ludi Posté(e) 26 janvier 2006 Posté(e) 26 janvier 2006 Bon, en français (c'est la première fois sur ce post, alors je vais me lâcher :P ) :C'est vrai que pour ma part, je ne travaille plus l'anglais depuis pffffff début décembre. J'avais proposé un texte et personne n'y avait répondu L'exercice que proposait Bigotna me plaisait mais je me rends compte qu'en fait, je n'arrive pas à discuter d'un sujet sans qu'il y ait d'interactions. Alors, je vous propose à toutes de recommencer à étudier un texte chaque semaine, d'en faire le résumé et de se faire quelques remarques afin de progresser. bref, ce que l'on faisait avant. On y va Ludi ? (2 weeks and 2 days until your baby arrive, so close (soon ?) ) Teacher, viendras-tu nous voir aussi ? et Bigotna ? et Mazza ? et ... Donc RV dimanche ou lundi pour le premier texte de l'année Talk to you soon moi ça me va mais je ne serai peut être pas là lundi ( ce sera peut être même surement avant les 2 semaines Milla ) si c'est le cas je prendrai le train en route à mon retour
teacher Posté(e) 26 janvier 2006 Posté(e) 26 janvier 2006 Teacher, viendras-tu nous voir aussi ? et Bigotna ? et Mazza ? et ... Donc RV dimanche ou lundi pour le premier texte de l'année Talk to you soon OF COURSE, Milla. I will be there regularly to check you are working seriously . Ludi, we will be thinking of you . All the best .. COME ON, EVERYBODY ...let's get back to work
Milla Posté(e) 26 janvier 2006 Posté(e) 26 janvier 2006 moi ça me va mais je ne serai peut être pas là lundi ( ce sera peut être même surement avant les 2 semaines Milla ) si c'est le cas je prendrai le train en route à mon retour Nous t'attendrons, aucun problème... Alors ça y est, tu vas très bientôt faire connaissance avec ton bébé, quel bonheur OF COURSE, Milla. I will there regularly to check you are working seriously .Ludi, we will be thinking of you . All the best .. COME ON, EVERYBODY ...let's get back to work Thank you Teacher
Milla Posté(e) 29 janvier 2006 Posté(e) 29 janvier 2006 Hi everybody Here is the text that we have to sum up this week (I hope that you'll find it ok) : Good luck
bigotna Posté(e) 29 janvier 2006 Auteur Posté(e) 29 janvier 2006 very good idea, milla maybe could we add our points of view about the texts to add something else that could be asked during the examination i 'll try to work on the text nadine
ludi Posté(e) 29 janvier 2006 Posté(e) 29 janvier 2006 Thank you Milla for the link I'll try to do it quickly before I leave to give birth to my son see you
Milla Posté(e) 4 février 2006 Posté(e) 4 février 2006 Hello Here is my summary : This text was written by Jo Bertrand, an english mother who is also a teacher to bilingual (english and french) students. It deals with the question of bilingualism (the title of this text). After having explain her personal situation, Jo Bertrand, mother of two children who speak english with her and french with their father, try, with concret exemples, to explain the advantages of being bilingual. Then she reports the dangers and problems taken by this situation. Finally, Jo Bertrand intends to point out the International Mother Language Day. Jo Bertrand who lives in France, talks to her children in english and her husband who is french in his mother tongue. Her kids are used since their birth to that way of communication. The author states that being bilingual means to be able to appropriate both the word and its concept and moreover she insists on the importance of knowing an english concept and its equivalent in french and vice versa. Jo Bertrand wants to underline that bilingualism encourages to be tolerant with others and with other cultures. It is important that a person who choose to talk in a specific language make it whitout exception. The author knows that this situation is difficult because of the others. Especially when they do not understand one of the language. Moreover, children at school make fun of their bilingual classmates. Jo Bertrand reports the "International Mother Language Day" that exists since february 2000. Each year, a different aspect of language is bringing the fore. This year for example, Braille and Sign Language is celebrated. I will give us another text tomorrow, talk to you soon
Milla Posté(e) 5 février 2006 Posté(e) 5 février 2006 Hi everybody (well, that it's if someone else than me read this :P ) , Here are two texts, you can choose one one them or you can make a summary of both (of them ?) : See you
teacher Posté(e) 6 février 2006 Posté(e) 6 février 2006 Hello Here is my summary : This text was written by Jo Bertrand, an english mother who is also a teacher to bilingual (english and french) students. It deals with the question of bilingualism (the title of this text). After having explain her personal situation, Jo Bertrand, mother of two children who speak english with her and french with their father, try, with concret exemples, to explain the advantages of being bilingual. Then she reports the dangers and problems taken by this situation. Finally, Jo Bertrand intends to point out the International Mother Language Day. Jo Bertrand who lives in France, talks to her children in english and her husband who is french in his mother tongue. Her kids are used since their birth to that way of communication. The author states that being bilingual means to be able to appropriate both the word and its concept and moreover she insists on the importance of knowing an english concept and its equivalent in french and vice versa. Jo Bertrand wants to underline that bilingualism encourages to be tolerant with others and with other cultures. It is important that a person who choose to talk in a specific language make it without exception. The author knows that this situation is difficult because of the others. Especially when they do not understand one of the language. Moreover, children at school make fun of their bilingual classmates. Jo Bertrand reports the "International Mother Language Day" that exists since february 2000. Each year, a different aspect of language is bringing the fore. This year for example, Braille and Sign Language is celebrated. Quelques erreurs surlignées en rouge dans ton texte ....à corriger !!!!!
Milla Posté(e) 6 février 2006 Posté(e) 6 février 2006 This text was written by Jo Bertrand, an english mother who is also a teacher to bilingual (english and french) students. It deals with the question of bilingualism (the title of this text). After having explain her personal situation, Jo Bertrand, mother of two children who speak english with her and french with their father, try, with concrete exemples, to explain the advantages of being bilingual. Then she reports the dangers and problems that this situation involves. Finally, Jo Bertrand intends to point out the International Mother Language Day.Jo Bertrand who lives in France, talks to her children in english and her husband who is french in his mother tongue. Her kids are used to speaking like that, since their birth. The author states that being bilingual means to be able to appropriate both the word and its concept and moreover she insists on the importance of knowing an english concept and its equivalent in french and vice versa. Jo Bertrand wants to underline that bilingualism encourages to be tolerant with others and with other cultures. It is important that a person who has chosen to talk in a specific language made it whitout exception. The author knows that this situation is difficult because of the others. Especially when they do not understand one of the languages. Moreover, children at school make fun of their bilingual classmates. Jo Bertrand reports the "International Mother Language Day" that has been created in february 2000. Each year, a different aspect of language brings the fore. This year for example, Braille and Sign Language are celebrated. I hope I did not add more mistakes
teacher Posté(e) 8 février 2006 Posté(e) 8 février 2006 Jo Bertrand wants to underline that bilingualism encourages to be tolerant with others and with other cultures. It is important that a person who has chosen to talk in a specific language made it whitout exception.. Jo Bertrand reports the "International Mother Language Day" that has been created in february 2000. Each year, a different aspect of language brings the fore. This year for example, Braille and Sign Language are celebrated. I hope I did not add more mistakes Good work, Milla ! but.... -a person who has chosen to speak a specific language should do so without exception -Language Day that was created in February 2000 / Language Day that has existed since Feb... (avec "in Feb.., tu dates dans le passé donc preterit / avec "since, tu fais une relation passé/présent donc present perfect) - a different aspect of the language is brought to the fore ( mais je ne sais pas si c'est ce que tu veux dire) Bonne continuation.
Milla Posté(e) 9 février 2006 Posté(e) 9 février 2006 Thank you Teacher, for correcting my text but also for being there Dans : "Each year, a different aspect of language brings the fore. This year for example, Braille and Sign Language are celebrated.", je voulais dire "chaque année, un aspect différent du langage/de la langue est mis en évidence. Cette année..."
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