mimi63 Posté(e) 5 mai 2005 Posté(e) 5 mai 2005 delphinie a dit : i now that i speak like a spanish cow but i can say some words without mistake : "Hello everybody, have a nice day" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How are you? my mame is Mimi, nice to meet you i'm not a spanisk cow
mimi63 Posté(e) 5 mai 2005 Posté(e) 5 mai 2005 tartinette a dit : And what about the other exams (history, dance, and professional oral for me) ?Mimi63, we 've got the same : for history, I'm beginning to study the arabian word and the exchanges with the christian world. I'm very late. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I finished the arabian world and the exchanges and the "industrialisation" this afternoon i hope to study the first war <_< it's a good idea to rent a contemporan video; you will see all the famous mouvement for your dance
Byza31 Posté(e) 5 mai 2005 Posté(e) 5 mai 2005 I live in Toulouse! You are lucky that it's sunny day in Rouen! Citation See the bright side of it, even if you can't run, you can stay indoors studying without any regrets Yes it's quite right, but indeed... I don't arrive to leave the forum in order to work seriously the OP or history. It's very difficult to work out of a library! Fortunately, the library is open tommorow!
sissi2 Posté(e) 5 mai 2005 Posté(e) 5 mai 2005 what a good idea : an english forum .I will be less alone now because i had no one with who speaking english .sorry for the mistakes ,but i know you will forgive me . how do you work for the exam ? I read only english magazines( vocable ,today in english ) someone listen to the radio ? do you really understand . i regret the moment when they diffused at tv news from foreign country : if i remember , we could follow english or american news and spanish news . now ,there is nothing in english .in netherlands all their films are in english when in france ?
Araneda Posté(e) 5 mai 2005 Posté(e) 5 mai 2005 Yep a sunny day here in rouen ( but a bit windy too !!!), it will be hard to stay enclosed here to work these *$##@% Oral pro !!!
crpegique Posté(e) 5 mai 2005 Posté(e) 5 mai 2005 Hello everybody, what a great idea this english forum it will be very good for my english witch is very bad ( I don't speak english anymore since 1992... at the university... you see it will be hard for me... I hesitated (ça se dit ?) between english and italian and finaly I choose english. It will be good if you correct my english if you want (I know I make lot of mistakes and it will be long to correct me...) See (write) you later
Byza31 Posté(e) 5 mai 2005 Posté(e) 5 mai 2005 Kiwichick a dit : Byza31 a dit : I live in Toulouse! You are lucky that it's sunny day in Rouen! Citation See the bright side of it, even if you can't run, you can stay indoors studying without any regrets Yes it's quite right, but indeed... I don't arrive to leave the forum in order to work seriously the OP or history. It's very difficult to work out of a library! Fortunately, the library is open tommorow! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You can say just "I can't" It's more correct. It's just to help, not co criticize <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks for your correction! So, I can't leave the forum. I work english with the book from the CNED, when I have the time. I also try to listen to BBC. And at times, I read short stories in english, most particularly the ones of Roald Dahl . But the real problem is to speak english : noone wants to speak this language with me! And my accent is ... the tolosan accent!
crpegique Posté(e) 5 mai 2005 Posté(e) 5 mai 2005 Don't wory Byza31 I'm sure we are many in your case (and first of all : me !) we can do as better as we can, and it will be ok, I think that all the of us can't speak english fluently, that's life . I think that we must absolutely understand the short extract that's the most important, and then we must speak and explain with our words. We can't do a "miracle" (how to say that in english ? I know it but I forgot it) now, because we have only a few weeks
crpegique Posté(e) 5 mai 2005 Posté(e) 5 mai 2005 Kiwichick a dit : crpegique a dit : Hello everybody, what a great idea this english forum it will be very good for my english witch is very bad ( I don't speak english anymore since 1992... at the university... you see it will be hard for me... I hesitated (ça se dit ?) between english and italian and finaly I choose english. It will be good if you correct my english if you want (I know I make lot of mistakes and it will be long to correct me...) See (write) you later <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I haven't spoken English since 1992 Hesitated ça se dit But don't forget to put caps to English & Italian ! Don't worry, when I'll be fed up to check up on mistakes, I'll say so and leave How is your child ? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks Kiwichick ! What means "caps" ? My child is a little girl, she's four and half (?) years old. She's lovely, she has long blond hairs, and she is very tall for her old, as people says. She is in second class of maternelle, and she loves her schooolmistress...
Araneda Posté(e) 5 mai 2005 Posté(e) 5 mai 2005 thx for all these hints Kiwichick ! A great way to improve his soken english is to listen to your best CDs with the lyrics booklet in your hands !
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