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I want to try to sum up the text :

This text is an article intitled "Home of Hope" published in World Report Edition on January the 28th 2005 and hte author is called Ritu U.

He deals with India where the poverty is important. So there are inequalities between poor and rich people. And the poorest class is called "untouchables", it's about lowest class, people who have the worst job, they don't have running water in their "home"(schack).

Morevoer, although laws ban dicrimiation, inequalities remain. However, a person have changed the situation.

Abraham George was born in India and came from the poorest class but nowadays he's wealthy and he wants to help poor children.

So he invests 15M of dollars in the aim of building a school for them. This scool is called Shanti Bhavan in Hindu that means home of peace.

Indeed, it's not because their parents haven't got the best jobs, aren't rich that their children are stupid. Today, they profit on education because they have the right to learn. To prove it, they can speack three languages.

Then, this school is also the home of hope for poor children because of they live in well conditions.

For example, they wear clean clothes, they eat nutrition meals so they aren't under-nourrished. Besides, they are healthy and happy. Consequently, their kids can hope to be astronaut, professional athletes or engineer.

In the last paragraph, the author speaks about the case of a 12-old girl. She attends this school since she is 6 and she returns in her family twice a year. Her family lives in bad conditions but she is not ashamed of her family. Karthika hopes a better life for her family so, for instance, she teaches the alphabet to her mother.

To conclude, their kids are lucky to go out the poverty thanks to this school of hope.

Je mets mon résumé ce soir

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This article untitled Home of hope, was published in the World Report Edit in 2005. It deals with how to escape one’s social fate in India.

According to Hindu religious believes, the Indian society is divided into castes that creates social inequality as each class equals a social status. Those who are called the untouchables belong to the lowest. Although discrimination on the basis of castes is forbidden, they cannot attend good jobs and people who belong to this cast cannot escape poverty.

A New Jersey business man, native from India, takes measure to change this situation. He has builds a kind of boarding school called Shanti Bahvan where he welcomes children from the lowest class. They are provided clothes, food and free instruction. Thus he wants to turn these poor children without any future into cultivate and opened out workers. Very motivated, these children take this opportunity to access education and a better life without denying where they come from.

The lowest castes children are now allowed to dream about a wonderful future.


Salut tout le monde,

voilà j'ai travaillé le premier texte d'anglais de ce site, je sais vous ça fait longtemps qui vous l'avez fait mais bon.

J'envoie quand même mon oral.

This document has been adapted from an article written by Hap Lecrone, a clinical psychologist and writer for the Waco Tribune-Herald. The Waco Tribune-Herald is a Texan newspaper. The article in question was published on 17th October 2005. The headline of the article is “Help your children learn the value of money”. This article is divided into five paragraphs. This text deals with children and money, and more precisely, with how to help children learn the value of money.

Firstly, I would like to sum up the text and secondly I will give my opinion about this subject.

The author explains that parents try to teach values to their children like honesty, kindness and respect. He adds that teaching them the value of money is also extremely important.

Next, he expounds the idea that learning the value of and respect for money can and must begin during childhood. Parents can help their children learn the value of money by including them in discussions about the family budget, and giving pocket money which is based on age and ability to manage money, for example. He also suggests that children should be encouraged to save a portion of their pocket money as a good habit for later life.

The author reveals that, if parents do not instil a sense of the value of money in their young children, those children are sometimes incapable of managing their money when they reach adulthood.

To conclude, the author demonstrates that it’s very important to help children learn the value of money because later in life, they will be better able to control it, and adapt to situations where they have to survive on less money. He makes the link between money, motivation, achievement and quality of life.

I agree with the author. To my mind, it’s very important to help people learn the value of money because in this world and particularly at the moment, we can’t live without money. It’s very important to learn how to save money, how to manage our expenses.

It’s very difficult to help people learn the value of money because children want a lot of things like video games but parents must explain that they can’t buy everything they want.

Voilà bonne continuation à tous.

Moi je prépare les oraux seulement maintenant enfin j'avais un peu commencé avant mais comme j'ai eu les résultats des écrits hier ben là je m'y mets à fond.


I want to try to sum up the text :

This text is an article intitled "Home of Hope" published in World Report Edition on January the 28th 2005 and hte author is called Ritu U.

He deals with India where the poverty is important. So there are inequalities between poor and rich people. And the poorest class is called "untouchables", it's about lowest class, people who have the worst job, they don't have running water in their "home"(schack).

Morevoer, although laws ban dicrimiation, inequalities remain. However, a person have changed the situation.

Abraham George was born in India and came from the poorest class but nowadays he's wealthy and he wants to help poor children.

So he invests 15M of dollars in the aim of building a school for them. This scool is called Shanti Bhavan in Hindu that means home of peace.

Indeed, it's not because their parents haven't got the best jobs, aren't rich that their children are stupid. Today, they profit on education because they have the right to learn. To prove it, they can speack three languages.

Then, this school is also the home of hope for poor children because of they live in well conditions.

For example, they wear clean clothes, they eat nutrition meals so they aren't under-nourrished. Besides, they are healthy and happy. Consequently, their kids can hope to be astronaut, professional athletes or engineer.

In the last paragraph, the author speaks about the case of a 12-old girl. She attends this school since she is 6 and she returns in her family twice a year. Her family lives in bad conditions but she is not ashamed of her family. Karthika hopes a better life for her family so, for instance, she teaches the alphabet to her mother.

To conclude, their kids are lucky to go out the poverty thanks to this school of hope.

Je mets mon résumé ce soir

thank you (normalement toutes les fautes à la 3eme personnes je ne devrais pas les faire! je ne m'étais pas relue, sorry if i've written in french...) :bleh:

Salut tout le monde,

voilà j'ai travaillé le premier texte d'anglais de ce site, je sais vous ça fait longtemps qui vous l'avez fait mais bon.

J'envoie quand même mon oral.

This document has been adapted from an article written by Hap Lecrone, a clinical psychologist and writer for the Waco Tribune-Herald. The Waco Tribune-Herald is a Texan newspaper. The This article in question was published on 17th October 2005. The headline of the article is “Help your children learn the value of money”. This article is divided into five paragraphs. This text deals with children and money, and more precisely, with how to help children learn the value of money.

Firstly, I would like to sum up the text and secondly I will give my opinion about this subject.

The author explains that parents try to teach values to their children like honesty, kindness and respect. He adds that teaching them the value of money is also extremely important.

Next, he expounds the idea that learning the value of and respect for of money can and must begin during childhood. Parents can help their children learn the value of money by including them in discussions about the family budget, and giving pocket money which is based on age and ability to manage money, for example. He also suggests that children should be encouraged to save a portion of their pocket money as a good habit for later life.

The author reveals that, if parents do not instil a sense of the value of money in their young children, those children are sometimes incapable of managing their money when they reach adulthood.

To conclude, the author demonstrates (?) showed / shows that it’s very important to help children learn the value of money because later in life, they will be better able to control it, and adapt to situations where they have to survive on less money. He makes the link between money, motivation, achievement and quality of life.

I agree with the author. To my mind, it’s very important to help people learn the value of money because in this world and particularly at the moment, we can’t live without money. It’s very important to learn how to save money, how to manage our expenses.

It’s very difficult to help people learn the value of money because children want a lot of things like video games but parents must explain that they can’t buy everything they want.

Voilà bonne continuation à tous.

Moi je prépare les oraux seulement maintenant enfin j'avais un peu commencé avant mais comme j'ai eu les résultats des écrits hier ben là je m'y mets à fond.


voilà ce que j'ai mis en bleu c'est pour montrer que tu te répète un peu bcp... sinon je n'ai pas vraiment corriger de faute

sinon j'ai lu à un moment "incapable" idem pour démonstrates (ça peut exister mais..) ça fait un peu français, as-tu fait ton résumé ave cun dico?

au début quand tu décris que c'est en 5 paragraphes... c'est pas utile ça n'apporte rien mais après si ça te sert à combler tes 5 minutes de résumé ok

je n'ai pas l'habitude de faire ce genre de plan, je pense que tu devrai davantage inclure tes remarque dans ton résumé mais ça n'engage que moi

en espérant t'avoir un peu aidé

good luck

  • 2 semaines plus tard...

Good morning everybody!

Does someone have a text to propose for today?




I would like to speak english a bite too, because I'm not ready for my exam which is in a week!!!

If I make some mistakes, please, correct them!!!

Thank you!!!!

So lenig2 , I don't know what are the subject ready made!!!

Take a look at this site, then choose the one you want to study and I follow you!!!



I'm ok for the first subject, in "session 2007-anglais"

I am going to eat I come back!


I'm ok for the first subject, in "session 2007-anglais"

I am going to eat I come back!

Ok let's go for the first one! I work on it right now!


So, I did it in 30 minutes... It's not really good I think, words didn't want to come.

I wright exactly What I've wrote in my copy...:

This text is an article extracted from the BBC new's site.

It deals with a survey of United kingdom's children's way of eat made from the Trading standards Institute. This research shows that children's favorite foods are too salty and too fat. Nevertheless, we can observe that some similar products contain realy less salt and less fat than anothers. So, Phil Thomas, the institute's spokesman underlines it's the parent's job to choose the best product for their children, looking at the purcentage of salt and fat per one hundred grammes. Moreover, Phil Thomas encourages supermarket to use color codes on their products' packs to indicated more precisely the level of salt and fat.

To my mind, this problem is not really one, because consumers can choose the quality of the product they buy. Here, it's a problem of education. Why those children eat they what they want? Is there not the parent's job to look after what their children eat, buy them the best products, and explain to them how to keep fit in eating equilibrate? Maybe shool has a role to play here too, in order pupils have a take of consiousness in what is the best for their health.

To conclued, I think malnutrition is a problem of education or a problem of prices too. Indeed, many families choose low quality products because they are cheaper. Does the decline of the buying power lead us inevitably to the malnutrition and deases as the obesity or diabete?

I don't think I can speak during 5 minutes with that :blink: ???

Is that many summary which is to short, or my opinion not developped enough? :cry:

So, I did it in 30 minutes... It's not really good I think, words didn't want to come.

I wright exactly What I've wrote in (on) my copy...:

This text is an article extracted from the BBC new's site.

It deals with a survey of (about)United kingdom's children's way of eat (eating)made from(by) the Trading standards Institute. This research shows that children's favorite foods are too salty and too fat. Nevertheless, we can observe that some similar products contain realy less salt and less fat than anothers. So, Phil Thomas, the institute's spokesman underlines it's the parent's job( role) to choose the best product for their children, looking at the purcentage of salt and fat per one hundred grammes. Moreover, Phil Thomas encourages supermarket to use color codes on their products' packs to indicated (indicate)more precisely the level of salt and fat.

To my mind, this problem is not really one, because consumers can choose the quality of the product they buy. Here, it's a problem of education. Why those children eat they (why do those children eat what they want?)what they want? Is there not the parent's job to look after what their children eat, buy them the best products, and explain to them how to keep fit in eating equilibrate? (je n'aurai pas fait de question là, trop long) Maybe shool (schools have) has a role to play here too, in order pupils have a take of consiousness in what is the best for their health.

To conclued, I think malnutrition is a problem of education or a problem of prices too. Indeed, many families choose low quality products because they are cheaper. Does the decline of the buying power lead us inevitably to the malnutrition and deases as the obesity or diabete? (pas de question là non plus..)

I don't think I can speak during 5 minutes with that :blink: ???

Is that many summary which is to short, or my opinion not developped enough? :cry:


It 's my turn..

This text is an extract from BBC News published in 2006. It is entitled "child..."

Here, the author denounces the processed foods given to children and which contain too much salt and fat.

In the first paragraph, he alerts parents about the amonts of fat and salt contained in the foods prefered by children, and as a result about the risk of obesity.

the survey concernes breakfast cereals, lunch box foods, crisps...

In similar foods there is a wide variation in nutritional values: some contains more fat that other but less salt, and vice versa. He also mentions the maximum rate of salt and fat that children can eat.

So, how is it possible to avoid this phenomenon? to avoid obesity?

The trading standard industrie asks to food industries to indicate clearly, on packages, the contentthe foods the sell. So as to help parents to choose and to give to their children a balanced diet.

We should also eat more fruit and vegetables, everyday, television reminds it. But fruit and vegetables are more expensive, and children prefer eating processed foods...perhaps, they could be made more attractive. Moreover, people are runing about all day, and cannot have spare time to cook.

Me, for instance, I try as I can To avoid processed foods because the contain salt and fat, but not just, they are also the cause of cancer. That's why I prefer organic foods.

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