nenette85 Posté(e) 28 mai 2007 Auteur Posté(e) 28 mai 2007 Allez encore des sujets pour vous qui aimez ca!!!!! anglais_10.pdf anglais_11.pdf
nunu Posté(e) 28 mai 2007 Posté(e) 28 mai 2007 Here is my summary for the text 9 gave this day This text is extracted from Cape Times, written for december, 23, 2005 ; is entitled « Investigation into Lance Amstrong’salleged doping “won’t go away”. It deals with dopage in sport, particullary, in cyclism. My report can divide en two parts: firstly, I’m going to make a summary of this text, secondly I will explain my opinion about dopage in sport. From the biginning, the journalist explains that Lance Amstrong was doped at the seventh Tour de France. But, Dick Pound (who is world Anti doping Agency President) pretends to have spin out (faire trainer une affaire) for helping the investingation to progress. So, last July, the Equipe’s newspaper, published an article , who explains, that the champion has taken drugs in 1999. The journalist insists on the fact that Amstrong doesn’t admit this and on the fact, that Pound has criticized the International cycling Union. Indeed, he pretends that the ICU doesn’t want to revelate positives tests concerning others cycles. L’Equipe’s daily declares that their investigations have realised in the laboraty and they have remarked that six of Amstrong ‘urine collected in 1999 Tour, had traces of EPO. Amstrong had been affraid a few, but in an interview, he has showed a real self confidence. Because this scandal has been evocate in a lot of newspapers and at the televison, it creats a real debate in sport. According to me, Amstrong isn’t atletic alone to take drugs; indeed, making incredible perfomance when we have been so ill, it’s very wonderfull! We know that others atletics are taking drugs for being the best. Indeed, the newspapers make often articles on the young atletic’s death. For example, a russian ‘s skater is dead making a competition, and a young footballer too, they were so young that it’s impossible that they were dead without taking drugs. In east Germany, gymnasts might be pregnants, afterwards might be abort, for having homones and impoving their performance.I think that, when maked tour de France, we must be tired, and making as much performance , it can’t make this without drugs. As a conclusion, dopage in sport gives a bad image for children. They think that for being the best, we must take drugs, because it seems impossible to pratic a sport without this. Be careful I believe the word for "dopage" in French is doping
titou017017 Posté(e) 28 mai 2007 Posté(e) 28 mai 2007 Thanks, you are right, it's doping!!!! Oui je suis à fond, je passe le 15 alors vu mon niveau, j'ai beaucoup de boulot!!!, je bosse un texte par jour.
nunu Posté(e) 28 mai 2007 Posté(e) 28 mai 2007 Dis donc Titou t'es à fond!!!!Here my summary about the 9th text... This text is an extract published in the news paper Cpae Time. It dates from December 23, 2005. It's entitled "Investigation into Lance Amstrong's alleged doping won't go away". The main topic of this article is the charge against Lance Amstrong who would had taken EPO for the Tour of France. The french dayli, "l'Equipe", published an article in which Amstrong is blamed for having taken EPO in 1999, when he won this race. A World Anti Doping Association wanted to do an investigation but they said taht it's not hurry, because it was the last race of Amstrong. He was retired after his seventh win but he has always denied to have taken drugs in order to win. The author asserts that l'Equipe has found in labotary a lot of/ lots of positives tests with EPO. But Amstrong has always denied this allegation. After this story, he was a few frightened to return in France and to do another race... I think that EPO is a real problem in all sports. We can wonder that if there is one sport without doping...Athletics have so much pressures that they're taking drugs in order to be the best. I think too Tour of France is a very hard race. Cyclists have to do more than 200 kms each day and their organism can't recover between race... so that they have to take drugs to feel well... But drugs aren't only in the high level sport. Some amateurs athletics have to take drugs, not inevitably EPO, but there are a lot of / lots of substances which ca, ameliorate the performance... but it will be a risk for them and their health. Voilà... Pas facile!!!! Yes, this text was not easy at all and I renounce to do a summary (bad giiiirl !) Instead, I try to correct some of your mistakes... but I am not an english specialist !! Emma
titou017017 Posté(e) 29 mai 2007 Posté(e) 29 mai 2007 Here is my summary for the text 10 gave this day: This text is extracted from The national Post, written from January, the third, 2006. This article is entitled “US needs “pionner spirit” to stay no.1 It deals with the difference between high-level jobs and other works in America. My report can be divided en two parts: firstly, I’m going to make a summary of this text, secondly I will explain my opinion about poors countries and rich countries on the world. From the beginning, the journalist explains that America’s economy won’t be as important in the end of decade because this country preferes to protect industries, instead of helping all jobs, as education or technology; This activities will go to suffer of this. For Paul Craig Roberts, who is assistant US Treasury secretary, America could be considerate as “has been economy”. The journalist precises that this phenomenom is planetary and that a giant, Mc Jobs America, seems become an important industry. It could be erasing consumers’s debt. In my mind, all jobs are important in the economic life to a country. But, if someone has made studies and doesn’t find an high-level job, he will take anything. Someone needs money for living . According to me, to world scale (échelle), the difference between economic countries are very important. Generally, northern countries are more wealthy that southern countries. In the European Union, rich countries help countries whitch have got economic difficulties. For becoming integrated (intégrer) the Euopean Union, the gross interior product (PIB) country must be accepted by the europeen commission. As a conclusion, a country needs all of jobs to her economy. Manual works are very important, that ‘s why, professional schools are going to develop in France, as alternately formation.
titou017017 Posté(e) 30 mai 2007 Posté(e) 30 mai 2007 Bon vous bossez encore où quoi???????? Vous êtes où?????????
nenette85 Posté(e) 30 mai 2007 Auteur Posté(e) 30 mai 2007 Désolée Titou.... Je m'y remets dans la matinée... 2 exposés en ligne à mettre puis je mets d'autres sujets!!!
nunu Posté(e) 30 mai 2007 Posté(e) 30 mai 2007 Le mercredi j'ai mes 3 loulous dans les pattes donc c'est relâche !!!
nenette85 Posté(e) 30 mai 2007 Auteur Posté(e) 30 mai 2007 Text 10. This text is an extract from the newspaper the National Post. It dates from January 2006. The tittle of this text is "US needs a pionner spirit to stay N°1". It deals with the economic situation of the USA. The author shows USA would have been n°1 for a long time in world economy. But he asserts that USA who have more policy of protecting industrie from the likes of China and India couldn't stay the huge of world economy. Then, rather than to create skilled jobs in their industries in USA, they prefer having this jobs overseas because this process makes it to save it money, becaus e it cost less money to pay people overseas for high level job rather than in their country. But the author asserts taht this policy could be a risk for USA economy and it could go to a "has been economy". Outsourcing is a real problem for economy because for countries of origin, they lost jobs hign-level (in education, innovation...) and without them economy and country will be less competitives and activities will go to suffer of this. The journalist precizes that this phenomen is planetary. I think that outsourcing is very dangerous for country and I think it isn't normal for a person with high level qualification not to find a job. We can see a lot of cases: a lots of youngs people with skilled jobs have to leave contry for having a job which corresponds of their level of qualifiaction. And this departures are very dangerous for county because he loose innovation jobs and it's very important in the world to be competitive and to have a goog economy.
nenette85 Posté(e) 30 mai 2007 Auteur Posté(e) 30 mai 2007 Text 11 This text is taken from the newspaper the daily News, South africa. It dates from september, 20 on 2005. It's entitled "Britain's ghettos". The whole extract is devoted to the topic of racially segregation in South Africa. The author emphasizes racially segragation in South africa. He writes that ethnic minorities live in "ghettos" and they're cutting off from the rest of society. According to Trevor Philips this ghettos are dangerous and nobody goes here without fear... He aserts that this situatiuon is fault of governement , because he don't have a policy which upholding British values. He says that people are becoming strangers to each other. There is different thought about immigration: on the one hand there are too many immigrants (more 150 000 every year) so that's why immigration policy must be slowed, because if there is too many immigrants it wil be too many ghettos. On the other hand, white school have to take a larger of ethnic minorities in their school to integrate immaigrants on society, in order to create a nation "of many colours". I think that integration of immigrants is very imporatnt to have a society whitout problem, a society who lives in harmony with the others some is their origins. Ghettos is no a solution it's a risk. Ethnic minorities have to integrate them in society and people have to tolerant. Governement have to do applying values of country. In soith Africa, this segragatiuon is a old phenomen. Actually segregation have been always present in south africa with Apartheid.
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