emiliepe1984 Posté(e) 9 juin 2008 Auteur Posté(e) 9 juin 2008 Hye every body, I have my english exam tomorrow. I'm afraid. Something for a last advice? A magic formulation? PLEASE, I don't know what I search but I think I need you...
Didouchka Posté(e) 11 juin 2008 Posté(e) 11 juin 2008 Hye every body, I have my english exam tomorrow.I'm afraid. Something for a last advice? A magic formulation? PLEASE, I don't know what I search but I think I need you... Hi, A bit late I'm afraid but just in case, you can't say "what I search" you have to say : I don't know what I'm looking for (because you are looking right now, it's happening as you speak, you have to use a -ing form). I hope your exam went fine
fanaerie Posté(e) 11 juin 2008 Posté(e) 11 juin 2008 How was it? Did you keep your self control? Hope it's been ok! for the questions I think they may ask us what we would teach (values...) as a civil servant, how we would carry out a lesson (with what materials?)...
emiliepe1984 Posté(e) 11 juin 2008 Auteur Posté(e) 11 juin 2008 Je vous raconte mais en francais si vous le permettez!!! J'étais pas trop stréssée bizarement. Je suis tombée sur un sujet qui parlait du problème du poid des manuels scolaires. J'ai mi du temps à comprendre le tecte mais je m'en suis sortie quand même. Comme quoi tout est possible. Je ne dirais qu'une chose : BELIEVE! Une deuxième aussi : THANK YOU!! Et pis une troisième pour la route : GOOD LUCK!!!
fifine59 Posté(e) 12 juin 2008 Posté(e) 12 juin 2008 Je vous raconte mais en francais si vous le permettez!!!J'étais pas trop stréssée bizarement. Je suis tombée sur un sujet qui parlait du problème du poid des manuels scolaires. J'ai mi du temps à comprendre le tecte mais je m'en suis sortie quand même. Comme quoi tout est possible. Je ne dirais qu'une chose : BELIEVE! Une deuxième aussi : THANK YOU!! Et pis une troisième pour la route : GOOD LUCK!!! Bonjour, je me joins à votre sujet car j'ai une amie que passe le CRPE cette année : auriez-vous une liste de structures type pour présenter un texte svp? Merci pour elle et bon courage à vous!
emiliepe1984 Posté(e) 12 juin 2008 Auteur Posté(e) 12 juin 2008 Quelle amie attentionnée!!! Structure type selon moi : intro avec présentation du texte, auteur, thème, problématique dvpt linéaire si pas poss de structurer . Sinon, on structure en ajoutant des exemples ccl sur texte et ouverture à l'école, la france... => tenir 5 minutes
lasmoule Posté(e) 12 juin 2008 Posté(e) 12 juin 2008 hello , I'm ZaiI propose to work on articles together and to take summary of articles . I have scripted and sent you an article on the following topic : sport and education in the USA. We could work on an article per day. What do you think about this idea? oh I have forgotten to introduce to me. I have been taking the competitive exam of primary school for 3 years in Paris Versailles. I am very interested to communicate in english with you . A notice Emilie, don't forget the preposition "for" after "to wait": to wait for something or someone and "to pass" mean "to success" Hello! I just have my professional test, so now I revise english. I write you my commentary about the text: The article is an extract from today which is adapted to teenagers. It has been published in two thousand and eight. It deals with the problem of scool sport. At the beginning, we learnt that baseball is more admired than football or basketball. The journalist, Michael Shneider underlines that thanks to the women's rights movment, more than fourty per cent of students athletes were girls. It compares the sport in hight school as an enrolment. Besides he explains it let people to stand together. That's why he compares it as a religion. But we musn't jump to conclusions because there are pessimistic aspects. What I am tring to say is that profit put in place of sport. Furthermore, in the same way as cartoons, publicity uses the new phenomenon in order to win money. Michael Shneider gives the example of Caroll senior hight school. Lastly the article adds another of his critical point of view: the probleme of steroid use. Doctors Michael Miletic concludes the article in saying that this new obsession is a form of child exploitation. All things considered, I would like say that in every manners, the least infatution is used by our capitalist society and that children are often the main victims!
lasmoule Posté(e) 12 juin 2008 Posté(e) 12 juin 2008 And, what about speaking about our desire to become a primary teacher?I want your help to answer because I don't know what it is important to say. Thanks Madom, I agree with you because i think that the "jury" can demand it to us... But i have the same problem : what saying ? My english level is awful and i have a huge lack of vocabulary i dont want to write a lot because i think that nobody will want to rectify me!! but if someone who speak english very well can answer the question i will help us thank you Well I can give my opinion about it but I think that if you lean that by heart it doesn't sound aythentic and I don't speak as well as I would... So I want to become a primary teacher for several reasons. First of all because during my curriculum I taught in physics and I discovered that i love teaching. Then i have to choose the pupils level which i would like to teach. I do an attempt to the secondary school but i doesn't like it and one day i made a baby sitting and I discovered that teaching to young children would be wonderful. Another reason is that i like the variety of subjects that there isn't elsewhere. That's why i am here J'essaie en copiant un peu sur toi.. I would like to become a primary teacher for several reasons. First of all, I work with children since 8 eight years, I help them to make their homework, and each time I say me: I want to work in this way with children, I want help them to learn and to discover how subjects which are taugh at school are interessant and important. I think I have enough patience and particularly I rely on children. For instance, the problem is that I must to be less affective if my classroom is composed by young children. N'hésitez pas à me corriger car je me demande si je n'ai pas un souci avec les "to": je ne sais pas comment savoir si je dois en mettre un ou non. thank you!
fanaerie Posté(e) 12 juin 2008 Posté(e) 12 juin 2008 J'essaie en copiant un peu sur toi.. I would like to become a primary teacher for several reasons. First of all, I've been working with children since I am 8 eight years, I help them to make their homework, and each time I say to/ tell me: I want to work in this way with children, I want to help them to learn and to discover how subjects which are taugh at school are interessant and important. I think I have enough patience and particularly I rely on children. (tu comptes sur les enfants? c'est à dire?) For instance, the problem is that I must to be less affective if my classroom is composed by young children. N'hésitez pas à me corriger car je me demande si je n'ai pas un souci avec les "to": je ne sais pas comment savoir si je dois en mettre un ou non. thank you! tout d'abord je trouve que c'est bien écrit! ou dit, enfin comme tu veux! je t'ai rajouté quelques infos : say+to+him/her/me... tell+ me/himher.... must/can (modaux)+BV pas de to pour les to, c'est quand que ça coince exactement? si j'ai oublié des trucs, n'hésitez pas à corriger! ou je me suis trompée dans ma correction...ce que je n'espère pas! voilou!
didi24 Posté(e) 13 juin 2008 Posté(e) 13 juin 2008 On dit plutôt "I say to myself" au lieu "I say to me " t say+to+him/her/me... tell+ me/himher.... must/can (modaux)+BV pas de to pour les to, c'est quand que ça coince exactement? si j'ai oublié des trucs, n'hésitez pas à corriger! ou je me suis trompée dans ma correction...ce que je n'espère pas! voilou!
Naï Posté(e) 13 juin 2008 Posté(e) 13 juin 2008 Hello, I want to speack english with you too! I take my english test next Tuesday! I answer the question: why do you want become a teacher? During my schooling I met teachers who changed my life. Thanks to them, I discovered the taste to learn new things every day. Furthermore, I like working with children and it adorned me to be a thing very important to be able to teach them and share things with them. It is for all these reasons that I shall want to become teaching. Thank you in advance to the person who will want to correct me!
fifine59 Posté(e) 13 juin 2008 Posté(e) 13 juin 2008 Quelle amie attentionnée!!! Pour la petite histoire, je suis déjà titulaire et l'anglais et l'épreuve du concours est déjà loin!! Je suis dans le privé et mon amie est suppléante (remplacante n'ayant pas encore obtenu le concours), de tout coeur j'espère que cette fois elle l'obtiendra!
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