guillaume Posté(e) 4 mai 2005 Posté(e) 4 mai 2005 Hi everyone, this subject will be an open space to speak about whatever you want, except that there's only one single rule: always in English. I suppose it's good for all of us to practise a little bit, and i would be very happy to hear from you very soon See u there !!!
Kiwichick Posté(e) 4 mai 2005 Posté(e) 4 mai 2005 That's a good idea ! But talk about what ? Teaching English, the school, the Examination... IsaG, you want to talk with us :P
guillaume Posté(e) 4 mai 2005 Auteur Posté(e) 4 mai 2005 IsaG talks English with smilies !! Well, that's right, I should have thought about something to talk about before maybe...originally, it was supposed to be an open space about anything, but if there no one in there who has something to say, i will come up with some subjects !!
thanys00 Posté(e) 4 mai 2005 Posté(e) 4 mai 2005 Yes, great ! So I apologize first about my poor english but I would be happy to talk with you of whatever you want See (talk to) you soon
thanys00 Posté(e) 4 mai 2005 Posté(e) 4 mai 2005 Re- personalmente, prefiero el espanol !! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> per el espanol no puedo ayudar..... :P
mimi63 Posté(e) 4 mai 2005 Posté(e) 4 mai 2005 Hello everybody, I would like to speak with you about.... what a lovely day today, no rain here, but thera are no seasons anymore... :P We could speak about education or anything else in english countries : GB, usa, Australia and Canada ! last year i had a subject about immigration to canada and it was a catastroph !!!!! excuse me for my english, i speak like a spanish ... "vache"
mims Posté(e) 4 mai 2005 Posté(e) 4 mai 2005 I've seen, this morning, a beautiful movie : Kingdom of Heaven (no need to thing about a translation of the title ! :P ) Really a great movie... don't miss it. And Orlando Bloom, what a cute guy ! Thats real : I'm in love ! :P
thanys00 Posté(e) 4 mai 2005 Posté(e) 4 mai 2005 What about the cow mimi ? :P Do you know the meatrix ? So, if you want to improve your english, you can go on english forums (for my part I go sometimes on a McCaffrey's forum), because I don't think talking with spanish cows (like me ) can help you for the crpe :P
delphinie Posté(e) 4 mai 2005 Posté(e) 4 mai 2005 Nice holiday ... :P Today : shopping , swiming poll, sleeping and watching a dvd : Phone Game
mimi63 Posté(e) 4 mai 2005 Posté(e) 4 mai 2005 What about the cow mimi ? :P Do you know the meatrix ? So, if you want to improve your english, you can go on english forums (for my part I go sometimes on a McCaffrey's forum), because I don't think talking with spanish cows (like me ) can help you for the crpe :P <{POST_SNAPBACK}> exactly ! the cow ! or the spanish meuuuuh. everybody understand ! thank you what a good idea guillaume this post ! and what do you speak about on a mc caffrey's forum ? what is the adress? i would like to prove to english people that french speak english as the queen I am the queen the horror's queen
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