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It 's my turn..

This text is an extract from BBC News published in 2006. It is entitled "child..."

Here, the author denounces the processed foods given to children and which contain too much salt and fat.

In the first paragraph, he alerts parents about the amonts of fat and salt contained in the foods prefered by children, and as a result about the risk of obesity.

the survey concernes breakfast cereals, lunch box foods, crisps...

In similar foods there is a wide variation in nutritional values: some contains more fat that other but less salt, and vice versa. He also mentions the maximum rate of salt and fat that children can eat.

So, how is it possible to avoid this phenomenon? to avoid obesity?

The trading standard industrie asks to food industries to indicate clearly, on packages, the contentthe foods the sell. So as to help parents to choose and to give to their children a balanced diet.

We should also eat more fruit and vegetables, everyday, television reminds it. But fruit and vegetables are more expensive, and children prefer eating processed foods...perhaps, they could be made more attractive. Moreover, people are runing about all day, and cannot have spare time to cook.

Me, for instance, I try as I can To avoid processed foods because the contain salt and fat, but not just, they are also the cause of cancer. That's why I prefer organic foods.

mes remarques :

résumé très clair, bien structuré, je n'ai pas lu le texte et je comprends

contains more fat that other but less salt : contains more fat THAN other ... : dans la comparaison, jamais THAT , TOUJOURS THAN , même si en français on utlise "que" dans les 2 cas

industire = industry : seulement faute d'ortho, tu t'en fous à l'oral ca ne se voit pas mais juste pour que tu saches

asks to food ... : pas de TO , c'est ASK SOMEONE (demander à qn), le "à" français ne se traduit pas

give to their children a balanced diet. : en anglais "to give" a 2 construction : soit "give something TO someone " (= donner qch à qn) ou "give SOMEONE SOMETHING" ( = donner qch à qn") donc toi tu as mélanger les 2, il faut dire : soit "give a balanced diet TO their children" ou "give their children a balanced dier"

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  • lenig2




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Stefan, tu as l'air de t'y connaître en anglais!!! Tu pourrais corriger mon résumer aussi s'il te plaît? :unsure: J'ai en effet quelques problèmes... :cry:

Je me suis déjà rendu compte de quelques erreurs, et lenig2 m'en a corrigé certaines, mais je ne sais pas si c'est suffisant?

As-tu des conseils à me donner concernant mon plan?


Merci stephan!

Ce sont des choses que je connais, mais arf, je ne les avais pas vu, zut!


Je viens de voir, un sujet tombé les années précédentes: c'était un extrait d'alice aux pays des merveilles, c'est possible d'avoir ça? je saurais pas quoi dire!

Je viens de voir, un sujet tombé les années précédentes: c'était un extrait d'alice aux pays des merveilles, c'est possible d'avoir ça? je saurais pas quoi dire!

Oui je viens de voir ça moi aussi!!!!!

Et le sujet d'après il y a même un dialogue!!!!

C'est chaud je trouve!!! Very very hard!!!! :cry:


Oui j'ai vu le dialogue après! oulalala, enfin ptet c'est spécifique à vais aller demander eux gens de mon académie au cas j'aimerai pas du tout avoir ça! ça m'inspire pas!

So, I did it in 30 minutes... It's not really good I think, words didn't want to come.

I wright exactly What I've wrote in my copy...:

This text is an article extracted from the BBC new's site.

It deals with a survey of United kingdom's children's way of eat made from the Trading standards Institute. This research shows that children's favorite foods are too salty and too fat. Nevertheless, we can observe that some similar products contain realy less salt and less fat than anothers. So, Phil Thomas, the institute's spokesman underlines it's the parent's job to choose the best product for their children, looking at the purcentage of salt and fat per one hundred grammes. Moreover, Phil Thomas encourages supermarket to use color codes on their products' packs to indicated more precisely the level of salt and fat.

To my mind, this problem is not really one, because consumers can choose the quality of the product they buy. Here, it's a problem of education. Why those children eat they what they want? Is there not the parent's job to look after what their children eat, buy them the best products, and explain to them how to keep fit in eating equilibrate? Maybe shool has a role to play here too, in order pupils have a take of consiousness in what is the best for their health.

To conclued, I think malnutrition is a problem of education or a problem of prices too. Indeed, many families choose low quality products because they are cheaper. Does the decline of the buying power lead us inevitably to the malnutrition and deases as the obesity or diabete?

I don't think I can speak during 5 minutes with that :blink: ???

Is that many summary which is to short, or my opinion not developped enough? :cry:

pas de soucis, je corrige

wright : faute d'ortho , c'est "write" mais à l'oral on s'en fout

I've wrote : attention , tu utilises du "present perfect" donc "HAVE + PARTICIPE PASSE du verbe" ; ici "wrote" = prétérit, le participe passé = written

children's way of eat : children's way TO eat - pour cette phrase j'éviterai les deux cas possessifs et remplacerais "UK's" par British tout simplement

less salt and less fat than anothers : "another" = autre au singulier donc jamais avec un "s" , tu voulais surement dire" que d'autres" et donc je dirais "than other products"

Phil Thomas encourages supermarket : il y a plusieurs supermarché donc"supermarketS"

to indicated : to indicatE : jamais de "to + -ED"

is not really one = is not a real problem : attention aux reprises, la sutructure est souvent différente en anglais

Why those children eat they what they want? : les questions = Mot interrogatis, AUXILIAIRE, SUJET, VERBE : tu as pas mis d'auxiliaire et le 1er they est à supprimer car tu as déjà un sujet "those children" => why DO those children eat what ...

Is there not the parent's job to ... : is NOT IT the parents' job ...

as the obesity or diabete? : as obesity ... : pas de "the" car c'est l'obèsité en général

voilà, j'ne ai peut être oublié , je suis crevé ...

pour le plan, y a pas de plan miracle si ce n'est : résumé - avis personnel


Well, I continue :mad:

This text is an extract from the Observer published in 2007.

It is entitled "why homework isn't working"

Here, the author critizes homework.

In the first paragraph, he introduces Amelia Woner, 9 years old, to us and presents her timetable: she comes back to home in the evening at 6.20pm and as still her homework to do. Her mother says that sometimes her daughter has a lot of homework to do and it seems to raise family tension, because we can suppose....(je finirai taleur)

According to the author, homework causes negative effects and he tightens his assumption by quoting sentences from a book in which the author mentionnes that homework is only useful in high school, not in primary school. He says that no study has ever show an academin benefit.

Actually, in the UK, homework is compulsory since 1998 and it concerns children from the age of 5, consequently, the author hopes that (je finirai taleur)

The department of education puts forward the importance of homework. It justifies it by saying that it helps young children to develop skills and attitudes and we can add methods, necessary for scholastic achievement, because it helps them to become autonomous.

However, Suzan Hallam,, a profesor at the institute for education in london is in favour of homework, on condition (?) thet (je finirai)

and she underlines, so as John.P, a headmaster, that it hasn't to be done only beacause schools believe that it is just their role, or juste because parents demand it.

je finirai avec mon avis, mais là je dois filer!


Ouhouh!!! Excuse me lenig2!!! My computer didn't want to work today... So I'm a (bit) late...:idontno:

Thank you Stefan for your correction, it's so nice!!!!

I'm aware I make many many mistakes, particulary for the verbs... It's So difficult for me!!!! :cry:


Remarque: (en français, désolée!! ;) )

Il faut tenir 5 min! C'est vraiment énorme je trouve! A chaque fois je ne tiens que 2 ou 3 min mais pas davantage!!! Du fait qu'il faille faire un résumé (je pense qu'on ne peux décemment pas faire plus du tiers du texte original, sinon, c'est plus un résumé!!!) , du coup, c'est notre point de vue qu'il faut beaucoup développer!! Mais je trouve ça vraiment difficile!!! Comment faire??? Elargir le débat???? Je trouve que c'est un exercice très complexe!!!

Qu'est ce que vous en pensez???

Oui j'ai vu le dialogue après! oulalala, enfin ptet c'est spécifique à vais aller demander eux gens de mon académie au cas j'aimerai pas du tout avoir ça! ça m'inspire pas!

pour le nord, on est déjà tombé sur des extraits de roman mais à ma connaissance pas de dialogue !

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