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it's ok for me but I haven't speak english since 15 years, so I don't undestand all the textes.

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elo_tite_puce moi ça me tente bien de faire un ou deux sujets avant mon épreuve mardi, histoire de me remettre dans le bain.

mimilachance : it's ok for me but I haven't speak spoken english since for 15 years, so I don't undestand all the textes. :smile:

spoken est le participe passé de speak, à utiliser ici car tu emploi le present perfect

pour since / for : since s'emploie avant une date / un âge précis (since I was 5) / un évènement (since Christmas) et for s'emploie avant une durée (for 8 eight months, for ages ... )

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Thank you for your correction :wink:

Today I'm going to learn above all school's vocabulary.

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Hello !

Pour vous entrainer, vous trouverez des articles plus récents par ici. Les thèmes sont variés ! Good luck !

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bon je suis un peu en retard mais je post quand même ce que j'ai fait ... ou essayé de faire car je suis nulle en anglais :glare:

This document is an article extract from the Independent, it deals with students who are working with new technologies.

The author calls this students "google generation".

Universities make applications for students who use internet and social networking sites, like blogs and wikis.

a lot of students work with social networking

80 per cent of students consider that internet is important for learning. They use blogs to communicate their works to their tutors and to receive corrections.

They also can work in groups.

Internet help them to enhance their works.

to conclude, "google generation" use social networking to make better works.

(bon c'est un peu listing mais je n'ai pas tout compris, et je n'ai pas fait d'anglais depuis un bon moment alors je me remets dedans doucement :angel_not: )

Je propose:

This text is an article extracted from the Independent, an English newspaper, written in August 2008 by a journalist called Stephen Hoares.

The text deals with the use of new technologies by students at university.

A survey revealed that essays are almost old fashioned with the emergence of new technologies and that now the internet is used by at least 80% of students: they use wikis, social networks, e-learning and Google to make research, put in common their ideas and even to show their work to their teachers or tutors.

Directors of English universities made experiences on volunteers who had diaries and blogs for their studies and think that it is a step forward and a logical phenomenon in our modern society, it is the future and an efficient university has to follow new technologies.

In fact, for students new technologies are easy to work with, they can work at home and don't have to go to the public library or to stay at the university all day long. In a way they began their studies with internet and don't know how it was before...In their future job, the internet will be very important.

In my opinion, it is very important to learn how to use a computer, we can see that in french schools it now belongs to the national curriculum in primary school and it is even evaluated as a whole subject on an equal footing with maths and languages.

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