zai Posté(e) 18 mai 2008 Posté(e) 18 mai 2008 I will send a new article on ecology tonight and I will try to finish a summary tomorrow morning. I will wait your work in order to correct each other and share ideas. See you tomorrow!
HOPE4ME Posté(e) 18 mai 2008 Posté(e) 18 mai 2008 Summary and commentary of "High school sports : an american obsessionthis document is extracted from the magazine Today in English of March 2008 and is written by Michaêl Schneider. The headline of this article is entitled "highschool sports: An american obsession" Indeed, the importance of the sport in american schools is a charachteristic of american education system. More and more students belong to a sport school team. Furthermore, there are almost as many girls as boys (40 per cent) Athletes are supported by their family. Actually, families are very proud of their child when they integrate a schooteam and when they make it win the author compares sport school to a religion and gym to a cathedral. Big high school, in Indiana for example count a lot of fans who don't miss any championship. According to the author, sport is a real passion in USA but also a source of very important profits. thanks to the advertisement, best athletes make earn a lot of money to the university administrators. Coaches and students are consequently under pressure to win. Michael schneider speaks about child exploitation. He explains that interests are not shared and are very different. Gain for family is proudness but gains for administrators and advertisers are financial. Sport in USA has lost its real value ; feel pleasure to move and progress, to open out with the others... As a future teacher , I disapprove that sport is often a priority in USA . Sport is a important subject for child development but mathematics, french, foreign languages, history, artistic education are as important as sport education. Athletes students may have not time for working every subjects. It is unfair they succeed to have their diploma although they don't have a good average. je dirais a good level instead of average It's unfair that they finally graduate from highschool although they are not good students
emiliepe1984 Posté(e) 19 mai 2008 Auteur Posté(e) 19 mai 2008 Hello everybody! About environment, I sugest this text : Severn barrage could generate 5% of UK energy John Vidal, Monday October 1 2007. Tidal power generated from more than 200 turbines in a 10-mile barrage across the Severn estuary could provide nearly 5% of Britain's energy for 120 years with minimal climate change emissions and should be investigated urgently, government advisers said today. But the power project, which would be Britain's largest ever and one of the most ambitious civil engineering challenges in the world, would significantly affect the visual and marine environment more than 30 miles around it and have mixed long term economic and ecological impacts, according to a report from the Sustainable Development Commission (SDC). The technical principle of the barrage is well tested and would be ideal for the Severn, which has one of the highest tidal ranges in the world. It works by trapping water at high tides and releasing it through the turbines. The scheme considered would cross the estuary downstream of Cardiff and north of Weston-super-Mare. It would employ 300-odd turbines, and generate 8 gigawatts of predictable power — as much as 10 or more nuclear power stations. Green groups were hostile or reacted cautiously to the report. "Construction [of the barrage] will cause the emission of 10m tonnes of carbon. Greenhouse gas savings will be substantial in the long run, but those savings could be too late to avert the damage of climate change," said Mark Avery, a conservation director. "It would be far better to spend the £15bn to £20bn the barrage will cost on measures that will cut emissions more quickly" The barrage could be a huge resource of carbon free energy, but the jury is still out on the best way to reap the tidal power of the river without having huge environmental impacts .
kitty2002 Posté(e) 19 mai 2008 Posté(e) 19 mai 2008 Hello everybody !! I would like to speack with you about differents topics for practising my english. My name is Aline, I'm 23 and i pass the CRPE for the first time in Versailles. Tomorrow, I will have an oral in my iufm, I will try to give you the subject and the questions asked. Bye !
madom Posté(e) 20 mai 2008 Posté(e) 20 mai 2008 And, what about speaking about our desire to become a primary teacher? I want your help to answer because I don't know what it is important to say. Thanks
lenig2 Posté(e) 20 mai 2008 Posté(e) 20 mai 2008 Hey everybody!I have already proposed such a topic, but It doesn't have success.. What I proposed was , that each days someone could have gave a subject on which we could talk; for instance: environment... I think It is a good exercice ! (to use vocabulary, and to make sentences) Who wants to do that? What a good idea ! Actualty, it is a part of the examination which is difficult to practice alone. Well what about environment ... It is a subject which is very important for the moment because of the global warming of the earth. Several governement search on this subject to find effective measures. If my memory doesn't fail, it seems to me that during the last discussion at the european concil, the head-government discuss about this subject. Nowadays, some measures are taken as increase the part of clean energies to produce electricity such as wind energy or solar energy. Another point which is worked on is the reduction of the greenhouse gases such as CO2. global warming = réchauffement climatique clean energy = énergie propre To work on a project = travail sur un projet greenhouse gases = gaz à effet de serre Thank you for your participtaion to my subject! Now, it is my turn: Nowadays, we often hear talking about environmental protection. Seeing environmental degradation, everybody gets worried about it, but does not seem to realise that THEY are the first responsible. About 6 billion people live on earth, and behave without taking care of ecology, using all sorts of hazardous substances. Landscapes reveal and explain this phenomenon. Originally, the earth did not look the same as today. Nature was predominant whereas today, fauna and flora disapear, to make way for urban and industrial landscapes, which is also o visual pollution. Wilderness is now rare, except in places where Man cannot settle. The sources of pollution are numerous: air, water and ocean pollution, due to chimical indsutries, automobil exhaust, greenhouses gazes such as carbon dioxyde, black tides... We are faced with a difficult problem. First, environmental policy has to take measures to force people to develop ecological behaviours. For instance, I often see people who throw papers or else, on roads, in the see...that is why the governement should also put in place an educational school, it is already included in the curriculum. Of course it is also the (rôle des parents?) (or parents'reponsability), because the have to set an example to their children, but in effect, it is not really the case, beacuse even them thrwo their papers on roads ( ). To come back to the environmental policy, the governement should also take measures to promote clean energies, such as solar or wind energy, but also organic farming. But, I am not sure that ecology could be develop while our society is ruled bye economy. Secondly, politicians and newspapers have to coninue to inform people of the impact of their behaviour on environment, so as to incite them to adopt ecological behaviour. voilou!
lenig2 Posté(e) 20 mai 2008 Posté(e) 20 mai 2008 Ola, je viens de me relire, je corrige une phrase (faute de frappe) But I am not sure that ecology could be developped while our society is rule BY (et non BYE ) economy.
lenig2 Posté(e) 20 mai 2008 Posté(e) 20 mai 2008 I propose for today, the subject of LAITY, who wants?
bebecadum59 Posté(e) 20 mai 2008 Posté(e) 20 mai 2008 Hello!!! My name is Sandrine, I'm twenty eight year old, besides, my birthday was last week end, it's difficult to grow (lol), no, but I ask me how I will to react il I don't have the compétitive examination. In fact, I pass it for two year, the first time, I failed of 0,25 points as a lot of people I suppose, but it isnt easy to accept the failure. I must you to leave but I will come back soon. Bye!!!!
orion144 Posté(e) 20 mai 2008 Posté(e) 20 mai 2008 Hey everybody!I have already proposed such a topic, but It doesn't have success.. What I proposed was , that each days someone could have gave a subject on which we could talk; for instance: environment... I think It is a good exercice ! (to use vocabulary, and to make sentences) Who wants to do that? What a good idea ! Actualty, it is a part of the examination which is difficult to practice alone. Well what about environment ... It is a subject which is very important for the moment because of the global warming of the earth. Several governement search on this subject to find effective measures. If my memory doesn't fail, it seems to me that during the last discussion at the european concil, the head-government discuss about this subject. Nowadays, some measures are taken as increase the part of clean energies to produce electricity such as wind energy or solar energy. Another point which is worked on is the reduction of the greenhouse gases such as CO2. global warming = réchauffement climatique clean energy = énergie propre To work on a project = travail sur un projet greenhouse gases = gaz à effet de serre Thank you for your participtaion to my subject! Now, it is my turn: Nowadays, we often hear talking about environmental protection. Seeing environmental degradation, everybody gets worried about it, but does not seem to realise that THEY are the first responsible. About 6 billion people live on earth, and behave without taking care of ecology, using all sorts of hazardous substances. Landscapes reveal and explain this phenomenon. Originally, the earth did not look the same as today. Nature was predominant whereas today, fauna and flora disapear, to make way for urban and industrial landscapes, which is also o visual pollution. Wilderness is now rare, except in places where Man cannot settle. The sources of pollution are numerous: air, water and ocean pollution, due to chimical indsutries, automobil exhaust, greenhouses gazes such as carbon dioxyde, black tides... We are faced with a difficult problem. First, environmental policy has to take measures to force people to develop ecological behaviours. For instance, I often see people who throw papers or else, on roads, in the see...that is why the governement should also put in place an educational school, it is already included in the curriculum. Of course it is also the (rôle des parents?) (or parents'reponsability), because the have to set an example to their children, but in effect, it is not really the case, beacuse even them thrwo their papers on roads ( ). To come back to the environmental policy, the governement should also take measures to promote clean energies, such as solar or wind energy, but also organic farming. But, I am not sure that ecology could be develop while our society is ruled bye economy. Secondly, politicians and newspapers have to coninue to inform people of the impact of their behaviour on environment, so as to incite them to adopt ecological behaviour. voilou! Sorry lenig but it is above my abilities to correct you. I just wonder if the plutal of greenhouse gas is realy greehouses gazes or just greenhouse gases.
luna1292 Posté(e) 20 mai 2008 Posté(e) 20 mai 2008 Hello my name is sophie and i'm thirty eight years old. I'm taking alone the CRPE for the first time in Creteil. My english is not very good , in fact is very bad because the last time i spoke english it was in 1989. I will work the subject tomorrow because i don't work on wednesday.
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