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  • teacher


  • Milla


  • bigotna


  • Oblivion


Membres les plus actifs



This week?

Do you prefer to go on the chat or to put our ideas here on the thread?


i think we can have a link if we leave them here



Hi everybody,

Do you agree to start monday (the 9th) ?

The subjet will be "the (english ?) school system"

Talk to you soon :)

Hi everybody,

Do you agree to start monday (the 9th) ?

The subjet will be "the (english ?) school system"

Talk to you soon :)

ok for me

good end of week

Do you agree to start monday (the 9th) ?

The subjet will be "the (english ?) school system"

It's ok for me ;)

few weeks ago I gave some information about school system in this thread...

I'll try to find the page ;)

see you

here are some information about the education system in England

From 2.5 to 4 Nursery

From 5 to 8 First school (year 1 to year 4)

From 9 to 10 Middle school (years 5&6)

From 11 to 17 Secondary school (year 7 to year 13)

Public examinations:

*GCSE - General Certificate of Secondary Education (year11 at 16 years old)

*GCE "A" Level - General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (year 13 at 18 years old)

just to start... ;)



I hope the group is not closed and that I can participate to the conversation about the english school system.

I just want to say that pupils have to wear uniforms and it's very important for them because it represents their identity. What do you think about uniforms?

I think there are advantages but also many disadvantages, do you want to organize a debate about that? :)


Welcome Goldenmiss :)

I'll try to talk about the english school system tomorrow because today I was..... busy...... no...... lazy :P

  • 2 semaines plus tard...

Hey, les filles et les garçons . Que faites-vous ?

Il ne faut pas abandonner tout le bon travail que vous avez fourni jusqu'à présent .

Allez, courage ...reprenez le rythme


today's wednesday 25 ( Robert Burns 's anniversary : he was a Scottish poet) and I have come back to check you're working seriously and still no one ...

where are you all ? Bigotna? milla ? all you serious and hard-working people .......Come on !

Hey, les filles et les garçons . Que faites-vous ?

Il ne faut pas abandonner tout le bon travail que vous avez fourni jusqu'à présent .

Allez, courage ...reprenez le rythme


today's wednesday 25 ( Robert Burns 's anniversary : he was a Scottish poet) and I have come back to check you're working seriously and still no one ...

where are you all ? Bigotna? milla ? all you serious and hard-working people .......Come on !

c'est vrai qu'on a un peu lâché le rythme :( vous êtes où les filles?


Bon, en français (c'est la première fois sur ce post, alors je vais me lâcher :P ) :

C'est vrai que pour ma part, je ne travaille plus l'anglais depuis pffffff début décembre. J'avais proposé un texte et personne n'y avait répondu :(

L'exercice que proposait Bigotna me plaisait mais je me rends compte qu'en fait, je n'arrive pas à discuter d'un sujet sans qu'il y ait d'interactions.

Alors, je vous propose à toutes de recommencer à étudier un texte chaque semaine, d'en faire le résumé et de se faire quelques remarques afin de progresser. bref, ce que l'on faisait avant.

On y va Ludi ? (2 weeks and 2 days until your baby arrive, so close (soon ?) :wub: )

Teacher, viendras-tu nous voir aussi ? :blush: et Bigotna ? et Mazza ? et ...

Donc RV dimanche ou lundi pour le premier texte de l'année :)

Talk to you soon

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