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salut je voulais rejoindre votre groupe je passe l'oral d'anglais le 11, mais en lisant les textes je suis completement demoraliser je comprends un mot sur deux. j'arriverais jamais a faire un resumé pour l'épreuve.c'est vachement éleve comme niveau. quand j'ai passée mon bac j'avais un bon niveau mais depuis j'ai beaucoup perdu et la ca m'effraie


courage, Véronique, jusqu'au 11, tu vas pouvoir faire un ou deux résumés par jour. Yes....

Le tout c'est de se lancer. Alleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez

Tu prends un texte, tu te prends 30 minutes pour le préparer, en essayant d'abord de le comprendre sans chercher de mots dans le dico (puis en cherchant des mots clefs), et puis tu écris un résumé;

La première fois cela te semblera une montagne mais dans qques jours au bout du 4e ou du 5e tu auras pris le pli pour la présentation et tu auras qques phrases clefs.

Allez, lance toi... on attend ton résumé en ligne ;)

Text 11

This text is taken from the newspaper the daily News, South africa. It dates from september, 20 on 2005. It's entitled "Britain's ghettos". The whole extract is devoted to the topic of racially segregation in South Africa.

The author emphasizes racially segragation in South africa. He writes that ethnic minorities live in "ghettos" and they're cutting off from the rest of society. According to Trevor Philips this ghettos are dangerous and nobody goes here without fear...

He aserts that this situatiuon is fault of governement , because he don't have a policy which upholding British values. He says that people are becoming strangers to each other.

There is different thought about immigration: on the one hand there are too many immigrants (more 150 000 every year) so that's why immigration policy must be slowed, because if there is too many immigrants it wil be too many ghettos.

On the other hand, white school have to take a larger of ethnic minorities in their school to integrate immaigrants on society, in order to create a nation "of many colours".

I think that integration of immigrants is very imporatnt to have a society whitout problem, a society who lives in harmony with the others some is their origins. Ghettos is no a solution it's a risk. Ethnic minorities have to integrate them in society and people have to tolerant. Governement have to do applying values of country. In soith Africa, this segragatiuon is a old phenomen. Actually segregation have been always present in south africa with Apartheid.

Well, I have made a summary too on that text, but I don't put it on line.

But, at the opposite at you, I understood Philips Trevor talks about BRITAIN and not SOUTH AFRICA when he says that policy encourages ghettos and communities, cut off from the rest of society.

As to me, South Africa is just the place where the article of the Daily News was issued.


NB : = a french article which could confirm what I said.


merci nenette pour tes encouragements mais 1 ou 2 resumé par jour c'est tres illusoire, je boss toute lajournée le soir j'ai ma classe a preparé ( je supléante dans le prive) mais 1 ou 2 dans la semaine me semble plus pres de la réalité et en plus il faut aussiqueje travail l'oral pro etla littérarture de jeunesse c'est le meme jour.

Here is my summary for the text 10 gave this day:

This text is extracted from The national Post, written from January, the third, 2006. This article is entitled “US needs “pionner spirit” to stay no.1

It deals with the difference between high-level jobs and other works in America.

My report can be divided en two parts: firstly, I’m going to make a summary of this text, secondly I will explain my opinion about poors countries and rich countries on the world.

From the beginning, the journalist explains that America’s economy won’t be as important in the end of decade because this country preferes to protect industries, instead of helping all jobs, as education or technology;

This activities will go to suffer of this.

For Paul Craig Roberts, who is assistant US Treasury secretary, America could be considerate as “has been economy”.

The journalist precises that this phenomenom is planetary and that a giant, Mc Jobs America, seems become an important industry. It could be erasing consumers’s debt.

In my mind, all jobs are important in the economic life to a country. But, if someone has made studies and doesn’t find an high-level job, he will take anything. Someone needs money for living .

According to me, to world scale (échelle), the difference between economic countries are very important. Generally, northern countries are more wealthy that southern countries.

In the European Union, rich countries help countries whitch have got economic difficulties.

For becoming integrated (intégrer) the Euopean Union, the gross interior product (PIB) country must be accepted by the europeen commission.

As a conclusion, a country needs all of jobs to her economy. Manual works are very important, that ‘s why, professional schools are going to develop in France, as alternately formation.

Be careful, McJobs is not a company.

Cf Wikipédia :

McJob est un mot argotique pour désigner un emploi peu qualifié, mal payé, sans prestige et sans perspective d'avenir. Le terme vient du nom de la chaîne de restauration rapide McDonald's, mais il s'applique à tous les emplois peu qualifiés qui ne requièrent presque pas de formation et où les activités de l'employé sont strictement régulées. La plupart des McJobs se trouvent dans les services, en particulier la restauration rapide et la vente au détail.




je me joins a vous pour cet entrainement

je suis sur le texte 7 en ce moment mais une expression me tracasse , meme 2 !

c est quoi 300 hundred ??? je comprends pas c est soit 3 hundred soit 300 mais pas 300 hundred ???

et la 2 nde expression est " second of none" ?

Can you help me please??


je me joins a vous pour cet entrainement

je suis sur le texte 7 en ce moment mais une expression me tracasse , meme 2 !

c est quoi 300 hundred ??? je comprends pas c est soit 3 hundred soit 300 mais pas 300 hundred ???

et la 2 nde expression est " second of none" ?

Can you help me please??

Well, I would try in english... we must train !!

So, 300 hundred it is, As for me, 300 times one hundred (=300*100) so 30.000.

Else, it is not "second of none" but second TO none" means that for nobody (="none") safety requirements could be considered as a second place. So that means it is the fisrt priority.

Is it ok for you ?


Can i work with you?

But i want warn you taht i'm not talented!!!

There is a text?


je me joins a vous pour cet entrainement

je suis sur le texte 7 en ce moment mais une expression me tracasse , meme 2 !

c est quoi 300 hundred ??? je comprends pas c est soit 3 hundred soit 300 mais pas 300 hundred ???

et la 2 nde expression est " second of none" ?

Can you help me please??

Well, I would try in english... we must train !!

So, 300 hundred it is, As for me, 300 times one hundred (=300*100) so 30.000.

Else, it is not "second of none" but second TO none" means that for nobody (="none") safety requirements could be considered as a second place. So that means it is the fisrt priority.

Is it ok for you ?

true, it means it's the best you can get, but I haven't read the text.

300 hundreds? I need to see the text to check the whole story.




just read it!( very boring topic!)

300 hundreds looks like a typing error to me as 30000 deaths in 4 accidents seems rather large!

good luck. K


ok , it's ok for me .Thank you very much.

and good luck

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