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You're welcome ! :D


It's TO GO or TO SIT an exam ?


Mine is tomorrow afternoon... I'm afraid about this exam, because last year it wasn't a success for me in english (4/20)... SO i hope i'll be better in 2006!!!

Good luck everybody...


yes it's surelly will because this year we have a wroten text

yes it's surelly will because this year we have a wroten text

Yes I think I will be better, because last year my text (euh, the text i heard) was about "fox hunting"... and that wasn't a subject i was interested in!...


yes but if we don't anderstand the text, what can we say ?

I'm very afraid about this exam, because me, I leave school since twenty years.I have speaking english during few holiday but just a little not a long conversation.

So, the accords and the conjugaison, it's not for me.

I'm very bad, excuse me, but I will try to speak with you.


I have never understand the "audio" text, last year I have chosen drawing


Don't worry... if you don't understant, the person will ask you questions


I'm not as good as I was when I finished my studies 7 years ago but I'll try to correct your answers ;)

Yes I think I will be better, because last year my text (euh, the text i heard) was about "fox hunting"... and that wasn't a subject i was interested in!...

Yes, I Think I'll do better (to do something, here your oral for the exam), as ( une sorte de "vu que") last year the text I heard was about (you can also say : the text dealed with...)"fox hunting" which is not a subject I'm interested in (you're still not interested, aren't you ?)

I'm very afraid about this exam, because me, I leave school since twenty years.I have speaking english during few holiday but just a little not a long conversation.

I'm very afraid of this exam, as I left school 20 years ago. I spoke english during some holidays but only a few words. (j'hésite avec le I've been speaking... I have to progress myself :blush: )

Don't worry... if you don't understant, the person will ask you questions

tite faute de frappe Lucile2, understand :P



I'm going to take my exam tomorrow too and I'm afraid about my english level!! I'm looking for persons whose want to talk in english. I have "skype", it's very easy to talk together with it, so if someone is interested...send me a mp!

Good luck!!


hello everyody !

I'm just waking ( se réveiller?) and I'm surprised because this night, I had dream (??) in english...

Iwant to be at tomorrow night !!!

One question. How to you make your speach today ? (comment dit-on "mon exposé" ?)

* At first you begin like this : "The text is an extract from ... It deals with..."

* Next : "Mains ideas are..."

In my opinion, ....

* Then : "To conclude we can say that the texte raises question of... (dit-on "raise the question of" ou "raises question of"... ?)

It is right ?

Thanks for your help. ;)

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