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"L'entretien peut aussi porter sur la vie de classe"

I try in English.

So I think it's possible that the teacher say : "How do you to ..."

You see what I mean ? :cry:

There's no didactic but this sentence is a door to questions about ?

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"L'entretien peut aussi porter sur la vie de classe"

I try in English.

So I think it's possible that the teacher say : "How do you to ..."

You see what I mean ?  :cry:

There's no didactic but this sentence is a door to questions about ?

I think so! In fact I think that most of the 'exam' will be general but it is possible that the jury would like to ask us questions to see if we worked deeper on the subjet. Reading it can be a good idea! It is the same regarding History and science in fact I think that it's better to read all documentation (for oral pro in fact!)


we have just talked about the text in the chat (aspidistra, oblivion and i) and it was interesting to begin to speak straightly in english.

we will start again in 2 weeks and if some others want to join us, with pleasure!

and another thing : you can help you with this website :

have a good night


Hello everybody,

I forgot the chat yesterday night... :blush: and to tell you the true I was so tired that I slept very early :blush:

But I will do my summary as soon as possible maybe tonight ;) .


I just want if there's a little place for me in your group.

Have a good day !


You're welcome ;)

see you


for didactic, i thought like you, but our teacher of iufm told that it only means that "l'entretien peut aussi porter sur nous, l'école, l'enseignement de l'anglais, notre expérience, mais de façon minoritaire, et non systématique"

i think we have to prepare these questions, but it will not be the main part of the discussion, we must really prepare well a fluent discussion without hesitations, if possible.


for didactic, i thought like you, but our teacher of iufm told that it only means that "l'entretien peut aussi porter sur nous, l'école, l'enseignement de l'anglais, notre expérience, mais de façon minoritaire, et non systématique"

i think we have to prepare these questions, but it will not be the main part of the discussion, we must really prepare well a fluent discussion without hesitations, if possible.


I agree with you ;)


So do I, we have to have (?) a B2 level.

Reading articles (like the second one "education crisis in Scotland") and work on them as we do make us think about the school system and the didactics ;)


i add a little article (in french) for our information :


if you don't know, it comes from there :



Hello everybody,

here is my summary:

This document is an article from The Times online web site. It was written in september 2005 by Bill Irelade and Holly Watt. This article deals with drug addiction and the mental diseases it provokes. It is titled Mental problems soar among children using cannabis.

What is focused on is he fact that the rate of children treated for mental problems caused by cannabis addiction has hugely increased. The authors report the result of a New Zeland research which proves that the use of cannabis doubles the risk of mental illness. Those results are very alarming mostly because of the increasing numbers of teenagers users.

Moreover, some variants of cannabis, skunk for instnce, are worst and than cannabis itself.

The authors also notice the fact that the price for those variants are more expensive than for cannabis and leads users to commit more "junkie-crimes" which were traditionally the part of hard drug addicted.

According to this article, cannabis should be considered more seriously than it has ever been.

That's all ;)

see you


Hi everyone :)

Here is my summary :happy:

This text is an article from Times Online issued in mid-september 2005.

We could define it as a medical and sociological study on the effects of cannabis on people, and more precisely on teenagers.

In the first two paragraphs, the journalists allude to a law which was passed in Great Britain at the beginning of 2004 and through which people no longer risk being arrested for using small amounts of cannabis.

As seen throughout the text, this softening of the law on cannabis is criticized by people from the scientific community. The figures which are given in this text tend to prove indeed that cannabis consumers, and above all the youngest, can suffer from mental problems. Many people blame the strongly increasing number of people suffering from these problems on the softening of the law as it is explained in the first two paragraphs.

Yet, the relaxation of the law is not the only one held responsible for these mental disorders. As seen in the fifth paragraph, skunk, a stronger and more expensive form of cannabis, can lead to even more serious mental problems on the long-term.

Another consequence of the use of skunk is the increase in criminal activities so as to get the money to pay for the drug.

However, even if a review of the law was suggested, it is unlikely that it will be done insofar as these figures are not considered as scientifically valid.

As a conclusion, we can say that the first victims of cannabis are generally young people and that the softening of the law should really be questionned; it is likely that this issue will lead to a debate in Great Britain.



I'd like to join your group if it's still possible.

Good night



Let’s start and sum-up this text.

This text is an extract from The Sunday Times and was published on the 18th september 2005.

It has been written by two journalists : Will Iredale and Holly Watt.

This text treats of a Public Health’s problem.

If we consider the topic of this article, it’s about children and drug, and more exactly about the mental problems caused by using cannabis since the change of the status of drug.

On the hand hand, it emphasizes the fact that there is an increase of the number of drug addict teenagers (136 more than the previous year), and a rise of them who had been treated for psychotic problems due to cannabis.

The figures are underlined by “Addaction” [be careful, “addaction” in the text is an association, “a leading drug charity” : “add” + “action” with a play on word with “addiction”] that notices the jump in the hospital admission because of cannabis.

This association stresses the fact that young people are on drugs with skunk, a stronger form of cannabis and we have to take into account the price, more and more expensive of skunk, which leads these young users to commit “junky crimes” in order to buy drugs.

On the other hand, in this text we could noticed that this problem of drug is not national but international, studies lead in New Zealand and elsewhere in Europe, make us aware of the risks that drugs can damage over mental health even if the government didn’t take it for evidence.

Finally, we could say this subject could have been written in french newspapers, where the law about


consumming drugs is not clearly defined. ;)

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