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here is my summary about the radio text

This article is taken from "Tutoring programs on-line".

It is a report regarding, as this web site title can figure it, the on-line companies which help american students (or sometimes britain, canadian or australian) students from the 3rd grade to the 12th grade.

This companies are established in countries like India, Chili... "Career Launcher (?) India illimited" or "Growing stars", indian companies offer some help for school work. Parents pay 20 or 22 $ an hour. Companies propose maths, sciences... and even english lessons. Students may have private lessons according to their level.

Education experts are worried about this on-line companies, because of the lessons they give but especially about the language they use : they insist on the fact that english and american languages are really different.

This companies argue with the quality they offer to the children, putting forward the serious work of their teatchers who are hand-picked.

This is it and I know it is quite short :blush: , thank you for reading and correcting my errors ;)

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here is my summary about the radio text

This article is extracted from "Tutoring programs on-line".

It is a report dealing with, as this web site title can figure it, the on-line companies which help american students (or sometimes British, canadian or australian) students from the 3rd grade to the 12th grade.

These companies are established in countries like India, Chili... "Career Launcher (?) India illimited" or "Growing stars", indian companies offer some help for school work. Parents pay 20 or 22 $ an hour. Companies propose maths, sciences... and even english lessons. Students may have private lessons according to their level.

Education experts are worried about this on-line companies, because of the lessons they give but especially about the language they use : they insist on the fact that english and american languages are really different.

These companies argue with the quality they offer to the children, putting forward the serious work of their teachers who are hand-picked.

This is it and I know it is quite short  :blush: , thank you for reading and correcting my errors  ;)

I have NOT heard the text , so I won't make any comment on the contents ....I am only correcting your errors !


Are you chatting girls? :huh:


I thought that we would chat but I can't see nobody on the "chat"


we are now three on the chat, milla



here is my summary...

This text is a report of the BOA special english education report. The subject is on line tutoring programs in the United States. Some american students from the third to the twelfth grade can be helped on the internet by teachers whom can be abroad, often in India. Tutors can help them with their mathematics even by drawing on the screen. The service costs from 20 to 30 dollars an hour.

Most of the companies offer help with the english, mathematics, sciences, but also social studies, chemistry, physics and biology. A company says its helps 3,000 students a day.

The company "Growing star" provides before the help a test for every child, so as to make a point on what he knows or not and then a personnal learning program is created by the academic director. In its will to be professionnal it also e-mails the parents their child's progress. This company is expanding in Canada, Britain and Australia.

Globally the tutors can be in the Phillipines, in America, Chili, and India but only american teachers can help the students with their english. This point was quite worrying people in education since in India the english spoken is more british than american. But the companies answers their tutors are professionnals who know the difference between british and american english.

To have more informations on that matter you can have a look on the internet for it (type as the research key words : "on line tutoring programs") ; this text can be found at ""

Well this might be a long summary, I'm no good at summing up... I was not able to understand the names of the 1st two companies, not fully in fact. Thanks for correcting (if you feel like doing it) and telling if the content is good. Speak with you soon !


Abby : This text is a report of the VOA special english education report.

If you want to read the text, you will find it :there


heyn ludi, can you put the text for this week, thanks a lot.


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