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A topic to speak english


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Ok mille merci à vous de corriger mes erreurs... :wub:

J'avoue que je ne me suis pas relue, alors j'aurai pu en éviter certaines, comme le s à la 3ème personne du singulier, le "will made" :mad: En fait, c'est hyper difficile d'écrire à l'ordi en anglais! Faut réfléchir à ce qu'on dit, comment on le dit, chercher le vocab'... et bien l'écrire sans perdre le fil de son idée, je trouve que c'est plus dur que de parler en fait! :lol:

Bon courage pour vos révisions, see you soon !

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  • emiliepe1984


  • lenig2


  • orion144


  • fanaerie


Bonjour, j'ai fait le résumé d'un texte que j'ai trouvé dans un livre. Si quelqu'un a un peu de temps pour corriger mes grosses fautes ça m'aiderait à progresser. Merci!

This text is an article taken from internet, in the site of the BBC. The tittle is " Returning to work"'. This text is mainly about the choice that the mothers have to do between the work and the home to look after her childrens.

Research has shown that the childrens aged between 4 and 12 in family in which the mother work has negative effects in their development.

For the teenagers, they can take problems at school or they can becoming pregnant.

But the money of the work of the mother serve for the childrens.

Moreover, the research say that there are others factors that play an important part in a child's development as: parents' personalities and emotional stability, parenting practices, the friends and the networks.

In my opinion, it's good that the mother work. In fact, the childrens become more independent. Moreover, in own society, it's important to show that the women can work. Why it's not the father who have to stay at home?

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Me, I'm waiting, i'm always waiting, i think the academy of orleans is the last which give us the results of admissibility

So, i gegin to panic too because not a lot of friends have been admitted in ohters academies (but whith the same subject) :cry:

consequently, I don't know if i will take the race but just like you, the weather is awful and don't gives us the envy to run :cry:

I wish you good luck.

When are your result? For me, it was the 21 and it was already so long!!!

Otherwise, do you want to do an english subject with me?

Coucou !

Est-ce que par hasard, tu aurais d'autres textes à nous proposer ? :blink:

J'aimerai bien en voir plusieurs pour situer mon niveau de vocabulaire !!! :cry:

Merci !

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Bonjour, j'ai fait le résumé d'un texte que j'ai trouvé dans un livre. Si quelqu'un a une peu de temps pour corriger mes grosses fautes ça m'aiderait à progresser. Merci!

This text is an article taken from the internet, in the site of the BBC. The tittle is " Returning to work"'. This text is mainly about the choice that mothers have to do between work and home to look after her children.

Research has shown that the children aged between 4 and 12 in family in which the mother works has negative effects in their development.

For teenagers, they can take problems at school or they can become pregnant.

But the money earned by mothers serves for their children.

Moreover, this research shows that there are other factors that play an important part in child's development as: parents' personalities and emotional stability, parenting practices, friends and networks.

In my opinion, it's good that mothers work. In fact, their children become more independent. Moreover, in own society, it's important to show that women can work. Why it's not the father who have to stay at home?

erreurs les plus importantes : le S à children et à other dans others factors : le jury n'aimera pas.

Après, on peut se passer des THE lorsqu'on désigne quelque chose de général.

Devant work et home pas de THE non plus.

In own society, j'ai pas compris : tu voulais dire : in our society ?

La dernière phrase est à réécrire : elle est traduite mot à mot, et ça ne va pas. On pourrait réécrire : "it's important to show that women can work and, why not, men could stay at home."

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Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris le temps de me corriger. C'est vraiment sympa!

De rien : ça m'aide aussi de corriger ;).

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I have forget this topic since my sport exam But it's finish.

So, now, I must work a lot english.

I suggest a new question.

"Why do you want to be a teacher?"

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Hello, I would like to say If you know another kind of question that jury request:

-Have you ever been to England?

-Why do you want to be a teacher?

- what are your hobbies?




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Hello, I would like to say If you know another kind of question that jury request:

-Have you ever been to England?

-Why do you want to be a teacher?

- what are your hobbies?




No idea?

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Hello, I would like to say If you know another kind of question that jury request:

-Have you ever been to England?

-Why do you want to be a teacher?

- what are your hobbies?




No idea?

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