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AND THE OTHERS : where can you chat?


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For me it's difficult to say when I'm available, sorry. It's not my computer, so I connect myself when the computer is free!

If you don't mind, I'll add some corrections:

In fact,My real "day of birth" was 16 days ago but my parents don't live together ( euh???)  so we must celebrate it  "deux fois ".

deux fois: twice

"We have to celebrate it twice" or " we must celebrate it twice."

So, if you choice this text, I think I could'nt work on it with you but it's not a very big problem...

If you choose.


I cant' read the radio program either!

( is it " either" or "neither"?????)

For me it's difficult to say when I'm available, sorry. It's not my computer, so I connect myself when the computer is free!

If you don't mind, I'll add some corrections:

In fact,My real "day of birth" was 16 days ago but my parents don't live together ( euh???)  so we must celebrate it  "deux fois ".

deux fois: twice

"We have to celebrate it twice" or " we must celebrate it twice."

So, if you choice this text, I think I could'nt work on it with you but it's not a very big problem...

If you choose.

Thanks ;)

I cant' read the radio program either!

( is it " either" or "neither"?????)

can't you read it because you don't have real player, or because it doesn't work? (it works with real one player, that you can charge here :ici)



ok well i've been much too long so my adding my summary of the "femail" text is too late now... it trained me anyway. i can read the radio program, dude, the woman speaks sooooo slow !!! we shouldn't have that harm understanding it so... good for self-confidence, isn't it ? when should we have a summary done for that ? speak with you soon...


Right girls , I have only a few minutes

here is :

-nit-picking : to be over-critical ( chercher des poux)

- I can't hear it either ( not...either )

- I am "pénible " : I am a pain ! ( you can add : I'm a pain in the neck or - not so polite - I'm a pain in the arse ! ooops ! sorry!)

- others days ( attention, ici "other" est adjectif donc pas de "s")

-I'm go to do ...: I'm going to do..

Bye for now :)


Hi everybody,

Bignotna, I can hear the text you've chosen. And I am free each evening (to monday at friday) from 9 pm on.

Goodbye :)


Hi everybody!

I can hear the radio program, and I think it's quite easy, but it's a good beginning and training for those who didn't practise english for a long time.

I'm Ok for a chat with the group on Wednesday after 9 pm.




so see you on wednesday the 12th at 9 pm

and for the others, we can try to put a summary on this post :

i think it will be a good exercise to try to understand english spoken, it will change

(even if it's easy) and will create more debate, i hope


I cant' read the radio program either!

( is it " either" or "neither"?????)

can't you read it because you don't have real player, or because it doesn't work? (it works with real one player, that you can charge here :ici)


I can't read it because it doesn't work . But I'll try to read it wenesday in another computer, and i'll do the summary ( if I have the time for sure! )




here is my summary about the radio text/

This article is taken from "Tutoring programs on-line".

It is a report regarding, as this web site title can figure it, the on-line companies which help american students (or sometimes britain, canadian or australian) students from the 3rd grade to the 12th grade.

This companies are established in countries like India, Chili... "Career Launcher (?) India illimited" or "Growing stars", indian companies offer some help for school work. Parents pay 20 or 22 $ an hour. Companies propose maths, sciences... and even english lessons. Students may have private lessons according to their level.

Education experts are worried about this on-line companies, because of the lessons they give but especially about the language they use : they insist on the fact that english and american languages are really different.

This companies argue with the quality they offer to the children, putting forward the serious work of their teatchers who are hand-picked.

This is it and I know it is quite short :blush: , thank you for reading and correcting my errors ;)

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