André Jorge Posté(e) 13 juin 2007 Posté(e) 13 juin 2007 C'est un peu court. Il faut développer et expliquer. On peut procéder de la façon suivante pour chaque idée et donc chaque paragraphe : 1/ J'énonce l'idée. => Parents must teach their children to respect money. 2/ J'explique l'idée. => If they want their children to achieve financial independance in the future and to make a good living, it's important that parents teach them that they have to take care of it. Children must learn to demonstrate respect and appreciation for money the same way they would do for anything else of value in their life. 3/ Je donne un exemple concret : => For instance : friends, expensive tools, jewels, etc. 4/ J'apporte des nuances ou je mentionne des exceptions,... => However, this doesn't mean teaching children how to earn more and more money, how to become richer and richer and, in the end, exacerbating their stress. 5/ Je donne une conclusion : => indeed, financial independence does not come from what you earn. It comes from what you do with what you have. And this is what must be taught to children. Etc. Les idées directrices de ton sujet peut être développée selon ce modèle. De plus, chaque partie (numérotées ici) peut être à son tour développée et étoffée de la même façon. Mais il ne s'agit pas en fait d'un plan dont il faut respecter tous les points. Il faut/On peut garder une certaine liberté. Si tu manques d'idées, il suffit de faire des recherches sur et tu trouveras des articles en anglais. Pour ton texte, je vais mettre quelques remarques et corrections en couleur. the learning of the value of money by parents to their childrens.Confusion entre to learn et to teach. L'enseignement, c'est le mot "teaching" => the teaching of ... by parents Erreurs : Nowadays, a lot of values are teaching taught to children; for instance, parents can learn teach values like honesy, kindness and respect to their children. The text reveals that parents can help their children to respect money and it also shows that this teaching can be realized during a child's early developmental years. To realize, c'est le plus souvent prendre conscience de, se rendre compte et me semble ne pas convenir ici. J'aurais simplement dit "made" ou encore "inculcated"... But how parents can help their children to respect money. Est-ce une question ? Si oui, can est mal placé. => ... how can parents help... ? The text propose some examples. Il manque le s à propose. Mais on dira plus naturellement "gives". Firstly, the text precises that the value of money depends on its use. Then, it suggests that parents can distribute allowance to their children explaining that they are responsible of their own money. Responsible of ou for ? According to me, it's a good idea and it's especially necessarry that children learn some values and not only the value of the money.
Myadde Posté(e) 13 juin 2007 Posté(e) 13 juin 2007 Super ce post! Je le trouve très bien construit, dès demain matin, je vous rejoins pour travailler. Je peux également proposer quelques textes. Dès demain, je les mets sur ce post! Bonne soirée à tous!
Myadde Posté(e) 14 juin 2007 Posté(e) 14 juin 2007 Bonjour, j'ai un petit problème. Voilà j'essaye de travailler sur le second texte proposé par nenette 85 (extrait d'un roman apparement) mais j'ai bcp de mal à en tirer les idées principales. Quelle opinion puis-je donner à propos de ce texte? Merci pour votre aide!
Myadde Posté(e) 14 juin 2007 Posté(e) 14 juin 2007 Voici un texte que je vous propose, en espérant qu'il n'a pas encore été proposé :P Bon courage!
Myadde Posté(e) 14 juin 2007 Posté(e) 14 juin 2007 Voici un texte que je vous propose, en espérant qu'il n'a pas encore été proposé :P Bon courage! Oupss mauvaise manipulation _8131_anglais_sujet3_help.pdf
Myadde Posté(e) 14 juin 2007 Posté(e) 14 juin 2007 Voilà ce que je propose pour le texte "An office memo ...", merci de bien vouloir me corriger, c'est la première fois que je post mon travail en anglais The text I'm going to deal with is an extract from a website and it was published the 2nd of March 2004. The headline is " An Office Memo..." and this document deals with the rules of a company which we don't know the name. It was written by the Human Ressources Department and it was adressed to "Staff" as we can read it on the first line. After a short introduction where the author welcomed the office worker (after the New Year Day -line 2), there is some items which are the new rules of the company. This text is divided into six items , I quote " Clothes, personal days, lunch break, sick days, restroom use, and surgery". So it is much about physical appearence and private life than about the way of working and the aims of the job. In each of the items, the author doesn't give advices but he gives orders. For example, I want to take the "restroom use" item. When the author says " There is now a strict 3-minute time limit in the stalls" it proves that he wants to control all the life into the company, even if you are in private room like restroom use. More, throughout the text, there is a lot of prejudice like about physical appearence. The clothes item and lunch break item can illustrate it. Indeed the Human Ressources Department thinks that if you are well dressed, it shows that you have enough maney so you don't need to raise your salary. On an other hand, if you aren't well dressed it proves that you can't manage your money! So the author lays stress on the fact that although you are a good worker, it's impossible to hope win more money. To my mind, I think this document is outrageous. I disagree with the author, make diference between people because of their appearence is not a way to make a company live better. What stikes me is the way it is written, and moreover the conclusion " We are here to provide a positive employment experience"; It seems to be normal to discriminate people and to enter in their private live. This subject is much talk about today. In fact, a lot of people wants to know where is the limit between their own and private life, and their life in their work. Does everyone, and more precisely the leader of a company, have the right to control everything, even if it's private? I don't think so. To me, when you work, you have to make what your boss wants you to do, but this one has to respect you and doesn't have any prejudice on you. To conclude, I would like to say that this text is polemical, and if it was really make use, I think it is an attack of worker's private life. A partir de là, je ne sais plus trop. J'ai eu énormément de mal à structurer mes propos... Même si j'ai compris l'ensemble du texte. Je m'excuse par avance pr les fautes d'orthographe et autres erreurs!
orion144 Posté(e) 14 juin 2007 Posté(e) 14 juin 2007 Up!!!!!!!!!Please, I need help!! j'ai lu ton texte et je ne sais pas trop comment le résumé. Pour moi c'est un texte humoristique et cela ne s'applique pas à une vraie entreprise. Maintenant, peut être faut-il s'interroger dans quel but ce texte a été écrit
BLA Posté(e) 15 juin 2007 Posté(e) 15 juin 2007 Me revoilà! J'ai tout passé,ne reste plus que l'anglais le 26,il me reste donc 10 jours pour etre une pro!c'est pas gagné!! Y a t-il encore du monde sur ce post?tout à l'heure je déposerais un résumé comtpe en faire tous les jours...
Myadde Posté(e) 15 juin 2007 Posté(e) 15 juin 2007 Salut BLA!! J'essaye de venir plusieurs fois par jour sur ce post, je passe lundi en anglais et je ne suis pas mais alors pas du tout au point Et c'est dur dur de travailler seule une langue qui normalement se travaille à l'oral Bref, tout ça pour te dire que l'on va surement se croiser! Bonnes révisions et bonne chance!!!
sibillette Posté(e) 15 juin 2007 Posté(e) 15 juin 2007 Voilà ce que je propose pour le texte "An office memo ...", merci de bien vouloir me corriger, c'est la première fois que je post mon travail en anglais The text I'm going to deal with is an extract from a website and it was published the 2nd of March 2004. The headline is " An Office Memo..." and this document deals with the rules of a company which we don't know the name. It was written by the Human Ressources Department and it was adressed to "Staff" as we can read it on the first line. After a short introduction where the author welcomed the office worker (after the New Year Day -line 2), there is some items which are the new rules of the company. This text is divided into six items , I quote " Clothes, personal days, lunch break, sick days, restroom use, and surgery". So it is much about physical appearence and private life than about the way of working and the aims of the job. In each of the items, the author doesn't give advices but he gives orders. For example, I want to take the "restroom use" item. When the author says " There is now a strict 3-minute time limit in the stalls" it proves that he wants to control all the life into the company, even if you are in private room like restroom use. More, throughout the text, there is a lot of prejudice like about physical appearence. The clothes item and lunch break item can illustrate it. Indeed the Human Ressources Department thinks that if you are well dressed, it shows that you have enough maney so you don't need to raise your salary. On an other hand, if you aren't well dressed it proves that you can't manage your money! So the author lays stress on the fact that although you are a good worker, it's impossible to hope win more money. To my mind, I think this document is outrageous. I disagree with the author, make diference between people because of their appearence is not a way to make a company live better. What stikes me is the way it is written, and moreover the conclusion " We are here to provide a positive employment experience"; It seems to be normal to discriminate people and to enter in their private live. This subject is much talk about today. In fact, a lot of people wants to know where is the limit between their own and private life, and their life in their work. Does everyone, and more precisely the leader of a company, have the right to control everything, even if it's private? I don't think so. To me, when you work, you have to make what your boss wants you to do, but this one has to respect you and doesn't have any prejudice on you. To conclude, I would like to say that this text is polemical, and if it was really make use, I think it is an attack of worker's private life. A partir de là, je ne sais plus trop. J'ai eu énormément de mal à structurer mes propos... Même si j'ai compris l'ensemble du texte. Je m'excuse par avance pr les fautes d'orthographe et autres erreurs! je trouve que ton texte est plûtôt bien écrit, il y a de bonnes idées, mais il faut je pense, montrer que tu as compris qu'il s'agissait d'un texte humoristique, qui nous alerte sur ce qui pourrait arriver si l'on pousse le raisonnement à l'extrême : contôle absolu. Mais c'est avant tout drôle!!! karine
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