lysjoa Posté(e) 21 mai 2007 Posté(e) 21 mai 2007 Je vois beaucoup de téléchargements des textes... mais pas grand monde pour partager leurs résumés... tant pis!!!!Bon courage à tous! Bonjour à tous !!! Ce post est une très bonne idée: merci à toi Nénette de l'avoir lancé. J'ai télécharger tous les textes que tu as mis en ligne, et ce que je ressens est ambivalent... En fait, je comprends tout ce que je lis sans problème (donc ça me rassure), mais j'ai du mal à exprimer ce que je pense (donc là: je panique !!!). Voila pourquoi pr le moment j'ai lu les résumés présentés (qui sont pas mal du tout soit dit en passant) sans faire l'effort de m'y mettre à mon tour. Ceci dit, j'attends avec impatience les textes 4 et 5 pour les travailler serieusement, dans les conditions du concours. Je voulais savoir comment ceux qui ont proposé des exposés procèdent pour trouver leurs mots. Avez vous mémorisé des expressions toutes faites comme: the subject deals with, the author underline, etc... ainsi que des connecteurs logiques. Je pense qu'il serait intéressant de faire des fiches avec les expressions qui peuvent nous être utiles le jour de l'oral, non?
macy Posté(e) 21 mai 2007 Posté(e) 21 mai 2007 Here my work about the third text....i found it difficult. I'm waiting your comments. This text entitled « Left behind » is an adaptation of an article written by the journalist Clarence Page who is working for the Chicago Tribune. The journalist s reacting on a declaration that G.W. Bush made about concerning Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana. She is reflecting on the connections between race, class and poverty. She is upset because G.W. Bush starts talking about class and poverty, and then finishes with race, as if they were the same. She is revolting against this confusion between race and poverty. Poverty is not only a matter of race as seems to deduce G.W Bush even is as C.Page is telling us considering proportionality a “greater percentage of blacks are poor”. The disaster of Hurricane Katrina shows off than people having a higher level of life had the opportunity to run away before disaster, opposing them to the lower class. So it’s not a problem of race in this case: it’s not because they were black that they were prisoners of the city in danger but because they were poor, and it happened that in the case of New Orleans most of the poor were blacks. She is then launching an accusation to the American way of thinking and living : they are far away their ideal of equality and brotherhood, in fact relationships are corrupted by capitalism , individualism. I found it difficult to understand what she means exactly in the last part of the extract so if you can put me in the picture you are welcomed!!! Yes, this text is very difficult. Je réponds en français sinon je vais y passer la journée Je pense que la journaliste voulait souligner le fait qu'il n'y a pas plus de pauvreté chez les noirs que chez les blancs. Mais que les noirs qui sont riches ont réussi à quitter la ville donc ce sont les noirs qui sont pauvres qui ont souffert essentiellement de l'ouragan. Je ne suis pas une pointure en anglais donc difficile de te corriger mais dans l'ensemble je pense que ton résumé est correct. Je n'ai pas eu le temps de le faire, je m'attaque au 4ème texte:cry:
macy Posté(e) 21 mai 2007 Posté(e) 21 mai 2007 Je vois beaucoup de téléchargements des textes... mais pas grand monde pour partager leurs résumés... tant pis!!!!Bon courage à tous! Bonjour à tous !!! Ce post est une très bonne idée: merci à toi Nénette de l'avoir lancé. J'ai télécharger tous les textes que tu as mis en ligne, et ce que je ressens est ambivalent... En fait, je comprends tout ce que je lis sans problème (donc ça me rassure), mais j'ai du mal à exprimer ce que je pense (donc là: je panique !!!). Voila pourquoi pr le moment j'ai lu les résumés présentés (qui sont pas mal du tout soit dit en passant) sans faire l'effort de m'y mettre à mon tour. Ceci dit, j'attends avec impatience les textes 4 et 5 pour les travailler serieusement, dans les conditions du concours. Je voulais savoir comment ceux qui ont proposé des exposés procèdent pour trouver leurs mots. Avez vous mémorisé des expressions toutes faites comme: the subject deals with, the author underline, etc... ainsi que des connecteurs logiques. Je pense qu'il serait intéressant de faire des fiches avec les expressions qui peuvent nous être utiles le jour de l'oral, non? Coucou Pour ma part, je comprends à peu près les textes mais je n'arrive pas à travailler sans dictionnaire pour traduire ma pensée. Mon résumé est parfois proche du franglais J'ai trouvé sur le forum (je ne sais plus où) 3 fiches avec des expressions et des connecteurs permettant de construire le résumé, j'essaie de retrouver le lien ou sinon je les remets en pièce jointe pour ceux et celles que ça pourra aider.
sand0981 Posté(e) 21 mai 2007 Posté(e) 21 mai 2007 Here my work for the fourth text. This text is a reflection from a primary Head, as it is said in the introduction. It deals with the problem of parental responsibility in school life. The author is not giving answers to the problem. He is just setting up the situation of school: the pupils who are not conscious of what school will bring to them, the time and energy wasted because of this lack of interest from pupils and parents. Of course the teachers have their responsibilities but they are not the only one responsible of it because they are not living 24 hours on 24 hours with the children. The rest of the time they are with their families which have to give them a positive image of school. So the author gives us a series of questions important to think about if we want to consider the problem efficiently. He is then concluding with the fact that parents have to be guided. According to me there is a real lack of communication between school and parents, and a lot of tensions. Why? Because parents are rejecting the difficulties on the teachers, and on the whole institution, and vive versa. I think that the two parts have to work together, they have the obligation (for the children) to talk, to exchange regularly, in adapted spaces. School has to be an opened space for families. I think it could be a good idea to answer the questions of the text, according to me it's what the jury has done probably!!
Sandy27 Posté(e) 21 mai 2007 Posté(e) 21 mai 2007 Thank you sandyI am studying your modifications and I have a problem with the sentence : (...) they are asking the pending question ... I continue in french, it is easier : C'est le sujet "they" qui me pose problème : on ne sait pas ce qu'il représente. Donc je voualis savoir si c'est une tournure qui s'utilise telle quelle où s'il faut modifier un peu la phrase pour savoir de qui on parle. Désolée, j'ai eu des soucis domestique avec mon petit bout... alors pour ta question, oui, tu peux toujours modifier le sujet, l'expression idiomatique est "to ask a pending question"
nenette85 Posté(e) 21 mai 2007 Auteur Posté(e) 21 mai 2007 Youpi le post reprend vie!!!! C'est cool!!! Bon je me lance pour le 3ème texte... This text is entitled "Education quandary". It deals with the problem of parental responsability towards school. The author emphasizes if parents didn't back school up, pupils couldn't have making the most of their education. School thinks that parents are not enough behind their children and it could be negative for their education, because school can't make children's education instead parents. That's why the author wonders if the national policy toward parents is coherent. He shows a lots of possibilty to help parents: some books in supermarket, messages on TV... He concludes by saying that if school gives parents praise and respect, parents will try the best in order to help school and their children but if school gives their "finger-wagging" and accusations, they're not going to help school and it will be a hurdle. I think that school ans parents would work together in order to help children. But school don't have to adapte her to parents. Parents have to work with school and not in opposition. It's necessary to have a partnership enters the school and the families. Voilà!
nenette85 Posté(e) 21 mai 2007 Auteur Posté(e) 21 mai 2007 Au fait merci de me dire merci!!!! mais ce post fonctionne grace à vous!!!! Bon j'enchaine sur le texte 5!
nenette85 Posté(e) 21 mai 2007 Auteur Posté(e) 21 mai 2007 C'est reparti..... This text is taken from the New York Time and it's entitled 3in the land of plenty americans grow fat". It dates from October 2004. This text deals with the problem of overweight in America and notably thefact that obeses people have accepted the overweight. The author asserts taht may overweight Americans have moved from denial to acceptance. He precizes that american society is more and more fat... In fact, they can see overweight actor or actress, in mode, there are "plus size models"... and supports groups tell obese peoaple to acceptance their difference and to be happy whit this situation. Besides, the author writes taht a few of people have gone to forceful action: for example there is a association (the American Obesity Association) which fight against southewest airlines becouse this compagny asks obeses people to pay aextra seat when they want to take the plane. With this example, the author brings out the fact that american liked to sue: indeed he talks bout an American: Mr Barber who has launched a lawsuit against Mac Donald, King burger, and a lot of others, in order to proover their fault. Mr Barber asserts that it's fault of their if he were overweight, and he says that it's their fault if he had two hearts attacks, because their food is dangerous for health. The result of the lawsuit was to say that it acted of the free will of Mr Barber contrery to lawsuit against tabacco industry which proove their fault. I ythink overweight is a real problem in America but also in other countries. The governement had to decided about a policy as soon as young people are at school. School must prevent young about risks of overweight. About the lawsuit, I think taht it's not the industry who is guilty about overweight but it's people themselve, it's them who are often going to eat in this restaurant. In france, we can see for few months of informations on the commercials informing consumers to move and praticise sport and also to eat more fruits and vegetables. Bon, ca c'est fait!!!! Je mets les textes suivants pour les motivés! anglais_6.pdf anglais_7.pdf
sand0981 Posté(e) 21 mai 2007 Posté(e) 21 mai 2007 It's great, it's going very fast today!!! OK, so I've been working the fith text, but I haven't enough now to put it on the forum (I have to go working!!!), maybe I'll do it tonight!! See you.
Sandy27 Posté(e) 21 mai 2007 Posté(e) 21 mai 2007 Youpi le post reprend vie!!!! C'est cool!!! Bon je me lance pour le 3ème texte... This text is entitled "Education quandary". It deals with the problem of parental responsability towards school. The author emphasizes if parents didn't (I would say " if parents do not ) back school up, pupils couldn't makethe most of their education. School thinks that parents are not enough behind their children and it could be negative for their education (I would say : and it has a negative impact on their education), because school can't make children's education instead of parents. That's why the author wonders if the national policy toward parents is coherent. He shows a lots of possibilty to help parents: some books in supermarket, messages on TV... He concludes by saying that if school gives parents praise and respect, parents will try the best in order to help school and their children but if school gives their "finger-wagging" and accusations, they're not going to help school and it will be a hurdle. I think that school ans parents would work together in order to help children. But school don't have to adapte her to parents. Parents have to work with school and not in opposition. It's necessary to have a partnership enters the school and the families. Voilà! Aiiie !! What a topic !! It's a burning point !! I'm very concerned by this problem, as a potential teacher (one day maybe ) and as a mother of three Well, there are no solutions but a bigger partnership in raising children, instead of opposing parents to school. We are two parts of the education, one is not working without the other... in this aspect I agree with the article. But I see so many parents delaying education to the teacher, and so many teachers not respecting the children as individuals as they are so young... If you want to be respected respect others... even if this other is three years old ! Bon je vais arreter là ma diatribe, il y aurait tant à dire... bisous !
Titanium Posté(e) 21 mai 2007 Posté(e) 21 mai 2007 Super ce post!! Merci! Avant de commencer j'aimerais savoir comment vous faites pour penser en 30 minutes de quoi occuper 5 minutes à l'oral. Moi quand je m'entraine toute seule je redige la présentation du texte et tout (omme vous le faites dans ce post) mais du coup à l'oral je le lis et ainsi je ne ne "tiens" que 2 ou 3 minutes.... Suis-je la seule à rencontrer ce problème? Vous arrivez à rédiger sufisament de choses en 30 minutes pour tenir 5 minutes par la suite vous? Est-ce qu'il vaut mieux ne pas rédiger pour tenir 5 minutes à l'oral? Est-ce qu'il sont pointilleux sur les 5minutes ou est-ce que c'est juste un ordre d'idée? Merci d'avance!
macy Posté(e) 21 mai 2007 Posté(e) 21 mai 2007 Here's my summary for the fourth text. My summary is very short This text raises the question if responsability’s parents about education’s children. The author asserts that school must work with parents. He reminds that pupils don’t stay a long time to school, and when they outside, it’s difficult to know what it happensfor. The author gives examples for illustrating his point of view. He mentions policy who works with parents, the scourge of drinks and drugs. He underlines that parents looks like pupils, they need praise, respect and encouragement. I agree with the author. School must work with parents for helping pupils to success at school. If a child think that their parents aren’t interesting about school, he won’t work at school.
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