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I would like to work with you but i don't know what text working...

Waouuuuuuuu my english is horrible!

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Ca fait un petit moment que je ne suis pas passée par là...!! l'anglais étant mon dernier oral, je le mets un peu de coté pour le moment (c'est le 18 juin!)

Je vous mets deux autres textes!!! Car Bla me semble désespérée!!!!!


A bientôt avec vos résumés!! Parce que plus de 80 téléchragements sur certains textes... mais très peu de retour... c'est dommage



Posté(e) (modifié)

Texte 11:

Yes, I agree with you.

I had the same reflexion while I was reading this sumary.

To my mind, Philipps is a South african political character who criticize the immigration politic of Britain: this one is "open door", that's why it's difficult to this people to "properly integrate" the society.

I think I just have create new english words or expression !!! Sorry !

Modifié par lenacos

Ca fait un petit moment que je ne suis pas passée par là...!! l'anglais étant mon dernier oral, je le mets un peu de coté pour le moment (c'est le 18 juin!)

Je vous mets deux autres textes!!! Car Bla me semble désespérée!!!!!


A bientôt avec vos résumés!! Parce que plus de 80 téléchragements sur certains textes... mais très peu de retour... c'est dommage

Hello tout le monde, je me permet de me joindre à vous si vous voulez bien de moi... :blush:

I just try to sum up the text n°20 but it was too difficult for me!!! I gave up!!

I don't understand some words and expressions like "inner-city comprehensive" which is in the 2d ligne of the text... Moreover, the form of the text is odd. How should we summarize a text written like a question/an answer?? Should we use the first person or expression like "the author says..."

In 15 minutes, there is what I wrote :

"We have few informations about this text : date and origine of publication, name of the author are not mentionned.

Apparently, it is a 'question/answer' which is following a show on TV.

The question is from a newly qualified teacher. This person wants to know if she should take in consideration behaviors pupils in her new job.

The answer deals with the problem of discipline in secondary school..."

And that's all... After, I don't know what to say

My test is on monday. I pray for not having this kind of text!!!

Now, I will try the text n°21... Sorry...

PS : Thanks for correcting my mistakes, which should be numerous!!


It's me again!!

I jut finish the text N°21 and what I can say is that it was totally different of the precedent text!!! I'm relieved!!!

So, here is my sup up :

"This text is an article which has been published in the british paper The Sunday Time, on November, 2004. It is entitled 'Shoebox appeal' and the name of its author is not mentionned.

It deals with the problem of poverty around the world and talks about the existence of a charity operation which offers to children victims of war or disasters little enjoy.

Indeed, every year in Great Britain, during Christmas' period, there is an operation which makes donations for children from 95 countries. These donations come from anybody. They are packed inside a shoebox. This shoebox contains a toy, candies, paper with pencils... Everything which could be funny for a child or useful, because it also could be toothbrush for exemple. Of course, these objects must not be dangerous and with batteries.

This action, called 'Shoebox Appeal Worlwide' is not like the others charity operations, which collect money because what you give as gift is useful just for a child. There is no money.

It could be interessant to do this donation with your own children even if they don't really understand what they are doing.

To conclude, the authors talks about the contrast between this action and the madness, which is in every shop at Christmas. There is definitely too much differences in the life of children all around the world.

When we read this text, we could tackle different questions. Firstable, we could talk about the problem of spoil children. Indeed, these last years, the place of children in family has evoluated, placing them in centre of preoccupations. Sometimes, parents overindulge them too much.

In opposition, we also could think about the children who suffer of poverty all around the world. I think for example to children who lives in Darfour. "

Voilà. Je me suis... Oups, I have to talk in english... That's what I wrote in 30 minutes...


Pendant que j'y suis, voici quelques références qu'il est bien de connaître je pense concernant la presse:

- Presse anglaise:

Quality papers : The Times, The Financial Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The Independent, the Sunday Times...

Tabloids : The Sun, The Daily Mirror...

Magazines : The Economics (qui est généraliste et ne parle pas que d'économie)

- Presse américaine :

Quality papers : The Washington post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, The Herald Tribune... (l'avantage, c'est qu'avec leurs noms, on sait tout de suite qu'ils sont US!! :lol: )

Magazines : Time, Newsweek, World Report, Business Week, U.S. News...

A mon avis, ca doit être bien vu, si dès l'intro, on pose le cadre!! Autant essayer de plaire tout de suite pour cacher les fautes de langue ensuite!! ;)

Pendant que j'y suis, voici quelques références qu'il est bien de connaître je pense concernant la presse:

- Presse anglaise:

Quality papers : The Times, The Financial Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The Independent, the Sunday Times...

Tabloids : The Sun, The Daily Mirror...

Magazines : The Economics (qui est généraliste et ne parle pas que d'économie)

- Presse américaine :

Quality papers : The Washington post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, The Herald Tribune... (l'avantage, c'est qu'avec leurs noms, on sait tout de suite qu'ils sont US!! :lol: )

Magazines : Time, Newsweek, World Report, Business Week, U.S. News...

A mon avis, ca doit être bien vu, si dès l'intro, on pose le cadre!! Autant essayer de plaire tout de suite pour cacher les fautes de langue ensuite!! ;)

Très bonne idée courjus1051!!!!

Je donnerai mes résumés dans quelques temps!!

Prio EPS ET OP!!


Here is my sum up!excuse me for the mistakes,it'my first sum up! :blush:

The text is an article asapted from the sunday times;

We don't know who is the author,we can deduct it' a mother or a father;we have the date:november 2004(what the english for 2004?)

To sum up the text,the author speaks about the fact of giving a child whose life has been wrecked by disaster a present;this present is not a thing buying in a shop but it's a toy's child choosing by himself.

The author puts the stress on the quality of the toy choosed:it must be clean,attractive and it can't be something reminiscent of violence;

The authors adds he puts the toy in a shoe box with some sweets and some littles things such pencils,paper,christmas card...

The authors thinks it's a good deed and you don't need money to make this present because you can give one of your toys or one of your child's toys...

I would like to give my opinion, about the subject:i think it' s a good deed,it's a beautiful gesture ant it allows children to understand that misfortune exist,that there are some children who are unhappy because of a war or a disaster...

Arfffff it's english is poor... :huh::blush:


Merci Nenette85 pour tous les sujets. Je viens juste de découvrir, je passe l'anglais le 11, mais je ne suis pas très inquiet, j'ai eu 14 l'année dernière.

Attention à ne pas faire trop de résumé. On doit tenir 5mn et sur un texte de 20-30 lignes, ce n'est pas si évident. L'année dernière, j'ai donc délibérément pris le parti de sortir du cadre du texte.

Effectivement, connaitre l'origine du texte quand il est extrait d'un journal est important. On m'a posé la question l'année dernière.

Lors du dialogue avec le jury, parlez, parlez, parlez, répondez rapidement avec des mots simples, évitez si vous ne les maitrisez pas les tournures de phrases compliquées et méfiez vous des verbes irréguliers.

Bonne chance à tous et à toutes!



Je ne suis pas une lumièe en anglais mais il me semble qu'on n'utilise pas"speak about".

Voici ce que tu peux utiliser :

the author explains, describes, insists on, examines,reveals, shows, ... or He presents us with (il nous présente).

Pour le reste , je ne peux pas te donner d'avis. Cela m'a l'air pas trop mal.

Bon courage

what the english for 2004?

Two thousand and four ou twenty oh four qui a l'air à la mode en ce moment :)


Ca fait un petit moment que je ne suis pas passée par là...!! l'anglais étant mon dernier oral, je le mets un peu de coté pour le moment (c'est le 18 juin!)

Je vous mets deux autres textes!!! Car Bla me semble désespérée!!!!!


A bientôt avec vos résumés!! Parce que plus de 80 téléchragements sur certains textes... mais très peu de retour... c'est dommage

Hello tout le monde, je me permet de me joindre à vous si vous voulez bien de moi... :blush:

I just try to sum up the text n°20 but it was too difficult for me!!! I gave up!!

I don't understand some words and expressions like "inner-city comprehensive" which is in the 2d ligne of the text...

inner-city=town centre=downtwn comprehensive=comprehensive school=notre college

Moreover, the form of the text is odd. How should we summarize a text written like a question/an answer?? Should we use the first person or expression like "the author says..."

=> better say: according to the author...or the author said...(3rd personne +past is better)

In 15 minutes, there is what I wrote :

"We have few informations about this text : date and origine of publication, name of the author are not mentionned.

Apparently, it is a 'question/answer' which is following a show on TV.

The question is from a newly qualified teacher. This person wants to know if she should take in consideration behaviors pupils in her new job.

The answer deals with the problem of discipline in secondary school..."

And that's all... After, I don't know what to say

My test is on monday. I pray for not having this kind of text!!!

Now, I will try the text n°21... Sorry...

PS : Thanks for correcting my mistakes, which should be numerous!!

=> mistakes from your text: little information (sans s) et non few informations,

author's name better than name of the author

she should take into consideration the pupils behaviors....

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