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Hi :)

It's been a long time since I last came here :blush:

Here is my translation of the sentences :

- Tous mes amis sont partis en vancances, et je me sens très seul.

All my friends have gone on holidays and I feel very lonely.

- Je le connaissais très bien mais lorsqu'elle est rentrée je ne l'ai pas reconnue.

I knew her very well but I did not recognize her when she came in.

- Nous avons mangé du poisson tous les jours depuis dimanche.

We have eaten fish every day since Sunday.

- Si seulement elle arrêtait de jouer cette musique idiote.

If only she stopped playing that silly tune.

- Nous parlons tous mal anglais, mais c'est toi qui parles le plus mal.

We all speak bad English but you're the one who speaks the worst.

1/A cette heure là tu aurais dû travailler.

You should have been working at that time.

2/A qui ont-ils pu voler cet argent?

Who could they steal that money from?

3/Trop tard, le train est déjà parti.

Too late; the train is already gone.

4/Que signifie ce mot en anglais?

What does that word mean in English?

5/Comment va faire Franck pour le rembourser?

How will Frank manage to pay him back?

I'll try to sum up the text tomorrow; see you :happy:

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  • bigotna


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Here is the translation for the questions (taken from:la grammaire anglaise de l'étudiant- Berland Delépine)

1/A cette heure là tu aurais dû travailler.

At that time, you should have been working

2/A qui ont-ils pu voler cet argent?

Who could they steal that money from?

3/Trop tard, le train est déjà parti.

Too late, the train has already gone.

4/Que signifie ce mot en anglais?

What does that English word mean?

5/Comment va faire Franck pour le rembourser?

How will Frank manage to pay him back?

Have a good day!


And here is the translation for the following sentences :

- Tous mes amis sont partis en vacances, et je me sens très seul.

All my friends have gone on holiday, and I feel very lonely.

- Je la connaissais très bien, mais lorsqu'elle est entrée je ne l'ai pas reconnue.

I knew her very well, but when she walked in I didn't recognize her.

- Nous avons mangé du poisson tous les jours depuis dimanche.

We have eaten fish every day since sunday. (present perfect simple car action répétée jusqu'au moment présent ou action qui n'a pas été faite jusqu'à présent)

- Si seulement elle arrêtait de jouer cette musique idiote.

I wish she would stop playing that stupid music. (situation réelle : She won't stop playing...) (On peut employer I wish + would lorsqu'il s'agit d'une idée de volonté relative à une situation extérieure)

- Nous parlons tous mal l'anglais, mais c'est toi qui parles le plus mal.

We all speak English badly, but you speak it worst.

These sentences are taken from "l'Anglais de A à Z".

Who put others french sentences today ?

Talk to you soon :)

- Who put others french sentences today ?

Talk to you soon  :)


Who : 3° pers sing , donc 'S' au verbe au présent simple , mais le choix du présent simple est-il correct ici ???.......

et le choix lexical 'put' n'est pas formidable ;)

others sentences : other est ici un adjectif donc pas de " s"

ex : Could you write other sentences , please ? ( other = adjectif)

I have already translated the others. ( other = nom)

(il faudrait une majuscule à French : tous les adj de nationalité prennent une maj. en Anglais...mais bon , vous passez à l'oral ,ça ne se verra pas !)

En tous cas , bravo pour votre persévérance à tous/toutes :)

Posté(e) (modifié)

thanks banouchka and milla

i tried to put a link to ear an audio text, but i did'nt arrive

so if you want to study on this text, you can ear and read it : ICI

AND afterwords it would be good to resume the 2 different point of wiews and to compare it to french scool system

and what do you, personnaly, think about this in america? do you agree or not?



Modifié par bigotna

hello! I'm in holidays!!!! I'll can work with you at least!!!

Last time I wrote something on this post, I said that I didn't know when I can chat with you , but, now I can tell that every monday evening , I can i hope to see you on chat!

I saw "corpse bride" last week end and I want to translate lyrics of " according to plan" . I'll put in on line as soon as possible and , if you don't mind, I wish i had a correction.

Here's my translation of sentences

A cette heure là tu aurais dû travailler.

At this time, you should have done your work. ( I'm not sure , I think it's not really the same, in my sentence it suppose that the work is done. )

A qui ont-ils pu voler cet argent?

I have no idea , I would say: whose money is it?

Trop tard, le train est déjà parti.

It's too late, the train 's already gone.

Que signifie ce mot en anglais?

What does mean this word in english?

Comment va faire Franck pour le rembourser?

How do franck pay back him? ( it's sounds awfull, isn't it?!)

so I'll go to see the others translations....see you soon!


I made a mistake:

Que signifie ce mot en anglais?

I wrote: What does mean this word in english?

i think i should say " what does this english word mean?" or " what does this word mean in english ? "

thanks banouchka and milla

i tried to put a link to ear an audio text, but i did'nt arrive

so if you want to study on this text, you can ear and read it  : ICI

AND afterwords it would be good to resume the 2  different point of wiews and to compare it to french scool system

and what do you, personnaly, think about this in america? do you agree or not?



Attention, bigotna..tu montres des signes de fatigue : bcp de petites erreurs

ear : c'est l'oreille . le verbe "entendre " c'est Hear mais ici tu voulais utiliser "listen to ", je pense

Points of view

Resume : recommencer

sum up ou summarize : résumer


i didn' arrive : I couldn't manage

A message for Reginaphalenge who is on holiday, ....Relis, please ,la remarque faite plus haut sur OTHER ( adj ou nom) !!!


thanks teacher, i saw some of my mistakes a bit late, i 'll try to improve myself.

but do the ohers agree with the work?

i will try to do it in 1 or 2 days


(i think we could do a chat next week and translate some sentences, for example, i am a bit angry with the "concordance des temps")


Hi everybody,

last week, I gave you a link with a text to sum up, it dealt with TOEFL. :)

Did you see it?

I 've not done it :blush: but I will try do it and put it on the thread tomorrow.

what about the next text? Will we chat about it or make a summary?

see you ;)


hello ludi, here is the new text ; i didn't propose to chat, because i am on holidays elsewhere and it's difficult, but if some of you want, you can do it.

i tried to put a link to ear an audio text, but i couldn't

so if you want to study on this text, you can hear and read it  : ICI

AND afterwords it would be good to sum the 2 different points of wiews and to compare it to the french scool system

and what do you, personaly, think about this in america? do you agree or not?



maybe can we have a chat next week.


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