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Des gens pour bosser des sujets d'anglais ensemble???

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Here is my sum up!excuse me for the mistakes,it'my first sum up! :blush:

The text is an article asapted from the sunday times;

We don't know who is the author,we can deduct it' a mother or a father;we have the date:november 2004(what the english for 2004?)

To sum up the text,the author speaks about the fact of giving a child whose life has been wrecked by disaster a present;this present is not a thing buying in a shop but it's a toy's child choosing by himself.

The author puts the stress on the quality of the toy choosed:it must be clean,attractive and it can't be something reminiscent of violence;

The authors adds he puts the toy in a shoe box with some sweets and some littles things such pencils,paper,christmas card...

The authors thinks it's a good deed and you don't need money to make this present because you can give one of your toys or one of your child's toys...

I would like to give my opinion, about the subject:i think it' s a good deed,it's a beautiful gesture ant it allows children to understand that misfortune exist,that there are some children who are unhappy because of a war or a disaster...

Arfffff it's english is poor... :huh::blush:

concerning this text it woul be interesting to talk about charitable donation in england: it's much more common there to give to charity. There are lots of shops which sells cheap goods from donation. The money is then given to the poor...

Charities have three main types of beneficiary group:

individuals - including the elderly, children etc

institutions - including hospitals, schools etc

the environment - including the conservation of land, animals etc

then you could add that event in france donations is getting more and more i:mportant , especially after natural catastrophes, such as the tidal wave (=tsunami) in Indonesia...

je pense que le développement de la fin est tout aussi important que le résumé faut montrer qu'on sait se sortir du texte...

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Bonjour tout le monde,

Je vois que l'organisation et le soutien sont toujours bien présents.

J'aimerai faire au moins quelques textes avant le 14, je peux me joindre à vous ? si oui quelle texte je peux faire ? Ce que je veux dire par la c'est quels textes sont en cours d'analyse en ce moment, je les ai tous pris mais ne peux pas tous les faire, un manque de temps et deux certains ne sont probablament plus aussi frais dans vos esprits.

Merci de me donner les numéro des sujets à faire. Merci bcp.



Hello Emma, I'm sorry as I had not the time to check your answers... I have just read what you said! It seems good to me :)

I'll try to correct some of your writings!

Come on...I'm sure you will pass the exam without any kind of difficulties :)


First time trying here. I haven't been doing summaries for quite a long time and i'm still not sure about the whole thing, how to do it. Here's what i come up with :)

This text is an article, whose story comes from BBC news. It was published on may 25th 2005 and it deals with schools trying to abolish homework as it is said that they do no good to children after a long day focusing at school.

According to this article, some UK head teachers are experimenting a new policy in which there will be no more homework for children after school. The reason given is that a day at school is long enough and instead of doing homeworks, children should have fun, live their childhood fully and have various activities. For some other people, homework will continue to take part in the learning process, specially since it is the best way for teachers to understand what's wrong with their pupils.

I think abolishing homework is not a good idea because it is the only way to learn, by making exercices. Plus, parents have a great role to play in the education of their children and that happens by helping them doing their homework.

I don't know what else to say. Any suggestions? What should there be in the 5'' presentation? :)


The text is an article extracted from BBC news;

the headline is "schools try abolishing homework";

It was published in two thousand ans five;

This document raises the problem of homework's necessity;

Some head teachers think homeword are inappropiate like teachers of Malsis school.

In this school,at evening,teachers offer activities whiches develop talents instead of giving them homeworks;

From Roy Tedscoe'spoint of view,a head teacher,homework are good for pupils and for children;

Governement says that a five to seven years old child can do homeworks one hour a week;but a fourteen,fiveteen years old child can make two and a half hours a day;

This text tackles the problem of childhood:can be pupils motivated after a school day,after six or seven hours of lessons?

I think reading or research can be a good activitie after a school day but not writting works...

We must also allow pupils to enjoy themself.

The text is an article extracted from BBC news;

the headline is "schools try abolishing homework";

It was published in two thousand ans five;

This document raises the problem of homework's necessity;

Some head teachers think homeword are inappropiate like teachers of Malsis school do.

In this school,at evening,teachers offer activities which develop talents instead of giving them homeworks;

From Roy Tedscoe'spoint of view,a head teacher,homework are good for pupils and for children;

Governement says that a five to seven year-old child can do homeworks one hour a week;but a fourteen,fiveteen year-old child can make two and a half hours a day;

This text tackles the problem of childhood:can pupils be motivated after a school day,after six or seven hours of lessons?

I think reading or research can be a good activity after a school day but not writting works...

We must also allow pupils to enjoy themself have fun?.

I've seen some mistakes, they're in a different color :) Also, i don't know what to say : a school day or a day at school, personnaly i'd rather say the second thing. Stupid question maybe but is "homework" plural? Should we say homework are or is... or should be say homeworks?


I did not take part to your work until now and I did not read the text you used to do your work but I wonder by reading your summaries which one is the nearest of the text. You did not point out the same ideas.

Concerning "homework", it seems always to be a singular.


After reading the text, I think Bla's summary is the best one :) . Some ideas are missing in Titikitten's one :( (excuse me, I do not want to miff you). But can you speak during 5 minutes with such a summary ? It seems to be too short. :huh:

In the conclusion, I think you could introduce and develop the importance of the parents in the learning or to explain that same questions are posed in France... But that's only my opinion... only a small advice !!!! :cry: <_< ;)

I'm far to be the best one in english... I only want to help you if possible...



Hello i'm back, Im' comin back from paris where I've passed my first orals so now I'm ready to work my english!!

After reading the text, I think Bla's summary is the best one :) . Some ideas are missing in Titikitten's one :( (excuse me, I do not want to miff you). But can you speak during 5 minutes with such a summary ? It seems to be too short. :huh:

In the conclusion, I think you could introduce and develop the importance of the parents in the learning or to explain that same questions are posed in France... But that's only my opinion... only a small advice !!!! :cry: <_< ;)

I'm far to be the best one in english... I only want to help you if possible...


Thank you for your help!!

I need it!because i'm not talented in english... :( i want to learn!!!

Thank you titikitten for my mistakes :)


Thank you Emma...

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