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voilà mon "exposé" pour le texte : Subject: What I need

merci de me corriger et de me dire ce que vous en pensez si vous avez le temps ! :wub:

This text talks about some students in the United States who have the possibility to email their professor. It deals in fact, with the advantage and the inconvenient of this possibility.

First, we can note that it’s a good thing because then, the professor can help his student, he become more approachable. But, in the other side, he becomes too much accessible and lost th distance he have to keep!

This problem comes with some students who forget what the respect of his professor, means. The solution is to balance the need of students and the law of the professors. But it seems to be very difficult, and the balance is really too fragile.

In France we can also see appearing this new mode of communication between students and professors. In fact, this week, I have saw a report on the high school diploma, where the students could contact their professor by email or by telephone mobile (portable), and even by msn during this lasts moments before the day D !

In my opinion, it’s a good idea to let the students communicate with their professor by emails. Maybe, the professors just have to precise that in this sort of communication, he is still the professor and that the respect must be bilateral.

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voilà mon "exposé" pour le texte : Subject: What I need

merci de me corriger et de me dire ce que vous en pensez si vous avez le temps ! :wub:

This text talks about some students in the United States who have the possibility to email their professor. It deals in fact, with the advantage and the inconvenient of this possibility.

First, we can note that it’s a good thing because then, the professor can help his students, he becomes more approachable. But, in the other side, he becomes too much accessible and looses the distance he has to keep!

This problem comes with some students who forget what the respect of their professor means. The solution is to balance the need of students and the law of the professors. But it seems to be very difficult, and the balance is really too fragile.

In France we can also see this new mode of communication between students and professors. In fact, this week, I have seen a report on the high school diploma, where the students can contact their professor by email or by telephone mobile (portable), and even by msn during the last moments before the day D !

In my opinion, it’s a good idea to let the students communicate with their professor by emails. Maybe, the professors just have to precise that in this sort of communication, he is still the professor and that the respect must be bilateral.

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on ben ca y est moi j'y suis passée ce matin ouf soulagée je suis tombée sur un texte parlant de l'influence de la publicité sur les enfants notament la pub sur l'alcool et le tabac.

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Vous employez souvent "tackle" et "deal" dans vos exposé mais je n'arrive pas à trouver de définition pour ces deux mots..


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Vous employez souvent "tackle" et "deal" dans vos exposé mais je n'arrive pas à trouver de définition pour ces deux mots..


to tackle = aborder (synonyme : to deal with)

to deal with = traiter de


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Désolée ca fait un moment que je ne suis pas venue par là..!!!

Je vois que ca bosse bien ici...

Cet aprem je passe OP et LJ... donc dès demain je me remets à l'anglais!!! Car ca sera mon dernier oral lundi prochain.

Donc demain je remets des sujets...

Au fait saviez vous qu'il fallait une problematique dans les textes que l'on traite... cf les rapports de jurys.... <_<

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Voilà pour moi J'attend vos remarques.

This text intitled "Help your....learn the value of money" was adapted from HapLecrone. It was published on October 2005. The author's name is not mentionned. This text deals with the learning of the value of money by parents to their childrens.

I will organize my talk in 2 parts : firstly I will summarize the text and then I will briefly explain my point of view about ideas approached in this text.

Nowadays, a lot of values are teaching to children; for instance, parents can learn values like honesy, kindness and respect to their children. This text speaks particularly about the teaching of the value of money. Indeed, according to the author of this text, the teaching of this value can help children to get up success.

But who can teach the value of the money?

The text reveals that parents can help their children to respect money and it also shows that this teaching can be realized during a child's early developmental years.

But how parents can help their children to respect money.

The text propose some examples. Firstly, the text precises that value of money depends on its use. Then, it suggests that parents can distribute allowance to their children explaining that they are responsible of their own money. Moreover parents can advise their children to set aside money.

According to me, it's a good idea and it's especially necessarry that children learn some values and not only the value of the money. I also think that this values can be learnt at school. Indeed, thanks to debates, pupils can learn and can reflect about these values..

je ne sais pas quoi dire plus..

à votre avis, le jour J ca passe?


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