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Hi bigotna!

Can I join you for the chat?

If so, is 9.30 pm ok with you? Or is it too late?

I don't really know how you guys organize chats as it's the first time i've joined in! Could you tell me more about it please?

I may not be able to read out your reply on this post before 9pm as I'm leaving for work at 4pm (i.e. in 30 minutes!!! :P ). I finish work at 8 pm and I've got an hour drive to get home... Anyway,... That's why I suggested such a late hour :cry: . If it's not possible, don't change plans for me! I'll get organised (hum... one day, I swear! :D ) and join you guys for another chat.

Take care and chat with you soon. :blush:

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Hi bigotna!

Can I join you for the chat?

If so, is 9.30 pm ok with you? Or is it too late?

I don't really know how you guys organize chats as it's the first time i've joined in! Could you tell me more about it please?

I may not be able to read out your reply on this post before 9pm as I'm leaving for work at 4pm (i.e. in 30 minutes!!!  :P ). I finish work at 8 pm and I've got an hour drive to get home... Anyway,... That's why I suggested such a late hour  :cry: . If it's not possible, don't change plans for me! I'll get organised (hum... one day, I swear! :D ) and join you guys for another chat.

Take care and chat with you soon.  :blush:

no problem for me, we 'll organize the chat at 9.30 (it will be easier for me too) tonight (rendez vous au chat de ce site à cette heure là, en ayant au préalable écouté bien sur l'extrait de ludi)

see you later, mazza, and i hope that others will come too, otherwise, we'll be 2, like last time.



Help Bigotna! Can't open the b----y file with real player!

Is there another way?


hello boys and girls

ludi, mazza and i were chatting tonight about the text of ludi.

this text deals about an international education weeks . this manifestation takes place in the usa, and is organised by the state dept and the dept of education.

the project is to sensibilise students to other countries, other nations and culture. In a word where information travel quicky, we must know each other.

so universities organise many events to talk about exchanges or international education:

- activities, food and cultural performances from around the world in the university of arkansas

- talking about programs where students will study in other countries for the university of buffalo.

A private group, AFS, takes part in international exchanges since 1914. they send 11.000 students last year, and 350.000 people since the beginning. it concerns adults and students. those go in a foreign family between 3 months to 11 months and they are considered as a family member.

these events are some of a great number of events during this week.

ok, if some people want to add something or to make a summary, it' s up to you now



Here's the translation for the sentences I gave last time.

1) We can't not intervene in this matter.

2) People respecting nature little, some forests are real dustbins.

3) Pierre called me: the air traffic controlers were refusing the settlement, the strike was going on, therefore he couldn't come back that evening.

4) There are at least as many men as (there are) women to speak out against sexism.

5) For a long time, they tried to improve the well-being of their fellow citizens.

Take care everybody. :)


Summary for Ludi's document.

This extract tackles the issue of international exchanges in the USA.

In Northern America, they celebrate the International education week. It is the occasion to open up to other cultures. This project is supported by the State Department and the Department of education. Nowadays, it's much easier to communicate thanks to the important advances in technology.

Many schools and universities take part in this celebration by organizing meetings, and all sorts of events including representations from other countries, and also by informing the students about exchanges to study in other countries.

A private organiation called AFS, created in 1914, aims at improving these kinds of international relationships. It is quite an important organization as 11000 students take part every year.

Students aged from 15 to 18 stay in a family and share its life up to 11 months.

They also promote programs for adults in more than 20 countries.

Therefore, the Americans try to improve their understanding of other nations by supporting exchanges throughout the world, either by sending students studying in another country, or by informing and sharing informations. In Europe, we can compare these exchanges to programs like Erasmus, which supports relationships and exchanges between universities.


Hi everybody,

I couldn't join you on the chat last time because (I write it in french because I don't know how to tell it in english) j'ai eu une panne d'écran :(

and we just bought a new one, happily. So I hope we could chat soon. Oh, I almost forgot, I can't hear the link that ludi gave...

Talk to you soon :)


What's going on, girls ? No news from you since a long time... I hope that everybody is fine :huh: .

May be you have too much work or homework or... ?

Ludi, how are going your belly ;) and your baby :blush: ?

I just miss not talking with you and not improving my english (is it "to miss + ... ing" or "to miss + to" ?). (I just miss our chat and our summary : that is better than before, no ?)

Well, talk to you soon, I hope :)

Ludi, how are going your belly  ;)  and your baby  :blush: ?

I'm fine thank you :wub: my belly is getting fatter every day :blush: and my baby moves a lot :wub:

and you how are you?


I am fine, thank you.

I remember that feeling my baby was very exciting, it was very moving moments (even now when I talk about it :blush: ).

Do you know if it is a girl or a boy, have you picked a name already ?

Is it a secret ? ;)

Take good care of you :wub:

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