journalist, Andrew Clark, who is transport correspondant deals with the problem of aircrafts and environmentaly.

According to Andy Harrison, the new boss of Easy Jet, his company is more respectul of environment than others societies. EasyJet is a new airline which open her routes outside Europe.

Indeed, he compares EasyJet with British Airway and Ryanair. He denounces them because, on the one hand they have old haircrafs, on the other hand he underlines that companies as Ryanair don't take care of their passengers.

That's why they pollute atmosphere with aircrafts which have about 15 years old.

So in contrast with Mr Harrisson, who underlines that he would like hand down a planet in good health to his kids, Mickael O'Leavy, the boss of Ryanair said that he had no stress for environment moans.

Furthemore, the journalist explains that they have make a big profit because they take care of their customers in opposite to Ryanair.

Allow me to recap briefly... this extract is a comparison between EasyJet, Ryanair and British Airway about

environment. The journalist weights the pros and cons between tese airlines.

He casts a light on the problem of old companies. So I'm ask me if in 15 years, Easy Jet will renovate her aircrafts....


rectification: pour l'avant dernière ligne, je voulais écrire "these aircrafts" :D


je trouve genial ces groupes de travail et j'espere vraiment qu'il y en aura encore pour l'an prochain.

Sans etre trop pedante ni passer pour une "je me la pete", est ce ok si je corrige les quelques fautes que j'ai pu voir sur les resumes?

Je n'ai pas la pretention de dire que je "sais mieux que les autres "mais je me dis que si tout le monde contribue, ca peut etre plus productif.

Ne pas hesiter a m'envoyer bouler si c'est non,


Bien au contraire, je compte sur chacun d'entre vous pour me corriger :D merci d'avance et bon courage por la suite car...........voici un nouveau texte. C'est le texte 3 de l'académie de Lyon mis en ligne par Patchooly...

Les as tu trouvés?

There is not title!

We are dealing with an excerpt from a novel, Angela's Ashes which dates back to 1996. The passage is a detailed account of discution between menbers of family after a baptism.

The author raises the issue of alcoholism.

At the beginning of the extract Philomene (which is perhaps Angela's sister ) suggest to Malachy to come in their house in order to drunk and eat. But Malachy who is a church man answers he must discuss with Angela's husband : John Mc Erlaine. Indeed, Malachy implies that this man don't take care of his son. These remarkes prompt Angela's tears.

Then, in the second paragraph, Frank McCourt delineates the run of Malachy which is convinced John Mc Erlaine will be on Atlantic Avenue. Then, the author harp on Philomena's house. He describes the scene and insist on Angela.

She appears isolate from the others: she takes care of her baby. This detail testify to her despair. Moreover, she must face to Philomena and Delia who blame her because she stays with her husband.

For them, Angela is the only responsible of her unhappiness. They encourage her to leave Mc Erlaine.

In contrast with Philomena and Delia, Angela don't speak. She seems losen in her thought. This impression is confirmed by the next speak to Philomena who try to know if Angela listen them.

To sum up, this passage is a testimony of alcoholism and consequences. The victim and his family are point out.

What I'm trying to say is Angela's family don't help them.

In the one hand, they develop despair of Angela and, on the other hand they increase John's culpability dismissing the idea that he could be stop to drunk and stay with Angela and his son.

So Angela is'nt the only responsible of this situation: there are all responsible because they have not an adapted reaction.

Voilà...petit rappel : les sujet de l'académie de Lyon sont dans la rubrique "deutsch 2008" il y en a pour toutes les matières...



IL existe déja un tel groupe dans "groupe de travail!" Il ne faut pas hésiter à nous rejoindre d'autant qu'on est 2 seulement à être plus ou moisn acitves en ce moment (moi j'ai pas trop le temps j'essaie de participer comme je peux!)

je suis partante et je propose de me lancer! J'ai pris le sujet 1 de l'académie de lyon donné par Patchouly...( voir deutsch 2008) il y a des sujets pour toutes les épreuves..merci Patchooly!

The article that has been adapted from Hap Lecrone and writes for the Waco Tribune-Herald is telling us about children and money. It has been published in 2005 and more exactly the 17 october. The journalist wants to draw the attention on parents who teach the value of money to their children.

At the beginning of the texte, he implies that as value as honesty, kindness oder respect, the value of money is beneficial for the future adults. In addition, he underlines that this apprenticeship must take place in families and that it's very long. In the third paragraph, he gives solutions to teach value of money. For example he suggest to include children in the family budget. Moreover, he saids parents can give money to their children in order to make themselves responsible. He evokes problem of young adults which are not be able to manage their money when they start a job.

That's why in the journalist's opinion, it's important to educate children about it. They must learn value of money as soon as possible because, on the one hand they must be able to manage a budget, on the other hand because according to the article there is a relation between money, realisation and successlife.

good morning! Comme je suis motivée...voilà le second texte (toujours dispo sur le site de Patchouly....)

The title is: EasyJet makes green claims as it heads to Africa and Turkey

This extract is an article adapted from the Guardian, written the second march in two thousand and six. The journalist, Andrew Clark, who is transport correspondant deals with the problem of aircrafts and environmentaly.

According to Andy Harrison, the new boss of Easy Jet, his company is more respectul of environment than others societies. EasyJet is a new airline which open her routes outside Europe.

Indeed, he compares EasyJet with British Airway and Ryanair. He denounces them because, on the one hand they have old haircrafs, on the other hand he underlines that companies as Ryanair don't take care of their passengers.

That's why they pollute atmosphere with aircrafts which have about 15 years old.

So in contrast with Mr Harrisson, who underlines that he would like hand down a planet in good health to his kids, Mickael O'Leavy, the boss of Ryanair said that he had no stress for environment moans.

Furthemore, the journalist explains that they have make a big profit because they take care of their customers in opposite to Ryanair.

Allow me to recap briefly... this extract is a comparison between EasyJet, Ryanair and British Airway about

environment. The journalist weights the pros and cons between tese airlines.

He casts a light on the problem of old companies. So I'm ask me if in 15 years, Easy Jet will renovate her aircrafts....


rectification: pour l'avant dernière ligne, je voulais écrire "these aircrafts" :D


je trouve genial ces groupes de travail et j'espere vraiment qu'il y en aura encore pour l'an prochain.

Sans etre trop pedante ni passer pour une "je me la pete", est ce ok si je corrige les quelques fautes que j'ai pu voir sur les resumes?

Je n'ai pas la pretention de dire que je "sais mieux que les autres "mais je me dis que si tout le monde contribue, ca peut etre plus productif.

Ne pas hesiter a m'envoyer bouler si c'est non,


Bien au contraire, je compte sur chacun d'entre vous pour me corriger :D merci d'avance et bon courage por la suite car...........voici un nouveau texte. C'est le texte 3 de l'académie de Lyon mis en ligne par Patchooly...

Les as tu trouvés?

There is not title!

We are dealing with an excerpt from a novel, Angela's Ashes which dates back to 1996. The passage is a detailed account of discution between menbers of family after a baptism.

The author raises the issue of alcoholism.

At the beginning of the extract Philomene (which is perhaps Angela's sister ) suggest to Malachy to come in their house in order to drunk and eat. But Malachy who is a church man answers he must discuss with Angela's husband : John Mc Erlaine. Indeed, Malachy implies that this man don't take care of his son. These remarkes prompt Angela's tears.

Then, in the second paragraph, Frank McCourt delineates the run of Malachy which is convinced John Mc Erlaine will be on Atlantic Avenue. Then, the author harp on Philomena's house. He describes the scene and insist on Angela.

She appears isolate from the others: she takes care of her baby. This detail testify to her despair. Moreover, she must face to Philomena and Delia who blame her because she stays with her husband.

For them, Angela is the only responsible of her unhappiness. They encourage her to leave Mc Erlaine.

In contrast with Philomena and Delia, Angela don't speak. She seems losen in her thought. This impression is confirmed by the next speak to Philomena who try to know if Angela listen them.

To sum up, this passage is a testimony of alcoholism and consequences. The victim and his family are point out.

What I'm trying to say is Angela's family don't help them.

In the one hand, they develop despair of Angela and, on the other hand they increase John's culpability dismissing the idea that he could be stop to drunk and stay with Angela and his son.

So Angela is'nt the only responsible of this situation: there are all responsible because they have not an adapted reaction.

Voilà...petit rappel : les sujet de l'académie de Lyon sont dans la rubrique "deutsch 2008" il y en a pour toutes les matières...




tu veux que je corrige sur le forum ou que je t'envoie en MP?

autant le corriger sur le forum....comme ça tout le monde en profite! :noelrolleyes: Il est formellement interdit de rire de mes lacunes! :noelbiggrin:

merci d'avance laure18!

j'aimerai aussi bosser l'anglais avec vous à partir du 8 janvier !!

Avec plaisir!

en attendant : HAPPY NEW YEAR! :noelbiggrin:

  • 2 semaines plus tard...
j'aimerai aussi bosser l'anglais avec vous à partir du 8 janvier !!

Avec plaisir!

en attendant : HAPPY NEW YEAR! :noelbiggrin:

suis de retour

j'envoie ce que j'ai corrige avant vendredi

bonne fin de semaine


Bonjour et bonne année!

Quand est-ce que vous voulez commencer le sujet 4 de l'académie de Lyon?

Je propose que chaque semaine une d'entre nous fasse un commentaire.Pendant ce temps les autres lisent le texte et travaillent sur le vocabulaire et sur des prolongements en rapport avec le sujet. Puis , mise en commun.

Dites-moi si vous êtes ok ou proposez autre chose pour que l'on puisse bien s'organiser.Je n'impose rien!!

Sinon je peux commencer dès cet aprem le commentaire du sujet 4 de Lyon ou d'un autre sujet si vous voulez


On peut créer un compte Yahoo aussi. J'ai vu qu'il y en avait qui faisait ça pour mieux travailler en groupe



Moi aussi je suis à la recherche de personnes avec qui bosser l'anglais! Vous reste-t-il une petite place?

Par contre, j'ai un niveau excécrable (3.5 au concours 2007 et 3 au 2006... :noelwacko: ), est-ce quand même possible???


Biensûr que c'est possible! :noelwink:

Je n'ai pas de nouvelles des autres membres par contre..

Ce soir je fais le commentaire du sujet 4 de Lyon que je mettrai en ligne demain.

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