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Do you want to speak English?


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  • juju8684


  • Yoake


  • Veerginy


  • emmabaret


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that's it,

i am doing a good lunch, i am see to my daughter,

now i begin again to work!

what: "have a good rest"? please

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Have a good rest = repose toi bien... littéralement "aies un bon repos"...

"I am see to my daughter"... ??? What did you want to say??? I don't understand this sentence...

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yesterday, i want to say that i play a little with my daughter,

at this time, i much work and i can't much see her!

she is 9month!

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yes a very pretty little girl! :wub:

it's finish for me, i go to st denis (contry to pass the test)

i won't have "internet"

so, i say you good luck, thank you to help me and to speak with me,

and tomorrow i give you the news about my test!


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ok, good luck for you too!!!

I 'll give you some news about the test tomorow afternoon too!!!

Bye, good luck!!!

Thanks for having discussions with me ;)

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I've got a problem with the english tense and more particulary with the employing of the present perfect and the pluperfect... And yet I've done many exercices and I've read many times the lessons...

Can you help me???

Can you explain me, give me some hocus-pokus (trucs, astuces) in order to understand????

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I've got a problem with the english tense and more particulary with the employing of the present perfect and the pluperfect... And yet I've done many exercices and I've read many times the lessons...

Can you help me???

Can you explain me, give me some hocus-pokus (trucs, astuces) in order to understand????

Je vais essayer de te l'expliquer en français car en anglais...

Alors le present perfect c'est une action qui a commencé dans le passé et qui continue toujours dans le présent (exemple : j'ai commencé les épreuves pour l'oral il y a 2 semaines et ça continue toujours). Pour la syntaxe : to have au présent + participe passé

Le pluperfect : c'est une action qui a duré dans le passé (exemple : j'ai préparé les épreuves du concours. J'ai commencé en septembre et j'ai arrêté il y a 3 semaines). Pour la syntaxe : to have au prétérit + participe passé.

Voilà j'espère avoir pu t'aider et je mexcuse pour mes exemples très originaux !!!!!!!!!!!

Bon courage et si tu veux proposer un nouveau sujet, je suis prête pour une nouvelle journée !!


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Thanks for the help, but for me it's over!!!

I took my exam this morning... That was rather difficult... The text was a news paper's article which deals with an experience done in a british school... They had installed web cams in the classroom in order to parents can see at any moments there children being working... according to me it's a little stange...

Brief, in a word, let's bygone be bygone...

I hope it'll be ok for you!!! Bye!!!

Now, I had to work my italian... :cry:

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