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A topic to speak english


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Voilà ce que je dirais de ce text. Je ne suis pas sûr d'avoir tout compris. Ce que je dis est succinct,j'en suis consciente, ça ne tiens pas les 5 min, c'est certain.

J'espère que quelqu'un aura le courage de corriger TOUTES mes fautes.

This text is an article from Cox News Service writen in two thousand five. It deals with education children to spend money.

According to parents, their children should learn how used money. He should know that it is an important thing, it isn't a game. This acquisition could begin when he was young and could be usefull for a long time for him.

Money is alsoo a sort of responsability. For learn the value of money, parents could be give an allowance to children. He should deal this money with intelligence.

This act help young adults when he work for the first time. He should used the credit card and assure a certain security.

For conclude, if children know the value of money, his quallity of life is better!!

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I've looked at the text and I've seen that there is ane-mail adress at the end. Do you know how to read such an adress in english ?

(s.., it's not very easy to write english with the computer, the letters don't come as easy as in french :lol: )

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Another question is often ask :

What is your hobies?

My answer is : I love the scrapbooking. It's a sort of new art. We used some photograph for customized the album. We can used some beautiful paper for the back, we can glue some thing, we can write some comment...

For example, my last scrap is a border about the birth of my twin niece.

This is my mean hobbies. Other than, I'd like swimming and play electric guitar.

quelques remarques pour t'améliorer

I love scrapbooking : pas de "the" car c'est le scrap en général

we use : pas au passé mais au présent

photographS : il y en a plusieurs

to customize : POUR + Verbe à l'infinitif = TO , jamais FOR (erreur très fréquente)

we can use : avec les MODAUX, toujours le verbe SANS to , jamais de prétérit

we can glue some thingS : il y en a plusieurs, jai pratiqué le srap aux USA et eux ils disent "ornements"

some commentS : il y en a plusieurs

border : tu entend quoi par là car moi je connais border dans le sens de frontière, après il y a peut être d'autre sens que je ne connais pas

my twin nieces' birth : cas posséssif avec les humains, constrcution en "of" seulement dans des cas particuliers

mean (le verbe) = signifier , vouloir dire, ; mean (adj) = mesquin

other than = ???, si c'est pour dire "à part ça, en plus", tu dis "In addition" ou "moreover"

I like et pas I'd like qui = i would like = j'aimerais

to play THE ... : toujours THE devant les instruments de music mais en revanche pas d'article devant les noms de sport => i play tennis

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What is your answer if the judges ask : Have you never go to England?

Unfortunately, I never have the chance to go to England... But, if one day I had the opportunity, I would like to go to London. This city seems to me very attractive and I 've heard such good opinions about this city... It's one of the most famous cities in the world, and I would like to discover this place!

Otherwise, the Ireland seems also interessant and attractive in a different way: very beautilful landscapes, etc...

Wathever, England and The United Kingdom in general has a different culture. Although it's a european country, english people have different habits, and I think it's really interessant and exciting to discover a culture!

Réponse très bien structurée

mes remarques pour t"aider

I HAVE never HAD the OPPORTUNITY : le present perfect car tu fais un bilan (tu regardes la période depuis ta naissance jusqy'à aujourd'hui et tu en conclus si tu as été ou pas en GB) ; CHANCE en anglais = hasard (c'est un faux amis)

IRELAND : jamais de "the" avec nom de pays au singulier ; en revanche THE devant nom de pays pluriel (the USA, the Netherlands) ou composé (the United Kingdom)

interesting et pas interessant

je dirais plutôt " in many ways" et là tu donnes des exemples

whatever : tu voulais dire quoi là?

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Voilà ce que je dirais de ce text. Je ne suis pas sûr d'avoir tout compris. Ce que je dis est succinct,j'en suis consciente, ça ne tiens pas les 5 min, c'est certain.

J'espère que quelqu'un aura le courage de corriger TOUTES mes fautes.

This text is an article from Cox News Service writen in two thousand five. It deals with education children to spend money.

According to parents, their children should learn how used money. He should know that it is an important thing, it isn't a game. This acquisition could begin when he was young and could be usefull for a long time for him.

Money is alsoo a sort of responsability. For learn the value of money, parents could be give an allowance to children. He should deal this money with intelligence.

This act help young adults when he work for the first time. He should used the credit card and assure a certain security.

For conclude, if children know the value of money, his quallity of life is better!!

it deals with ... money : jai pas lu le texte mais tu voulais dire quoi ?

... how TO use : c'est la structure qui est comme ça, pas vraiment d'explications là

he = qui ? les enfants ? si oui dis plutot "Children" sans article car c'est en général

This acquisition could begin when he was young and could be usefull for a long time for him : je comprends pas tout, désolé

TO learn : POUR + vb infinitif = TO + base verbale

could be give : tu voulais dire quoi?

He should deal this money with intelligence : to deal = distribuer, si tu voulais dire "dépenser" tu dis "spend" ; "with intelligence" = surtout pas, c'est du mot à mot, ca passera pas, je dirais "intelligently"

helpS : 3eme personne singulier

workS : 3eme personne singulier

he should use : apres les modaux, c'est Base verbale uniquement

credit cards : je dirai ca comme ça car c'est en général

TO conclude : toujours cette histoire de POUR + vb infinitif

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whatever : tu voulais dire quoi là?


oui mille merci Stefan, c'est vraiment super d'avoir qq'un qui puisse nous corriger! :wub:

En disant whatever, je voulais dire un truc du genre "quoiq'il en soit', "bref, de toutes façons"...

And i will try this week end to sum up the text about children and the money!

See you soon! :wink:

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This text is an article written by Hap Le Crone for Cox News service in 2005. It stressed the fact that teaching children the value of money is helpful for the adult life in many ways. The text suggests that we can learn the value of money since the child's early developmental years. There many ways to teach the value of the money: first the author suggests that we can teach children to live within the family budget and then he proposes an allowance system: give a little money according to the age of the children. In this way, children have to think about how they can use this money, if they want to buy somethinf, they will have to spare money. Actually, they will have to make a sort of budget. They certaineley will made errors but in this way they will learn and think of theirs spends.

But to prevent them making a lot of errors, parents are responsable of teaching. It's a part of the education which prepare young adults to manage theirs fisrt pay. This article conveys the idea that children who learn early how manage their money can feel more in control of their lives. And the journalist conclude by focusing our attention in relationship between money, motivation, achievement and quality of life...

According to me, help children learn the value of money is a very important part of the education. It's the responsability of the parents. I agree with giving a little bit of money to gine them the opportunity of managing their money. But when the author suggests that teaching children to live within the family budget seems to me difficult. I don't know what does he means but I think we would be careful about not made children responsable for the money problems in the family... Children would maybe feel guilty! So in my opinion, the best way is to explain them how they can manage their money and maybe do not prevent them doing errors (little errors of course!). And guide them during theirs first pays, bills and credits.

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There many ways to teach the value of the money ==> There are (...) the value of money

They certaineley will made errors ==> They will certainly make errors (auxiliaire avant l'adverbe)

theirs spends ==> their expenditure

It's a part of the education which prepare young adults to manage theirs fisrt pay ==> It's a part of education which prepares (...)

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whatever : tu voulais dire quoi là?


oui mille merci Stefan, c'est vraiment super d'avoir qq'un qui puisse nous corriger! :wub:

En disant whatever, je voulais dire un truc du genre "quoiq'il en soit', "bref, de toutes façons"...

And i will try this week end to sum up the text about children and the money!

See you soon! :wink:

alors dans ces cas là, dis plutôt "anyway" que "whatever"

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This text is an article written by Hap Le Crone for Cox News service in 2005. It stressed the fact that teaching children the value of money is helpful for the adult life in many ways. The text suggests that we can learn the value of money since the child's early developmental years. There many ways to teach the value of the money: first the author suggests that we can teach children to live within the family budget and then he proposes an allowance system: give a little money according to the age of the children. In this way, children have to think about how they can use this money, if they want to buy somethinf, they will have to spare money. Actually, they will have to make a sort of budget. They certaineley will made errors but in this way they will learn and think of theirs spends.

But to prevent them making a lot of errors, parents are responsable of teaching. It's a part of the education which prepare young adults to manage theirs fisrt pay. This article conveys the idea that children who learn early how manage their money can feel more in control of their lives. And the journalist conclude by focusing our attention in relationship between money, motivation, achievement and quality of life...

According to me, help children learn the value of money is a very important part of the education. It's the responsability of the parents. I agree with giving a little bit of money to gine them the opportunity of managing their money. But when the author suggests that teaching children to live within the family budget seems to me difficult. I don't know what does he means but I think we would be careful about not made children responsable for the money problems in the family... Children would maybe feel guilty! So in my opinion, the best way is to explain them how they can manage their money and maybe do not prevent them doing errors (little errors of course!). And guide them during theirs first pays, bills and credits.

Ljubljana a déjà corrigé parfaitement certaines choses mais je les remets quand même car je fais en linéaire et j'ai pas retenu ce qu'elle avait corrigé et pas corrigé

it stresseS : pas de prétérit là, tu fais un résumé donc présent

teaching children .... money : je dirais plutot "teaching the value of money to children" : on comprend mieux

for the adult life : for his future life (as na adult) in many ways

give a little money according to the age of the children : TO give ....

will made : will toujours suivi de base verbale sans "to"donc "will make"

theirs spends : THEIR spend : their = leur/leurs et theirS = le/la/les leur

to revent them OF making ...

It's a part of the education which prepare : which prepareS , ici which = pronom relatif et reprend "a part of education" qui est 3eme pers singulier dpnc le S au verb

their first pay : cf plus haut

the journalist concludeS : toujours ce fameux S

help children learn the value : to help children TO learn ... : c'est la construction syntaxique qui est comme ça

the responsability of the parents ; the parents' responsibilty : la possesion avec un humai = cas possessif ; ici le possesseur est pluriel donc on ajoute que l'apostrophe mais qaund c'est singulier on ajoute l'apostrophe et le S (ex: the man's dog)

I don't know what does he means : ici c'est une interrogation indirecte et en anglais en fait l'ordre des mots avec ces interrogation là c'est toujours : mot interro + S + verbe conjugué (en fait l'odre de la phrase normal) donc ici i don't know what he means

à la place de "errors" je mettrais "mistakes"

prevent them OF doing (à vérifier mais je crois que la construction c'est comme ça)

il y a peut être des erreurs que je n'ai pas vu, je suis un peu crevé avec toutes ces révisions lol

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