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My knoledge about this kind of hunting is limited :

So am I. Do you think, that in England they use to hunt this way? I think, it's really discasting for game animals. Hunting isn't really my case but if you want to speak about, why not?

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Another idea for a topic ? euh yes ......

Obesity ?


In France there is a big discussion about snack at school because of the children obesity.

In school some teachers give a morning snake just when children arrive in school, some give it later on the morning, some don't give it.

What is your opinion about that ? What is the position of National Education ?

But, for "aware", my dictionary says "to be aware" and not "to become aware" (se rendre compte, être conscient)

But it doesn't matter, that mustn't be the more important...

As I said :

to be conscious/aware of the importance of something : avoir conscience de ...

to become aware of something : prendre conscience de quelque chose

"avoir conscience" and "prendre conscience" are different even in French. There, you help children to become aware of something as they aren't aware of this thing before ;)

Euh, and for "to help children become aware...", don't we say "to help children becoming ..."???

I don't remember the rule for Vb-ing, but I feel it sounds better, no?

I forgot the "to" :blush: , it's to help children to become aware ... (in the dictionnary : aider quelqu'un à faire quelque chose : to help somebody to do something)

And "faire faire quelque chose à quelqu'un" (tâche à exécuter) : to have somebody do or make something

"faire faire quelque chose à quelqu'un" (aider) : to help somebody with someting/to do something :)


Well, I prefer this topic. I think, Kids don't eat really well, especially, when they become teenager. They like junk food, sweety things, candies and the worst things are drinks: coca cola, limonades...

When a child was skinny and starts to be fat, parents should speak to him to find some solutions... May be it's enough to reduce some stoff like bread, cakes. 0besity is a seekness, which people should take seriously because it can be really dangerous for health: heart and vascular system, lungs problems... :ninja:


I think since this year, french schools are banned to sell any food in automat boxes. Or not?

I think since this year, french schools are banned to sell any food in automat boxes. Or not?

Yes, but children have money to buy cake in the baker. Where is the solution ?


Obesity, ok... I've already got more ideas !


I think that change vending machines is good (but is it just in England or also in France?)... Indeed, I would certainly have not so put on weight (and had spots!!) when I was at lycée if there hadn't been those machines ! (ok, I got thiner then, but all the same ! :P )

But the real problem is in the families, I think... If parents took the time to cook balanced menus and to explain their children the consequences of bad diet, maybe obesity wouldn't be so huge ! (I know it is easy to say, but I really think something can be done...)

In my own family, my brother is quite fat, and he was worse before... and I'm sure that if there hadn't been so many cakes, biscuits, ice creams, etc. in cupboards and fridge, he wouldn't be so fat now... Nevertheless, my mother always kept an eye on him, but that wasn't enough ! (as soon as she turned the back (?), he picked up some food and hided to eat !)

In fine (again once), I think teachers have an important part to play, through discussions, science lessons... why not make a poster in the school with "what is a balanced menu", what are the risks of obesity...?


I think since this year, french schools are banned to sell any food in automat boxes. Or not?

Yes, but children have money to buy cake in the baker. Where is the solution ?

That true, but they have less chance to buy sweet things in the schooll and normally, they should'nt be allowed to leave the school. So I think, it's a good idea but parents have to control their kids, especially the kids, who are really fat. :huh:


For French National Education, it is possible to give snake (goûter) in the nursery schools during the welcoming or later but 2 hours before lunch time (it's not compulsory).

Some teachers don't give snake. Therefore, they discuss with parents and explain them the problems of obesity, heart diseases, fat, .... Their goal : parents must give at their children a good breakfast before going to school.

I don't understand why some children don't have breakfast on the morning !

Have you got explanations ?

snake (goûter)

Euh, "snack", no ?

I agree with you. It's unbelievable that children came to school without having breakfast !


another topic : what is the "role" of the teacher ?

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