BLA Posté(e) 18 juin 2007 Posté(e) 18 juin 2007 Personne n'a regardé le texte de dalilas57? Y' a lpus grand monde et moi qui avait besoin zut zut zut vais me faire trucider à l'oral
nono77 Posté(e) 18 juin 2007 Posté(e) 18 juin 2007 Non 2007 se dit "two thousands and seven" Je suis d'accord avec toi !! mais attention : on n'utilise pas "s" à la fin de thousand, hundred... donc on dit : "two thousand and seven" Voici un document qui résume l'essentiel concernant les nombres en anglais. Bonnes révisions ! Les_nombres_en_anglais__r_sum__.doc
atypic Posté(e) 18 juin 2007 Posté(e) 18 juin 2007 Personne n'a regardé le texte de dalilas57?Y' a lpus grand monde et moi qui avait besoin zut zut zut vais me faire trucider à l'oral salut alors , ce que j'ai compris en rapide! le gosse avait un pistolet a grenailles( je ne connais pas exactement le mot en francais pour pellet gun! dicco!?) qu'il a ammene au college( en floride aux alentours d'Orlando),. il a menace ses camarades et s'est ensuite enferme dans les toilettes. entre temps l'ecole etait encerclee et occupee par les forces speciales( genre GIGN en france) et la police . (deputy c'est l'adjoint du sheriff!) il y a eu confrontation/ discussion avec le jeune qui a menace de se tuer mais il s'est fait tirer dessus avant quand il a viser un des adjoints avec son arme.(par un membre des swats) les flics et SWATs pensaient que son arme etait reelle( et personne ne semble le contester) car elle a ete peinte et ressemblait vraiment a un berreta( une vraie arme!). d'apres des voisins et autres eleves il semblerait qu'il ait ete deprime et un peu solitaire et meme chahute par les autres eleves. il ya meme peut etre une histoire de fille la- dessous! enfin, apres sa mort" cerebrale" ( mais avec des organes qui fonctionnaient toujours) ses parents ont decide de donner ses organes. t'as raison: un peu confus comme texte!( trop de " personnages!") ceci n'est pas une traduction! juste un resume rapide - entre deux cours- de ce que j'ai compris du texte ! si t'as des questions...demande. bonne chance a toi et aux autres pour les oraux. all the best. K
nenette85 Posté(e) 18 juin 2007 Auteur Posté(e) 18 juin 2007 Coucou!!! Ca y est pour moi l'anglais est passé... Et c'est pas gagné!!!! J'ai eu un texte sur l'age et l'ecole... à savoir jusqu'à quel age il serait bon que les jeunes aillent à l'école.... Beurkkkk!! Bref! Bonne chance à tous!
BLA Posté(e) 18 juin 2007 Posté(e) 18 juin 2007 I 've make this text: This text deals with a airline and her promotion; It comes from "The Guardian"; It's an extract written by Andrew Clark published in 2006. The headline is "Easyjet makes green claims as it he ads to Africa and Turkey". It 's an advertisement that talks up EasyJet airline. While reading this text,one understand that it relates an interview of Mr Harrison with the Guardian; Indeed,Mr Harrison talks up EasyJet airline,a Britain airline and criticizes the others companys such as Ryanair; He wants to adverticise his airline company; He says EasyJet is an environmentally friendly airline with new aircraft and full aircraft,not such as Ryanair company; This text outlines the difference between Mr Harrison and Ryanair's boss Michael O'leany; Mr Harrison wants aircraft which are environmentally friendly contrary to Ryanair's boss; Mr Harrison concerns oneself with EasyJets' s passengers;he wants to treat them with respect in order to give them satisfaction. How can he makes that?passengers must be happy and smiling. Ti conclude,the aim of this article is to show us the benefits(advantages?)of travelling with EasyJet company:new aircraft,a environmentally rfiendly company,a company which respect the passengers a,d which is responsible. Please help me!!i'm fed up with this's to hard for me!
lums2 Posté(e) 18 juin 2007 Posté(e) 18 juin 2007 Petite question, que répondrez vous a "why do you want to become a primary school teacher?" Merci pour vos réponses!!!
BLA Posté(e) 19 juin 2007 Posté(e) 19 juin 2007 Il n' y a plus personne? J'ai fait ce texte...mais il n'y a plus personne...catastrophe!nobody for correct my mistakes! This text is an article extracted from BBC news; It was published in 2003. The headline is "Tower's ravens are kept indoors". There is a picture,perhaps this picture show us the London tower's master? The text deals with the ravens of the tower of London;indeed they are six and named:Branwen,Hugine,Munin,Gwyllum,Thorand,Baldrick; This text explains that there is a legend which says that if the six ravens leave the towers,then the kingdom will collapse; With this article we learn that the tower's master is named Derrick Doyle; The authir would like to put the stress on the fact that they have to keep the six ravens inside of the kingdom because of the avian flu;they want to protect them; They prefer to keep the birds indoor as much as they are not sure that they can let them going outside; At the date of the publication EU and UK ministers are discussing about the virus ans his spread. According to the author those ravens are very important and they want to make all they can in order to protect them; In my opinion,it's a good action because the avian flu has made a lot of died animals. I like a lot animals and i think it's a good action;I have learnt with this text that the tower of London had six ravens,I didn't know before and I find it amasing!
delphmax Posté(e) 20 juin 2007 Posté(e) 20 juin 2007 bla, j'ai compris ton résumé, mais je ne peux pas le corriger....mon anglais doit être du même niveau ou moins bon que le tien. Par contre, je dis: "it was published on ....", alors si quelqu'un peut nous donner la formulation la plus correcte...merci
BLA Posté(e) 20 juin 2007 Posté(e) 20 juin 2007 Je continue meme si plus personne n'est là en tous cas j'ai réussi à parler sur ce texte pendant 3.40 minutes miracle! This text is an extract from BBC news; It has been published in 2006;the headline is "calls for smacking ban rejected"; The author is unknown; It deals with laws banning smacking of children; The text is asked the question: is banning smacking of children a good solution? The point of view of the government,the Department for Education,Tony Blair and others people is given in this text. Firstly we learn that the Government has said no for the introducing of a law banning the smacking of children; Some people give their opinion about this problem...some of this people don't want to confuse smacking with abuse or bad treatment...they underline the fact of smacking;it's not hilling they say. The Prime Minister Tony Blair confess that he smacked his children too... Some people are disagree with a such opinio;Caroline Willow thinks that slapping,smacking,,tapping is the same action that be violent with children;indeed,children think that smacking is hitting and claims that others solutions exist... According to Mary Russel from Family Education who is agree with Caroline Willow,punishment which causes marks are unacceptable and can result in legl action. This text show us two point of view about the fact of smacking children:on one hand,there is the idea that smacking hadn't to be confused with hitting and on other hand some people think that if smacking causes marks on the body,it an be considered as violence... In my own opinion,I think hitting is not a solution,it depends on the situation...but parents can first of all dialogu with their children but i repeat that it depends of the seriousness of the situation.. I don't have children so,it's difficult for me to know how i will react but i'm convinced that hitting is not the better solution... Voilà...
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