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I'd like to join your group if it's still possible.

Good night


Hi lolote, sure it is possible, welcome to this group :happy:

Each week we give the link to an article of which we have to make a summary.

The summaries are to be written before the end of the week (on Sundays).

Here is the article we're working on at the moment :,,8122-1785508,00.html


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I would like to come with you.

Would you accept me in your group please ?

How do you work ? Which documents do you use for ?


hello guys... may i join the group and practice my english with you? i guess it's too late now for this week's summary buut maybe next week's...

will we have to sum up a text at the contest (i'm not sure that's the right word for that... no big deal...) ? i thought it would be like it used to be like the years before, with a k7...

speak with you soon

hello guys... may i join the group and practice my english with you?  i guess it's too late now for this week's summary buut maybe next week's...

will we have to sum up a text at the contest (i'm not sure that's the right word for that... no big deal...) ? i thought it would be like it used to be like the years before, with a k7...

speak with you soon

Hi Florianna and Abby :)

Welcome to this group ;)

Nope, the oral exam has changed this year; tapes are no longer used; they've been replaced by a 20-lined text from which we'll have to extract the main arguments :happy:


Hi ,everyone !

I'm very proud of you all as I see you're working hard ! Keep it up !

Some of you mentionned listening to English to get your ear ready for the little talk with the examiners..

have you tried this site (Voice of America)

or this one :

(on this one , you listen to a short text then you choose the correct answer. There are different levels of course . Up to you to choose yours)

Best of luck :)


Thanks for your support Teacher, and for your internet links.

I made a list of the topics used in English test during 2003 and 2004 exams, I know the test was different, but I think the topics will be quite the same.


Teacher shortage

The New tecnology (∆ singular in English)

Polution (cars, cigarettes...)

Protection of the environment

Guns (freely sold)


Organic farming


Domestic animal

Sport : football

The elderly

End of life

Minorities (american indian or Pakistani in England)


World Wild application (mondialisation)




Multiracial families

Child’s work




Loche Ness Monster

Private life (Sarah Ferguson, Schwarzenegger...)

Current events (cinema : the lord of rings, books : Harry Potter)


Tan’s damage

We could look for texts in relation with this subjects. What do you think about that?



Thank you Teacher for this sites and thank you too Banouchka, it's really interesting because even if your list is about the tests in 2003 and 2004, it can help us about subjects that could be given this year ;)

Well, this my summary :

This article is taken from Timesonline and particulary, from Health news column. It dates back to september 2005, the 18th.

The text deals with the problem of "mental problems (which) soar among children using cannabis".

The two Time's journalists, Will Iredale and Holly Watt, intend to point out the consequences of the new status of the drug in England. It has been downgraded and people are not arrested for the possession of a small quantity anymore.

But the real problem, according to the journalists, is the high number of children traited for psychotic problems since that law exists.

Moreover surveys prove that cannabis or skunk's users (skunk is a high strenght variant of cannabis) will be affected by psychotic illness and even schizophrenia, particullary persons who have consumed it during their adolescence.

Now two options should be considered:

- there are not enough evidences of cannabis or skunk's consumption,

- skunk must be upgrading but cannabis can stay as a class c drug.

Thank you for reading and good evening :)


i see you are all really hard working.

so i will propose you a new text for the week. we'll be able to talk about it until sunday 9th : ICI (consignes : : ne tenir compte que de la 1ére partie linguistique) : it was a part of the exam in 1997 in the english test (academy of grenoble)

i prefer to keep the vidéo/audio for next week, when we'll talkabout it in the tchat and in this post.

good work



Hi everybody

Here is my summary :

This is an article from Times on line. It deals with dangerous consequences of cannabis use.

In fact since the government has modified the law about drugs, cannabis consumers are not any more arrested by police for small amounts of drug.

Then a growing number of mental illness has been diagnosed among cannabis addicts. Moreover a lot of them were aged 15 or below, and their number has encreased in comparison with last year.

According to a New Zealand research cannabis could encrease the risk of mental illness such as schizophrenia.

Some of drug consumers take shunk which is stronger than cannabis. So the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drug could decide to modify the cannabis law, and take repressive measure against skunk.

In the same time as skunk is more expensive than cannabis, consumers steal and burgle to make money.

As a conclusion downgraded cannabis using might be an error consequences for children could be harmful and for the health system too.

Good night

i see you are all really hard working.

[i prefer to keep the vidéo/audio for next week, when we'll talkabout it in the tchat and in this post.

good work


Attention à hard working

-You are a hard-working girl . MAIS you are working hard .

"-Tchat" en anglais c'est " chat" (verbe : bavarder)


normalement après les conjonctions de temps ( when..), il n' y a pas 'will' ( sauf si will = intention)

ex : I' ll phone when I arrive in London./ We will see the video when we meet on the chat line.

mais dans une phrase interro "will" peut être utilisé !! ( when will you give me my birthday present ?)

Bon travail à toutes et à tous :)

PS : à la liste de Banouchka,on peut - pour cette année - sans doute rajouter : hurricanes/ earthquakes...


i'll try to sum this up quite soon... just tell me, i can't see in the programms for the "concours" anything about commenting documents for class... did they suppress it too ??? do they only judge us on our english this year ??!!! this seems pretty weird i feel, but i'm not there to give my advice on that so... why do i feel that my english is getting rusty, i'm sure i did some awful mistakes in that paragraph but can't find they right now... no matter. speak with you soon ;)

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