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Des gens pour bosser des sujets d'anglais ensemble???

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Well, well, well, you were right. This text wasn't easy.


je passe le crpe en 2008 et j'habite en angleterre depuis 1992.

j'ai trouve ce post par hasard et si je peux aider...

ton expose est super et precis! ma femme qui est anglaise a tout compris!

enfin, je t'envoie une autre version qui peut aider a voir d'autres mots- ca m'a aide car je doit m'entrainer pour l'annee prochaine! c'est pas parce que j'habite ici (je suis prof) que je fais des commentaires de textes. il faut que je m'y remette! c'est dur!

bon courage et bonne chance avec les results.



This is an article from PBS and was published on 22th September 2005. PBS is an American television.

This article is about Hurricane Katrina and how it showed that people were selfish and just cared about themselves when they were in danger.

There is a difference of opinion between the former President of United States (Georges W. Bush SNR) and a journalist from the Chicago Tribune. For the President, Hurricane Katrina openly showed racism: black people were left behind because of that. But Clarence Page says it was the barrier between the Rich and the Poor which was behind this human tragedy. She also explains how the upper classes, irrespective of their skin colour, abandoned the Poor to the hurricane.

Moreover, she carries on about the ideal of the American society which strives to promote fairness and a strong community spirit. Unfortunately, such a disaster blatantly exposed frailties in this idealistic vision of the US. K showed that human beings are actually selfish . Although the author adds that recent studies found racism was finally receding, she regrets the fragility of these findings and that a storm can cruelly blow them away.

The aim of the journalist is to show how self-centered and eventually cruel human beings could become when adversity strikes.

To my mind, the United States are the country of individualism. From a European point of view, everything is made to make people selfish (Health cover, consume more and more- mortgages: everybody has to be an owner...). And the fact that poor people were left behind is just a proof that Bush's government seemed to have reached its aim: people care just about themselves. The most important for them is to achieve the "American dream".

But a society who doesn't care about the weakest ones is doomed to become an unfair society. The differences are widening and so are the discriminations towards minorities.

Anyway, there is a hope: think about all funds people from anywhere around the Earth sent to Asia after the Tsunami.

I have a problem with "people" word, Iused it too much. And I'm no sure about the tenses...

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>> atypic, I want to thank you for your help. Where do you live in Great-Britain? I spent 4 months in Irlande (I was an au pair girl) and 6 months in London in 1999. I was working in a Pret a Manger.

Thanks a lot for your help again.

>> atypic, I want to thank you for your help. Where do you live in Great-Britain? I spent 4 months in Irlande (I was an au pair girl) and 6 months in London in 1999. I was working in a Pret a Manger.

Thanks a lot for your help again.

hi there!

glad you found it useful! a bit more english for you!!

i'm off work today !

My wife has a bad back so i'm looking after the kids!they re having a nap now.

no worries about the text, you are more than welcome.

i live in watford which is a town in the North of London( 16 miles from the centre) . It has a football team in the premiership- not anymore since last week!!- and a rugby team- the saracens - which is in the top 4 teams in the country.

it is quite industrial , urban even, but very close to the countryside- Hertfordshire. It is part of the Green Belt, that they are trying to protect against developers!!

what else...?

I am preparing the crpe for 2008 and it looks difficult!

juggling studies, work and kids is quite a daunting task. I ll give it my best shot.

The "didactique" or teaching techniques are quite numerous and even though i am currently teching, i find the French school system very different from the english one!

everything here is a lot more " simplified"and less bureaucratic!

also, subjectwise, the English are pragmatic- as in life- and tend to be more direct and straight to the point.

In France , we tend to expand on a topic and treat it in depth, even if it is not always relevant or practical . the english will say" overcomplicated for the sake of it!" or "why making it simple when you can make it complicated" !

anyway, i need to get used to it as i am moving back to france in July 2008, whether i 've passed the concours or not.

i ll try and find a job as a supply teacher or anything else!

bon c'est tout.!

juste un peu d'anglais pour toi- j'ai brode intentionellement pour te donner un peu de pratique!

desole pour les majuscules parfois!

concours n'est pas traduisible en anglais! on dit: competitive exam.

y a que les francais pour recruter les fonctionnaires comme ca! les anglais trouvent ca bizarre ! surtout quand je leurs ai dit ce que je doit faire pour devenir prof d'ecoles!!

je suis assez d'accord avec eux!

ici, l'experience et " faire ses preuves" est presqu'aussi important que les diplomes.

bon, d'accord , si t'assurent pas , tu es vire et on te juge aux resultats de tes eleves!ils considerent bien sur leur niveau de depart. j'approuve!

ca va me faire un choc de me reajuster au systeme franchouillard de paperasses et Cie!

enfin, d'apres sarko ca devrait changer... j'y crois pas trop!

bon, j'ai assez raconte ma vie! desole.

dis moi si tu veux dialoguer en anglais. c'est quand tu veux- enfin quand j'ai le temps!

Take care and all the best for the results on friday( fingers crossed!)



Sorry, I'm in late. Here's my second summary. I try to do the third quickly :blush:

This article written by Richard Garner and entitled “The comprehensive where attendance has improved and exclusions have decreased” is extracted from the newspaper The Independent. In this text, the author mentions a new pedagogy setting up at the secondary school Eltham Green. This programme called “opening minds” wants to help pupils to sucess their first year of secondary school.

On the one hand, six compulsory projects replaces traditional lessons, and the other hand attendance has improved and exclusions have decreased.

This article shows the interest to advise a new approach of teaching. In fact, with this programme, pupils enjoy to go to school.


Here my work about the third text....i found it difficult.

I'm waiting your comments.

This text entitled « Left behind » is an adaptation of an article written by the journalist Clarence Page who is working for the Chicago Tribune.

The journalist s reacting on a declaration that G.W. Bush made about concerning Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana.

She is reflecting on the connections between race, class and poverty. She is upset because G.W. Bush starts talking about class and poverty, and then finishes with race, as if they were the same.

She is revolting against this confusion between race and poverty.

Poverty is not only a matter of race as seems to deduce G.W Bush even is as C.Page is telling us considering proportionality a “greater percentage of blacks are poor”.

The disaster of Hurricane Katrina shows off than people having a higher level of life had the opportunity to run away before disaster, opposing them to the lower class. So it’s not a problem of race in this case: it’s not because they were black that they were prisoners of the city in danger but because they were poor, and it happened that in the case of New Orleans most of the poor were blacks.

She is then launching an accusation to the American way of thinking and living : they are far away their ideal of equality and brotherhood, in fact relationships are corrupted by capitalism , individualism.

I found it difficult to understand what she means exactly in the last part of the extract so if you can put me in the picture you are welcomed!!!



Il n'y a plus grand monde sur ce post... du moins les motivés du début ne sont plus là!!!!

Pour ma part je laisse tomber le résumé du texte 3... Désolée!!!!

Je vous mets en ligne les sujets 4 ET 5...s'il reste des motivés!!!!

bon courage...




Oui, oui il reste des personnes motivées. Il est vrai que le sujet sur Katrina n'était pas facile. Mais il faut persévérer. Courage! :)

Je posterai mes résumés vendredi et samedi.


Je viens de mettre en téléchargement un texte en anglais à écouter

Il vient du livre : Pour réussir l'épreuve d'anglais - Delagrave Pédagogie et formation

ET voilà les question à propos du texte


Amusez-vous bien :D

Pour ceux qui ne comprennent rien, je vous mettrait le résumé que le bouquin donne. Je ne pense pas avoir le courage de recopier le texte


Je vois beaucoup de téléchargements des textes... mais pas grand monde pour partager leurs résumés... tant pis!!!!

Bon courage à tous!


Je suis un peu déçue de ne pas avoir eu de retour sur le 3ème texte malgré sa difficulté!!!

Bref, j'ai télechargé, les 2 prochains textes, je les travaille demain matin en me mettant dans les conditions de concours.

Je les transmets dans la journée (je bosse en même tps donc pas tjs évident pour l'organisation mais je reste motivée pour échnager nos impressions).



I donlawded the 4th and 5th textes, I'll try to prepare them this week (My daughter is ill : she caught "varicelle", so I won't go at work the next week). I have to finish my presentation of Physical and Sports Education too, so that will be a hard week for me.

To finish, I would thank the one (sorry I forgot your name :unsure: ) who posted this topic because I think it's a very good idea to train us all the more since my english is very bad (my teacher is Dora too! ;) )

Read you soon

And good luck everybody!


I forgot: Nenette is my daughter's nikname! ;) she likes Dora very much (she's 3 years old) and she enjoys ask me "how do you say that in english?" (her exactly sentence is:" maman, what is it?" showing me something and if I can answer her question, she tryes to repeat (she enjoys say "repeat after me") and if I can't answer she says me to look for in my "english catalogue" (these are her words!). In fact my daughter is my english trainer! :D:bleh: (but she can't correct my mistakes, what a pity!)

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