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Good evening everybody!

Here is my summary:

The document we have to study is an article from the BBC news. This text is titled Teacher crisis could hit Scotland and was published in december, 2004.

This article deals with a problem Scotland could be face: the lack of teachers. The Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association (SSTA) worries about the fact that the teachers level of age is rising. According to the General secretary of the SSTA, it is necessary to take measures for avoiding a crisis. As a matter of fact, lot of scottish teachers will be in retirement at the same time and it will be difficult to find teachers to replace them mostly because the available supply is already at a low ebb.

Moreover , the SSTA tells its member to refuse covering classes of absent colleagues beyond the limits of their local or national agreements in a worry of professionalism.

Government insists that the situation is under control and that future is planned.


maybe we could have a chat sometimes about the text we studied, but i am not very free, twice a month woud be my best, and you?


Good idea ;)

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  • teacher


  • Milla


  • bigotna


  • Oblivion


Membres les plus actifs

Monday evening is ok for me, but it depends at what time since I already have a chat with people from l'académie de Lille here at 6 p.m

I can't before 9 p.m (thanks to my beautifull children!)

Monday evening is ok for me, but it depends at what time since I already have a chat with people from l'académie de Lille here at 6 p.m

I can't before 9 p.m (thanks to my beautifull children!)

next monday at 9 pm is ok for me

do you want that we talk about the text of this week?


  do you want that we talk about the text of this week? .

For my part I prefer another text, but if the group agrees on the text of this week it will be OK for me.

hanae, i don't understand what you mean, you can answer when you have time.

i you have time this week, you can talk about the text of this week, don't you ?

or don't you have time?


If you don't mind working with me, I will be glad to receive the text to summarize and comment !



Bigotna did you find another text for next week or do you want me to go and have a look through BBC web site?

YOU Can propose a new text, if you want, i already looked in the bbc web site, and there are many others articles.

you can choose one, as you want, or another from another site.


what do you think about our work?

Do you like it?

Do you want to continue like that?

good evening


Hello everybody,

I think the way we work is really interesting to be (?) prepared for the exam so I'd like to continue that way :)

As regards to the chat, do we need a microphone (Oblivion, you talked about the rhythm, the accent...) because I haven't got one. Otherwise, I'll be very happy to join you on next monday.

Talk you soon ! (can I say that as we say "see you soon"?)

PS: I'll write my summary tomorrow, I was a little bit lazy this week :blush:

next monday at 9 pm is ok for me

do you want that we talk about the text of this week?


Monday at is fine with me.

If you want I can search the web to find a new text, I could post it here and we could discuss it on Monday :)

do you want that we talk about the text of this week?


Attention à la construction de WANT. (+ infinitif)

Do you want us to talk ...?

I want a good text

I want to read a good text

I want You to write a good text

Bonne continuation


Hi Milla :happy:

As regards to the chat, do we need a microphone (Oblivion, you talked about the rhythm, the accent...) because I haven't got one. Otherwise, I'll be very  happy to join you on next monday.

Actually, I was not talking about Monday's chat when I said we should work on our accent etc. :blush: Sorry if I was not clear on that point :blush: So you will not need a microphone :happy: Audio sessions aren't possible on the chat.

But feel free to join us on Monday :happy:

Talk you soon ! (can I say that as we say "see you soon"?)

Sure :happy: But don't forget the "to" ==> Talk to you soon ;)

hanae, i don't understand what you mean, you can answer when you have time.

i you have time this week, you can talk about the text of this week, don't you ?

or don't you have time?


If you don't mind working with me, I will be glad to receive the text to summarize and comment !


you just have to read this post, and you will find it :

and i put the summary of the previous text about dyslexia.

for OBLIVION, could you give us the next text before sunday evening, if it's possible. thanks


for OBLIVION, could you give us the next text before sunday evening, if it's possible. thanks


Sure, no problem :happy: I'll try to find one this evening or tomorrow and I'll put the link to it here ;)

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