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i think i still have a problem with "les faux-amis" (for example, i didn't know this meaning of issue)

have a good day


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This is my sumary:

It is an article from the BBC edition and it is entitled "Row erupts over dyslexia denial".

In this text, a psychologist and education professor, Julian Elliot, states that the term "dyslexia" is employed as an emotional delusion. He underlines his experience (30 years in the field and a lot of researches) to explain that experts, who work on that specific problem, do not know what dyslexia really is and how to treat it. Professor Elliot is convinced that there are no treatments for dyslexic persons and moreover, that there is no difference between treating dyslexia and poor reading.

Professor Susan Tresman who is the Britain Dyslexia Association's chief executive stands against Professor Elliot definite position.

She underlines that this problem is not just a problem in reading and writing. She almost says that the experts who works on dyslexia are psychologists from all over the world. She is actually upset considering the number of dyslexic people (ten per cent of Britons according to government figures).

Thank you for reading :blush:


Hello everyone,

I'd like to join your group if it's still possible. As many of you have already sent your summary, I thought I'd maybe send mine for the next text...But I have some questions about the exam.

I don't really understand how the summary of a twenty-line-long text can take 5 minutes. Or is the summary just the beginning, and then are we supposed to talk about the text, say what we think about it, put it in a larger context ?

Have a nice week-end, all of you :D


for andrea92,

the professor of iufm told us that we shoud say in 5 mn the main ideas of the text.

I agree that resuming (?) 20 lines in 5 mn is not really a summary, but we must develop the main ideas.

is it clearer for you?


Regarding your summary I found them shorter than mine,   what does the jury want us to do???

TO answer to aspidistra, i said to prépare a schort summary, but you're not bad, because we must speak 5 mn about the text in beginning.

now i add an information from our iufm :

- we have 30 mn to prepare

- then we must talk 5 mn about the text

- then the jury ask us to read some phrases

- then the jury will talk with us 10 mn approximately

the professor told us that the text would be argumentative or informative, he thought maybe of journalistic type.

And another thing : the text will have 20 lines less or more.

he added that we must pay attention about pronounciation and fluent english.

can some other persons confirm what i say ?


Yes, Bigotna, I confirm ...and I think all this has been mentioned before .

-30 mn to prepare a text ( about 20 lines )

-20 mn for the test : You speak about the text for 5 mn

you read an extract chosen by the board of examiners

the board of examiners asks you a few questions ( about 10 mn)

That's why I was saying earlier that your " summaries " were a bit you need to speak 5 long minutes in English . Of course as you said , you still have a few months to practise. ;)

Hello everyone,

I don't really understand how the summary of a twenty-line-long text can take 5 minutes. Or is the summary just the beginning, and then are we supposed to talk about the text, say what we think about it, put it in a larger context ? 

Have a nice week-end, all of you :D

MaY I suggest again that you read the " bulletin officiel" n° 21 (26 mai 05) which defines the exam .

It mentions " l'épreuve s'appuie sur un text d'une vingtaine de lignes...l'épreuve débute par une présentation orale des grandes lignes du texte, d'une durée de 5 minutes ...."

you'll find the answers to all your questions!!!


i think i still have a problem with "les faux-amis" (for example, i didn't know this meaning of issue)

have a good day


To complicate matters a little !!!, the word "issue " can also be a verb .

For instance : This magazine was issued in September .... ( to issue = to publish)

but of course , as a noun "issue" means " a problem / a question/ a matter " as Zorro said ....However it can also be " a result"/ " an outcome" as in : " until the issue is known"

Bigotna, another word seems to be a problem for you ...' to resume' means " to start again" ( to resume school in september) summarize " or " to sum up" mean "résumer"

Good luck ;)


Well, Teacher, I certainly HAVE read the "B.O", but still do not really have answers to my questions. "To present the main ideas of a text" is quite a vague definition of what we'll be asked to do. If we have to talk for 5 minutes, we sure have to add something to the text :D But what ? Our ideas ? Further development of the problem that was raised in the text (if any...) ? Should we compare with other articles, television reports, anything we're familiar with ? As you put it in one of your former replies, 5 minutes ARE long :D


I REPEAT, andrea92, that our professor of iufm told us only to summarize the text, we have to tell it with our words, not something else.

maybe you can try to say 20 lines to see if it's longer or shorter than 5 mn, but the work is only to talk about the text , and only the text, during 5 mn.




I'm sorry I did'nt have the time to work my summary. I have too much work to do for my class ( If someone have a clue for me...). But I just read the text and all your work ( 5 pages in 3 days! great!) and I have some questions.

First of all , I didnt' find the text really simple . As bigotna I search lot of vocabulary in my dictionnary. But I learnt some vocabulary by reading it and by reading your work too!

Second of all ( :unsure: ???) I have some questions about the meaning of " the cheschire cat". In my dictionnary there's this rhyme : " to grin like a cheschire cat" ( avoir le sourire jusqu'aux oreilles) but in the article I didn't understand what it mean's .

I didn't understand either " emotionnal construct" ...I really don't get it!

And I wanted to know if we can say " This article is about dyslexia" to start the summary or if it's too simple or I don't know.....

Finally I wanted to know if some of you have " msn" for chatting in english in a while.

Thank's for your answers!

I underlined when i'm not sure what I'm saying is good.


The Cheshire Cat is a fictional character which does not exist, it appears in Alice in wonderland (I'm not sure at all...)

emotional construct: it means that dyslexia is linked with psychological feelings. It can't be considered as a "real' disease...

And I wanted to know if we can say " This article is about dyslexia" to start the summary

You'd better use: "This article deals with... "

Second of all

Secondly is better

see you ;)


for reginaphalenge, i have msn to talk in english, but there is a chat in edp too.

i think that looking for vocabulary is good, even if it takes time, the words we will find like this will be easier to remember.


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