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Thanks for the help, but for me it's over!!!

I took my exam this morning... That was rather difficult... The text was a news paper's article which deals with an experience done in a british school... They had installed web cams in the classroom in order to parents can see at any moments there children being working... according to me it's a little stange...

Brief, in a word, let's bygone be bygone...

I hope it'll be ok for you!!! Bye!!!

Now, I had to work my italian... :cry:

Ok Yoake, I hope our discussions helped you and I wish you good luck for the end of the tests.

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  • juju8684


  • Yoake


  • Veerginy


  • emmabaret


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I have an idea for a new topic !!

What do you think about the meetings with the parents of pupils ?

Good idea!!

I think that these meetings are very important. Firstly for parents who want to know what their children do in class and also how they can help them ,if they have some difficulties... Secondly for the teacher who learn to know the parents and to understand some reactions of the child. Finally for the pupil for whom it is important to see that parents and teacher want the same thing for him. If parents always say that the teacher is not good, the pupil will not work correctly at school.

In France, at least 2 meetings have to be organize with parents particularly at the beginning of the year in order to welcome the new pupils.

And you what do you think?


salut yoake et les autres

ça y est je suis en vacances depuis lundi soir!!!

mon oral c'est passé on va dire correctement même si le vocabulaire me manquait un peu,

j'ai eu un sujet sur les tailles des mannequins trop maigre, sur la nourriture et sur l'image des filles tropmaigres et les conséquences de celles-ci sur les jeunes et les moins jeunes, il parlait aussi de l'anoréxie...

sujet sympa avec beaucoup de choses à dire, même sans vocabulaire!!

et toi comment ça c'est passé?

bien je l'espère, tu dois être en vacances aussi non?


ben moi aussi c'est fait, sujet sur la nouvelle loi qui interdit la cigarette dans les lieux public manque aussi un peu de vocabulaire et un paragraphe du texte que j'avais mal compris mais bon on verra bien !!

Il ne me reste plus qu'une épreuve maintenant, il me tarde demain midi pour avoir fini

Bon courage à tous


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