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Salut BLA!!

J'essaye de venir plusieurs fois par jour sur ce post, je passe lundi en anglais et je ne suis pas mais alors pas du tout au point :cry:

Et c'est dur dur de travailler seule une langue qui normalement se travaille à l'oral :(

Bref, tout ça pour te dire que l'on va surement se croiser!

Bonnes révisions et bonne chance!!! :wub:

Génial! :) je te comprends,l'anglais ce n'est pas évident pour moi non plus...j'espère que des personnes pourront nous corriger de temps en temps,car c'est une aide précieuse! :wub:

Je m'y attaque plus tard..là je me fais une aprem repos car j'ai tout enchainé cette semaine sauf l'anglais...mais un peu tous les jours il faut!

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Petite question... Comment dit-on pour la date: 2007: Two thousand and seven????



Juste pour vous donnez le thème du texte que j'ai eux jeudi : gun dans un collège + don d'organe + suicide !! un peu glock !


J'ai trouvé le texte, vous pouvez bosser dessus le voilà (à quelques lignes près):

Family of eighth-grader shot by deputies at school to donate boy's organs

LONGWOOD, Fla. (AP) -- The 15-year-old boy shot by police while brandishing a pellet gun in a middle school bathroom was clinically brain dead Saturday but was being kept alive to harvest his organs, his family's attorney said.

Christopher Penley was expected to die Saturday night, said family attorney Mark Nation.

"His organs are in the process of being harvested," Nation told reporters outside a hospital.

Earlier, Kelly Swofford, a family spokeswoman and neighbor of the boy's parents Ralph and Donna Penley, said the boy had died and that the family was "devastated."

Penley, of Winter Springs, was accused of pulling the pellet gun in a classroom Friday and pointing it at other students before forcing one into a closet, then leading deputies and SWAT team members on a chase that ended in a school bathroom.

When he raised the gun at a deputy, a SWAT team member shot him, authorities said.

Officers who had responded to the 1,100-student school in suburban Orlando believed the gun was a Beretta 9mm, and didn't learn until after the shooting that it was a pellet gun.

Police had said Friday night that the boy was on "advanced life support." The hospital refused to release any information Saturday.

"Everybody in the whole neighborhood is really upset," Paul Cavallini, who lives across the street from the Penleys, said Saturday. "He was a quiet kid -- polite and everything. He was just a normal teenager."

However, friends and investigators say he was also bullied and emotionally distraught, and went to school that day expecting to die.

Patrick Lafferty, a 15-year-old neighbor who has known Penley about six years, said he wasn't surprised by what happened. He said Penley was a loner who "told me he wanted to kill himself dozens of times."

"He would put his headphones on and walk up and down the street and he would work out a lot," preferring to keep to himself, Lafferty said.

Swofford said the boy had run away from home several times. Her 11-year-old son, Jeffery Swofford, said Penley had said he had something planned.

"He said 'I hope I die today because I don't really like my life,"' Jeffery Swofford said.

At a news conference following the shooting Friday at suburban Orlando's Milwee Middle School, authorities put the pellet gun side-by-side with a Beretta. It appeared to have black paint covering the red or pink markings on the muzzle that may have indicated to officers that it was a nonlethal weapon.

"As you can see, it doesn't take a professional to see how close this looks to the real thing. I would not be able to tell the difference," said Joyce Dawley, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement special agent in charge of the investigation.

Seminole County Sheriff Don Eslinger said the incident began about 9:38 a.m., when another student saw Penley with the weapon and struggled with him for it. Pointing the gun at the other student's back, Penley directed him to a closet, dimmed the lights and left the classroom, Eslinger said.

The school went into lockdown.

From there, the sheriff said, Penley traversed the school campus before ending up in a bathroom. By then, more than 40 officers, including SWAT and negotiators, were on scene. He refused to drop the firearm, Eslinger said, and was shot after pointing it at a SWAT deputy.

"The student said he was going to kill himself or die," Eslinger said.

Jeffery Swofford said Penley had been in a disagreement with someone, allegedly over a girl. There was going to be a fight Friday, he said. "I heard a rumor that he had a BB gun, but I didn't think he really had one," he added.

At the school Friday, Marie Hargis, whose son and daughter attend Milwee, held a sign that read "Stop the violence."

"My youngest daughter is just very emotionally messed up," she said. "She started crying and said, `Mommy, I don't want to go back.' They should not fear having to go to school."


Je suis en train de faire ce texte mais j'ai un souci...le jeune a -t-il été tué par la police ou s'est-il suicider?


Here is my sum up;i have made the maximun...please correct my mistakes... :wub:

I suppose this text is an article extract from a newspaper;

We don't know who is the author and the date of publication;

The headline is "Family of eighth-grader shot by deputies at school to donate boy's organs";

This texte deals with a fifteen year old boy who had a gun at school and commited a suicide in a bathroom;

Some people such Paul Cavallini,a neighbourhood claims that Chritopher was a good quiet and polite young boy,he doesn't undersatnd his behaviour;but others close relations assert he was emotionally distraught and wasn't surprised by the tragic history;

According to Jeffrey Swofford,Christopher didn't like his life and said he had been in a disagreement with a girl;

At last Christopher dead saturday night and his family decided to make organs donate.

I think the interest of this article lies in this donation which is a beautiful action because a lot of people need news organs to remain living.

But it' s a personal choice,some people prefer keep the body of a dear person intact.

This text outline an other fact:the violence at school;we must find solutions to reduce it...such more and more communicate with students in order to know their problem...


2 minutes de commentaires!! helpppppp meeeeeeeeeee!

Petite question... Comment dit-on pour la date: 2007: Two thousand and seven????


Bonjour Nenette,

Pour répondre à ta question (je me suis posé la même justement !!), il me semble qu'il faut dire pour 2007 "twenty 0 seven". Je sais en tout cas que pour 1976 c'est "nineteen seventy six", donc j'ignore simplement si on doit dire le zero ou pas...? Dans ce cas il ne faut pas dire "zero" mais "o" (c'est difficile de traduire ce qu'il faut dire à l'écrit... :blush: ).

En tout cas, ça va être dur de parler 5 minutes ! D'autant que si certains textes peuvent nous inspirer, d'autres au contraire (comme celui du tourisme spatial) m'indiffère totalement... :cry: Comme quoi, le facteur chance est décidemment bien là !

Here is my sum up;i have made the maximun...please correct my mistakes... :wub:

I suppose this text is an article extracted from a newspaper;

We don't know who is the author and the date of publication;

The headline is "Family of eighth-grader shot by deputies at school to donate boy's organs";

This text deals with a fifteen year old boy who had a gun at school and commited a suicide in a bathroom;

Some people such asPaul Cavallini,a neighbour claims that Chritopher was a good quiet and polite young boy,he doesn't undersatnd his behaviour;but other close relations assert he was emotionally distraught and were not surprised by the tragic history;

According to Jeffrey Swofford,Christopher didn't like his life and said he had been in a disagreement with a girl;

At last Christopher diedsaturday night and his family decided to make organs donate.

I think the interest of this article lies in this donation which is a beautiful action because a lot of people need news organs to remain living.

But it' s a personal choice,some people prefer keeping the body of a dead person intact.

This text outlines an other fact:the violence at school;we must find solutions to reduce it...such as to communicate more and more with students in order to know their problem...

Je n'ai pas compris que christopher s'est suicidé, pour moi, c'est un membre des SWAT ( je ne sais pas ce que c'est?) qui a tiré sur lui car Chr pointait son arme sur un député... il s'avère que l'arme de christopher n'était pas très dangereuse, en fait...

donc ici le problème porterait aussi sur le comportement de la police et les erreurs d'appréciation menant à des tragédies...


Oui en fait j'ai du mal à comprendre...d'habitude je comprends mais là j'avoue que j'ai du mal...j'hésitais entre un suicide et un "meurtre"...??

Posté(e) (modifié)
il me semble qu'il faut dire pour 2007 "twenty 0 seven".

Je ne crois pas...

J'édite car certains disent bien "twenty o seven" aux USA. L'anglais dira "two thousand and seven", et l'américain ne dira pas le "and" (il dira "two thousand seven"). Pour les américains, le and est dit juste avant la partie décimale (200.7 => two hundred and 7). Pour plus de précisions, il faudrait voir dans un bon bouquin.

Modifié par André Jorge

Non 2007 se dit "two thousands and seven"

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